Knowing whether or not a boy has a girlfriend

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
The Right Age To Have A Boyfriend or Girlfriend? – Sadhguru
Video: The Right Age To Have A Boyfriend or Girlfriend? – Sadhguru


Sometimes it is unclear whether a guy likes you or already has a girlfriend. It's good to know whether or not the guy you're in love with is taken. However, it's also important to find out if the guy you're dating has a girlfriend without you knowing. Pay close attention so that you can avoid drama and sadness afterwards.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Pay attention to how he behaves

  1. Listen to how he talks. Guys don't always make it clear if they are in a relationship. But notice if he uses pronouns like "we" and "us" when talking about his past weekend or future plans, because another girl may be involved in his life. He can also talk a lot about a particular girl without ever explaining that they are a couple.
    • If a guy isn't flirting with you, it means he's not interested in you or has a girlfriend, or both.
    • Some guys are notorious for flirting or being charming with everyone they meet, even if they have a girlfriend. Don't get into the fun of flirting until you know a guy is single.
    • A man can still be nice and courteous to you, even with a girlfriend. Don't confuse kindness and politeness with flirting.
  2. Pay attention to the body language he uses around you. Some guys are very physical with everyone they like, but guys with girlfriends will often refrain from touching other girls. He may only be hugging his male friends or female relatives. If he's uncomfortable about your attempts to hug him or sit close to him, he may be already taken.
    • Don't force him to hold your hand, hug you, or do anything physical if you notice him turning away or keeping your distance. You don't want to be someone who stoves in a relationship.
    • He can give hugs or high fives to anyone regardless of whether he has a girlfriend, so don't use this as your only measure of whether he has a girlfriend.
    • If you find that he's avoiding being alone with you, he may be concerned that it's not clear to you that he's taken.
  3. Note if he has placed you in the friend zone. A man usually reserves his time and romantic endeavors for his girlfriend. If the guy you're interested in treats you like one of the guys and doesn't make time for you, it could be that he's already taken. A guy will intentionally introduce you to others as "a" friend, or will call you "boyfriend," "dude" or buddy, or some other noncommittal nickname to indicate that you are just a friend.
    • Girlfriends usually have the privilege of having their friend's time on weekend evenings. If he never seems to have time off, it could be because he sets aside most of his free time for his girlfriend.
    • He can talk about special events or spend time with family without inviting you. It is possible that he is going with a girlfriend who usually has right of way.
  4. Notice if he treats you like a secret. If you are dealing with a man who you suspect is cheating on his girlfriend and you are the "other woman", observe him closely. Changing your name on his phone, giving dark answers about where he's been or going, or limiting when you can call or text him could mean he's trying to hide you from a friend.
    • If he hasn't introduced you to his friends, family, or co-workers, he may not want anyone to know you have their attention.
    • It may not be your place to warn the girlfriend that this guy or boy is cheating on her. It can backfire on you. Distance yourself from the situation so that you are not part of the problem.
  5. Watch how he spends his time. In general, a man will spend most of his free time with his girlfriend. If hanging out with you or his friends takes up most of his schedule, he may not have other priorities. If you ask him what his evening or weekend plans are and he's off, he may not have a steady girlfriend.

Part 2 of 3: Pay attention to how he is in front of others

  1. Check out his social media pages. One of the easiest ways to subtly find out if a guy is in a relationship is to check out his Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram profiles. See if he's talking more than usual about hanging out with a particular girl or posting photos with a particular girl. You can also simply check his profile descriptions to see if he says he's in a relationship.
    • Also check the pages of his friends. Sometimes a guy doesn't want to post photos of a relationship, but you can check the pages of his friends and followers to see if they've posted photos of him with another girl.
    • Make sure you don't "like" old photos or posts from him or accidentally comment on old photos or posts from him. He will then receive a notification that you are stalking him.
    • While it is becoming increasingly uncommon, the boy may not have a social media page, in which case it may be more convenient to check friends' pages to see if he or she has posted information about him or her.
  2. Check his phone for evidence from a friend. Boys are just as guilty as girls when it comes to keeping photos and messages of a special girl in their life. You can ask to borrow his phone and sneak through his photo albums and texts to see if he has a girlfriend (invading his privacy).
    • Tell your phone that your phone's battery is dead and you need to make a call to avoid appearing suspicious.
    • Do not abuse his privacy. If you search his phone or log in to his social media profiles without permission, you could be caught. It is never a good idea to intrude into someone's life and stalk.
  3. Notice if he looks at other girls. Guys who are in a relationship rarely pay much attention to other women. A loyal boyfriend will not check other girls when they walk by or make comments about what a woman looks like to his friends.
    • On the other hand, you may also find that despite having a girlfriend, he still goes after other women and thus can be a fraud, so be on the lookout.
    • If he gives his number to other girls, he can be single. Your only challenge is to get his attention.
  4. Watch his flirting style. If your crush is flirting with all the girls, including you, he could be single. But some guys are charming and witty no matter who they talk to. It can be easy to confuse being nice with flirting. He could have a girlfriend, but still treat everyone with consideration.
    • Don't confuse being nice and funny with flirting. The main difference is that flirting usually involves physical touch and subtle hints about something more than friendship.
  5. Ask his friends. Sometimes a man is just really hard to read or is very private about his life. Find one of his friends and ask them if your crush has a girlfriend. Include the question in conversation to be subtle, or just text one of his friends if you want to be direct.
    • Try to be subtle when you ask. You can say things like, "What is your friend doing in his spare time" or make a joke like, "Oh, where is he going? Does he have an exciting date? "
    • Keep in mind that your questions may end up with the guy you are interested in. Boys talk to each other just as much as girls.
    • However, if your crush is single, then a tip that you like him and talked to his friends could be a way to get his attention.

Part 3 of 3: Asking him directly

  1. Ask him if he has a girlfriend. If you still can't figure out if he's dating another girl, ask him. Avoid texting, instant messaging, or anything electronic because it is important that you can see and hear how he responds to your question.
  2. Wait for a good time to ask. If you are in a group, it is not appropriate to bring up someone's relationship status. Be patient and wait until the two of you to inquire about a friend. You don't want to embarrass him by exposing his personal life in front of people.
  3. Be direct when you ask him about a possible girlfriend. Do not shy away from asking this to avoid uncomfortable situations. You could say, "I wanted to ask you something, do you have a girlfriend?" As long as you keep your tone casual, he shouldn't feel pressured by your question.
    • If he answers in the negative and hasn't been aware that you have a crush on him, he may notice your interest if you ask him about his relationship status.
    • Don't worry too much if he says yes. There will always be other guys, and really not all the good ones are already taken.
  4. Notice if he bypasses your question. It is not a good sign if he does not answer with a simple "yes" or "no". A hint of secrecy or nervousness is not a good sign. If he stumbles over his words or tries to make up an excuse, he's probably in a complicated situation. It is always better to stay away from a man who is not honest.
    • If he is open and honest, then you have a clear answer. But if he hesitates, take it as a warning that he might be hiding his relationship.
  5. Be respectful and mature no matter what answer he gives. Finding out that a guy you're interested in is already taken can be a tough blow. But stay cool if he gives you an answer, be it positive or negative.
    • If he has a girlfriend, don't collapse on the spot. In any case, wait until you are alone with your emotions about a missed opportunity so that you can save face.
    • The best news would be if he's single. Respond with something like, "Oh, well, that's interesting," to stay mysterious and not reveal your interest in him.
    • No matter how much you like a guy, it's not worth breaking up just to try and date him.


  • Don't try to appear overprotective, jealous, or possessive.
  • Try not to get too attached until you are sure he is available.
  • Try not to panic if he turns out to be unavailable.


  • Be careful not to stalk him or you will scare him away.