Using toner

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024


Using toner is an important part of a good skin care routine. A toner cleans and moisturizes your skin, shrinks your pores, balances the pH of your skin and provides a protective layer against impurities. If you are going to use toner as part of your skincare routine, make sure to apply the toner after cleansing your skin and before using any moisturizer. Gently spread the toner over your face and neck with a cotton pad. Look for a toner with mild, natural ingredients that won't dry out your facial skin. You can also make your own toner at home that matches exactly what your skin needs.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Apply toner to your face

  1. Wash your face first. Wash your face with a cleanser, some warm water, and a soft washcloth. Gently massage the cleanser into your skin to remove makeup, dirt and impurities. Rinse your face well with warm water and when you're done, splash some cool water on your face. Finally, pat your face dry with a clean towel.
  2. Put toner on a cotton pad. Pour some toner onto a cotton pad until moist to the touch but not soaking wet. You can also use a cotton ball for this step if you don't have anything else at home. However, a cotton pad absorbs less moisture than a cotton ball, which helps to conserve toner.
  3. Apply the toner lightly to your face and neck. Use the cotton pad to gently wipe the toner onto your face, neck, and décolleté. Avoid your eyes and be careful not to get toner on your lips. Focus especially on skin folds and areas that are difficult to reach, such as your eyebrows, the sides of your nose, the skin near your ears, and the hairline. The toner helps to remove the impurities that the cleaner has not washed away and also removes remnants of the cleaner and salt and chemicals that are in tap water.
  4. Spray a second toner on your skin for extra hydration. A toner that you spray on your face can only dilute the impurities instead of completely removing them. So always use a toner that you wipe on your face first. However, if you like the refreshing feel of a spray toner, you can also treat your skin with this after wiping a toner onto your face.
  5. Wait a minute for the toner to dry. Most toners are water-based, so they get absorbed by the skin quite quickly. Make sure to let the toner soak completely into your skin before using any other products. In this way, your skin will retain moisture and be protected from impurities.
  6. Complete the process by using other products and applying moisturizer. If you are using acne remedies such as benzoyl peroxide or moisturizers, make sure to apply them to your face after using your toner. Using toner first will thoroughly cleanse your skin and allow the acne remedies and moisturizers to penetrate deeper into the skin.
  7. Use toner twice a day. In general, you should apply toner once in the morning and once in the evening. In the morning, the toner will remove any oil that your skin has produced overnight and will balance your skin's pH. In the evening, the toner helps to complete the cleaning process by removing all dust, makeup and impurities that the cleaner has missed, as well as any greasy residue left behind by the cleaner.
    • If your skin is particularly dry, you can start by using a toner once a day. Only use the toner at night. Using toner very often can dry out your skin even more. If you notice that your skin is getting particularly dry, consider buying a product formulated specifically for dry skin to prevent your skin from getting even drier.

Method 2 of 3: Buy toner

  1. Use a rose water toner to add extra moisture to your skin. Rose water is known for its moisturizing, purifying and invigorating properties. It is perfect for skin that needs extra moisture and where the amount of skin oil needs to be controlled. Look for a toner that has rose water as its main ingredient.
  2. Choose a chamomile-based toner to soften your skin. If you have dry, red, and sensitive skin, try a toner with chamomile. This ingredient can soothe skin irritation, fade blemishes, fight acne and provide a radiant complexion.
    • A combination of chamomile and aloe vera can even help treat eczema and rosacea.
  3. Do not use an alcohol-based toner that dries out your skin. More aggressive toners often have alcohol as an ingredient to tighten pores. Many people try to use an alcohol-based toner to combat acne, but this ingredient can easily irritate and dry out your skin if you use the toner too often. Instead, opt for a milder remedy without alcohol.
  4. If you have oily skin, look for a toner with natural acne-fighting ingredients. You can control your acne and still keep your skin hydrated by choosing a toner with milder astringents. Look out for ingredients like tea tree oil, citrus juice, orange oil, and witch hazel.
    • It's best to use an astringent once instead of twice a day. When your skin is used to it, try using it twice a day.

Method 3 of 3: Make your own toner

  1. Make a green tea toner that is suitable for all skin types. Simply mix 250 ml of green tea with half a teaspoon of honey. When the mixture has cooled, stir in 3 drops of jasmine oil. Place the toner in an airtight bottle and keep it in a cool place.
    • Meng thinks green tea stimulates skin cell renewal.
    • Boil the water for the tea for at least a minute to kill bacteria.
  2. If you have oily skin, use a mixture with apple cider vinegar. Make a toner that controls oily skin by mixing the juice of one lemon with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Stir in 200 ml of mineral water. Put the mixture in an airtight jar or bottle and keep it in a cool place.
    • Only use this toner at night as lemon juice makes your skin more sensitive to sunlight.
    • The apple cider vinegar in this toner helps to restore the pH of your skin.
  3. Make your own rose water toner for sensitive skin. In a pan or bowl, pour filtered boiling water over 125 grams of dried rose buds and let it rest for 1-2 hours. Use a strainer to remove the rose buds from the water, pour the water into an airtight container or bottle, and store the toner in the refrigerator.
    • Homemade rose water should be used within a week, so only make as much as you use in a week. 250 ml should be enough.
    • To hydrate your skin even more, add a few drops of geranium oil to the rose water.
    • You can buy dried rose buds on the internet or dry roses yourself.
  4. Store your toner properly. Homemade toners can be stored for up to 3 months after preparation. Make sure to use a clean jar or bottle. If you're reusing a jar or bottle, clean it completely and boil it in clean water for at least a minute before adding your toner.