Kill fleas in dogs

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Rid of Fleas On Dogs (Cheap and Natural Way)
Video: How to Get Rid of Fleas On Dogs (Cheap and Natural Way)


Flea season can be a nightmare for you and your dog if you don't know how to kill fleas. If the weather stays relatively warm throughout the year, this can increase the number of fleas. The best measures are usually preventative, but there are also ways to kill fleas after they've already gotten into your beloved pet's coat. In this article, you'll find some different ways to kill fleas and stop them from hurting your dog.

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Method 1 of 3: Administer medicated flea treatments

  1. Wash your dog with a flea and tick shampoo. Although normal dog shampoo and dish soap will usually kill the fleas, you can use a special flea and tick shampoo if you need a more potent product.
    • Read the shampoo label carefully to determine how to use the shampoo on your dog.
    • Wet your dog with warm water and rub the flea shampoo into his coat.
    • Let the shampoo soak into your dog's coat for at least ten minutes and then rinse it off with warm water.
    • Flea shampoos usually contain pyrethrins, a type of chemical used to kill fleas.
    • Flea shampoos kill fleas and ticks already in your dog's coat.
  2. Buy a flea spray. Flea and tick sprays are available in both aerosol cans and bottles with a pump.
    • For best results, you should choose a spray that contains an adulticide and a growth inhibitor. This ensures that both adult fleas and their eggs are killed.
    • Follow your vet's directions, as well as the directions on the packaging, to use the product properly.
    • Spray in a well-ventilated area and avoid getting the spray in your dog's eyes.
    • Turn gloves while applying the flea spray to protect yourself.
    • When applying the flea spray to sensitive areas, such as the face, it is best to spray the spray onto your glove and rub it into your dog's coat. This way you do not run the risk of the dog getting the spray in his eyes, mouth or ears.
  3. Try a flea powder. You can usually buy a flea powder without a prescription from the vet. It works in the same way as a spray.
    • Read the directions on the packaging so that you use the product correctly. If you are unsure about anything, ask your vet any questions before applying the powder to your dog's coat.
    • Usually you apply the powder by sprinkling a thin layer over your dog's coat and allowing it to work undisturbed. Note, however, that powders often leave the coat gritty to the touch and require frequent reapplication.
    • Start at your dog's head and work your way back towards the tail. Make sure the powder gets on the dog's skin.
    • Also sprinkle the powder in the basket or on your dog's pillow.
    • Repeat the process once a week as needed.
  4. Prepare a medicated flea bath. Flea baths and rinses should be applied to your dog's coat after the flea infestation has started.
    • Mix the flea bath or rinse as directed on the package. Ask your vet for further instructions.
    • A flea bath means soaking your dog with a diluted medicinal mixture. A flea rinse is a medicinal mixture that you pour over your dog's coat until it is soaked. Apply both to all of your dog's coat and try not to apply them in just a few areas.
    • Only use flea baths and rinses in well-ventilated areas.
    • Most flea washes leave you in your dog's coat and don't rinse away.
    • These products typically contain chemicals known as pyrethrins, permethrins and organophosphates.
  5. Have your dog wear a flea collar. Flea collars differ quite a bit in quality. Many flea collars are also limited in effect and only kill fleas near the flea collar itself (on your dog's head and shoulders). However, a good quality flea collar can help repel and kill fleas when used properly. Make sure to choose a flea collar that is appropriate for your dog's age and weight.
    • Put two fingers under the collar to determine if it is snug enough around his neck without being too tight.
    • After putting the flea collar around your dog's neck, cut away the excess at the end. Do not let the dog chew the end of the flea collar.
    • Read the directions on the package carefully so you know how long the flea collar should last and what to avoid. Some flea collars are less effective when they get wet.
    • Check your dog's neck under the flea collar and remove the flea collar if your dog's skin becomes irritated.

Method 2 of 3: Using flea preventatives

  1. Use a monthly topical. Monthly topicals are one of the most effective and popular flea preventative medications for dogs.
    • Most of these topical or topical medications require a prescription from your vet.
    • Apply a few drops or a small pre-measured vial of anti-flea agent to your dog's skin. The packaging describes where to do this. Some medications need to be applied between your dog's shoulder blades, while others need to be applied in different places. Apply the medicine directly to your dog's skin and not to his coat.
    • This type of medication kills adult fleas that get into your dog's coat or bite your dog. It usually lasts for a month.
    • Some products also kill eggs, but not all medicines.
    • Administer the drug every month throughout the year. However, if it freezes regularly in winter, you could use the medicine less often during these cold months, as fleas are then inactive.
  2. Give your dog a flea tablet monthly. Ask your vet about preventative flea tablets that you can give your dog monthly.
    • Give your dog the pill once a month when he gets his food.
    • Your vet will prescribe the correct dose based on your dog's weight.
    • When a female flea bites your dog after treatment, it will ingest a chemical known as lufenuron. This is transferred to the eggs and prevents them from hatching. However, it does not kill the adult flea so it may take some time for you to see results.

Method 3 of 3: Try natural flea treatments

  1. Wash your dog. Often times, bathing your dog with warm water and a mild liquid dish soap or a simple dog shampoo will kill most if not all of the fleas in your dog's coat.
    • It is best to perform this treatment with a small to moderate flea outbreak. This treatment may not be powerful enough to kill large numbers of fleas.
    • Only use a mild dish soap without added fragrances and dyes that is safe for use on sensitive skin. If your dog develops a negative reaction from the soap, discontinue the treatment. After the detergent, use a conditioner specially designed for dogs to counteract the drying effect of the detergent.
    • Soap and rinse your dog once a week. Bathing your dog more often (especially if you use dish soap) can damage your dog's skin by drying it out.
    • The soap catches the fleas and pulls them out of the dog's coat. In addition, it disrupts the fleas' cell membranes and removes the protective wax coating on their bodies. A flea can therefore no longer retain water and die from dehydration.
  2. Comb your dog with a special flea comb. You can use a special flea comb or a fine comb with very small gaps between the teeth.
    • A flea comb mechanically pulls the fleas out of your dog's coat.
    • Comb your dog from head to toe. Make sure the comb touches your dog's skin while combing. If you just brush the coat without touching the skin, some fleas could even be left behind.
    • Immediately after removing a flea, dip the flea comb into a bucket or bowl with warm, soapy water. This soap mixture should be able to kill the fleas.
  3. Fight the fleas with lemon juice. Applying diluted lemon juice to your dog's coat should kill most fleas. Be careful not to let your dog's skin dry out too much from the lemon juice.
    • Mix equal parts lemon juice and warm water in a shallow bowl.
    • You can also quarter a lemon and cover it with boiling water. Let the mixture steep for eight hours or overnight before pouring the liquid into a bowl.
    • Dip a dog brush or comb in the lemon juice / water mixture and brush your dog, coating the coat. Make sure to brush the dog thoroughly. After one or two strokes, dip the brush back into the mixture.
    • Repeat the process once a day for three days.
  4. Treat your dog with apple cider vinegar. You can give your dog the apple cider vinegar topically.
    • Mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle. Cover your dog with this repellent by spraying it all over the coat, focusing on the areas where fleas often gather, such as behind the ears, at the base of the tail and under the legs.
    • Discontinue treatment immediately if your dog's skin becomes unusually dry or if you suspect your dog is reacting negatively to the vinegar.
  5. Try brewer's yeast. Brewer's yeast is a natural preventative and gives you an alternative to more aggressive chemicals. There is no conclusive evidence that it works, but it appears that active yeast affects flea counts.
    • Add a brewer's yeast tablet to your dog's food once every two days. Ask your vet to determine the best dose based on your dog's age and weight. Do not attempt to determine the dose yourself without your vet's approval.
    • The brewer's yeast eventually absorbs into your dog's skin and is excreted through your dog's pores. This makes the skin and coat less attractive to fleas, so you can effectively scare them away.
  6. Make a flea rinse with rosemary. This method has not been scientifically proven, but there is some anecdotal evidence that it effectively fights fleas. Soak your dog with rosemary infused water and let the coat air dry.
    • Soak two cups (500 milliliters) of fresh rosemary sprigs in boiling water for half an hour. Use enough water to cover the rosemary completely.
    • Drain the liquid and discard the leaves.
    • Add up to four liters of warm water to the rosemary water. Use less water if you have a small dog.
    • Let the rosemary water cool slightly. It should be warm, but not so hot that it burns your dog.
    • Pour the water over your dog so that it is completely soaked. Let your dog's coat air dry.
  7. Apply lavender essential oil to your dog's coat. This method has not been scientifically proven, but there is some anecdotal evidence that it effectively fights fleas. You only need to use a few drops of lavender oil in a few key areas to benefit from the oil's effect.
    • Wash your dog normally with warm water and soap. Dry your dog with a towel.
    • Apply a few drops of lavender essential oil at the base of the tail and on the neck. Using your fingers, gently massage the oil into your dog's coat and skin.


  • Do not give a cat flea medicine intended for dogs. Many of the chemicals in dog flea remedies are toxic to cats and can even kill them.
  • Be careful when combining multiple flea-killing methods. It is best to ask your vet for advice before using multiple products.
  • Many flea remedies are powerful and can be dangerous for people who come into contact with them for a long time. Use gloves when possible and always wash your hands thoroughly after applying the product.
  • Children, pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid coming into contact with most flea agents. Read the warnings on the label of the product you are using.