Get rid of fat on your upper arms

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What Causes Upper Arm Fat? Losing Fat From Arms Dr.Berg
Video: What Causes Upper Arm Fat? Losing Fat From Arms Dr.Berg


Are you tired of those flabby upper arms? Fortunately, there are many ways you can tone your muscles and get rid of the excess fat on your arms! To develop your arm muscles, it is best to do triceps and biceps exercises, while cardio training can lower the overall recovery rate in your body. Also try to eat more protein, as egg whites or proteins can help you build muscle and get more energy. For the best results, try to eat as little sugar and empty calories as possible!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Growing arm muscles

  1. Count your calories. If you take in fewer calories, your arms will be firmer and more contoured, even if you are building muscle mass at the same time. To lose 500 grams you have to burn 3500 calories. Write down everything you eat in a journal to get a better idea of ​​your calorie intake.
  2. Eat more protein. Proteins can ensure that you get more energy and build muscle mass, so that fat is less likely to be stored in your upper arms. Try to get more protein by eating lean meats, yogurt, legumes, and leafy green vegetables. Have a high-protein breakfast at least three times a week to keep your body in top shape.
    • For a nutritious start to the day, make a regular breakfast smoothie with protein powder, for example.
  3. Use less sugar. To help your body get rid of excess fat more easily, make sure you consume less sugar on a daily basis. Sugar stops the enzymes in your body that burn fat from doing their job. Ways to consume less sugar in daily life are, for example:
    • Swap sugary drinks for non-sugar alternatives (such as non-sugar tea with lemon instead of sweet soft drinks or sweet fruit juices).
    • Try low-sugar dessert recipes
    • Stop eating sweets, sugary cereals, cookies, and cake
    • Drink coffee and tea without sugar
  4. Overall, try to cut back on calories. Too much fat is often stored in the upper arms, so losing weight across the board will help you shed fat in your upper arms as well. Cut out unhealthy, high-calorie foods and eat more low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables. Adjust your portions, prepare your own healthy meals, and avoid:
    • Fast food
    • Snacking thoughtlessly
    • Eating at irregular times