Remain committed to your Christian faith

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Daring Faith to Remain Committed
Video: Daring Faith to Remain Committed


During your life as a Christian, it is normal to have times when you feel especially close to God. Unfortunately, it can also be the other way around - there may be times when it is more difficult to feel His presence in your life. During those times, it can be difficult to remain committed to your faith. Keep your faith strong by dedicating yourself to your spiritual routine and spending time with other believers.

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Method 1 of 3: Worship in seclusion

  1. Make time for your daily prayer and dedication. When you are struggling with your faith, you may find it difficult to consistently make time to read the Bible and pray. Still, a daily commitment helps you feel closer to God, even in difficult times.
    • Choose a time that is most convenient for you, and stick to it every day. If you are an early riser, you may enjoy starting your day by studying God's word. If you are more of a night owl, you may prefer to end the day with reflection and prayer.
    • While doing this, try to keep out all distractions. If possible, find a quiet place away from other people and turn off your TV and phone so that you can concentrate better.
    • Psalm 119: 105 describes how God's word can help you guide you: "Your word is a lamp to my feet, my path to light, to clear the darkness."
  2. Talk to God about everything that concerns you. Prayer does not have to be a formal address to God with folded hands. You can pray anytime, anywhere - and the more you pray, the more you will feel connected to God. That can help keep your faith strong no matter what you go through.
    • For example, you can thank God when good things happen, ask Him for wisdom when you face a challenging situation, or pray for comfort when you feel sad. If you really doubt your faith, try saying a prayer such as, "God, I feel so far from you right now. Please help me feel Your presence in my life. "
    • It may take you a while to get into the habit of praying constantly, so don't blame yourself if you sometimes forget. Just keep talking to God when you think about it - it will become more natural with time.
    • The Bible describes this kind of praying relationship in Philippians 4: 6: "Be anxious about nothing; but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your desires be made known to God."
  3. Read the Bible to keep your faith strong. Read a passage from the Bible every day during your quiet time with God, and really meditate on its meaning. You will often be amazed at how relevant your Bible study can be to what you are going through. When God's word applies to your own life, it can really help renew your faith.
    • There is no right or wrong way to read the Bible - you can start in Genesis and read all the way through, you can read one passage from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament every day, or you can do a daily guided reading from a devotional book. Most importantly, spend time studying God's word.
    • If you find yourself doubting your faith, read stories from Biblical figures who also struggled with their faith, such as Moses, Job, Esther, and Noah.
    • Meditate on what you read to really dig deep into what it means to you.
  4. If you sin, ask for forgiveness. Sin separates us from God, and that distance can create a crisis of faith if left unchecked. But there's a way back to God - in 1 John 1: 9, the Bible said, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Pray to God and admit your sins, and ask Him to forgive you and help you overcome them.
    • Everyone sins from time to time - that's our nature! But part of being a Christian is devoting yourself to becoming more and more like Jesus, which is why it is so important to turn away from sin when you recognize it in your own life.
    • The Bible commands us to forgive other people also for their sins against us: “And when you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. " -Mark 11:25

Method 2 of 3: Overcome Doubt

  1. Meditate on those times when you have felt God's presence. When you feel particularly distant from God, remind yourself of the times when you felt close to Him. Try to hold onto that feeling, and pray that God will help you feel His presence again. If you can get through the tough times, you will likely find that your relationship with God is closer than ever when you get to the other side.
    • For example, think back to when you first became a Christian or when you felt Him answer one of your prayers.
    • Even when it is difficult to feel God's presence, the Bible reminds us that He is always there. For example, Matthew 28:20 says, "And, behold, I am with you all the days to the end of the world."
  2. Keep a prayer book as a reminder of God's work in your life. Take a few minutes each day to write down what you are praying about. These could be things you are grateful for, things you worry about, people you love - anything that concerns you. When you are going through difficult times, read your journal and think about how God answered those prayers.
    • You can also write things down in your prayer book so that you remember to pray about it later.
    • A daily gratitude exercise can make it easier to see the good things in life. Write down something that you are grateful for every day. If you are struggling, read through your gratitude list and thank God for the blessings in your life.
  3. Allow yourself to ask questions. It can be difficult to always keep your faith strong, especially when you see and hear things that make you wonder if God is real. Being a good Christian doesn't mean you shouldn't question God or how He works in your life. But instead of allowing these doubts to draw you away from God, lean on your faith, talk to fellow believers, and read God's word to try to find the answers.
    • While you are a Christian, you may hear people say that God does not exist, or you may see other Christians acting in a way that makes you feel distant from the Church. But those things don't have to destroy your faith. Rather, use them as a reminder that all people need God's love and forgiveness.
    • You may also wonder why God allows bad things to happen to good people.There may not be easy answers, but it is important to note that these types of questions are a normal part of the faith.
    • The Bible encourages Christians to think critically about what we hear. I John 4: 1 says, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world."
  4. Be patient with yourself when you struggle with your faith. Many Christians go through times when they feel less close to God, especially when something happens that makes them question their faith. Take time to think about why you feel so far from God. Also think about times when you felt very close to Him. Then try to figure out how to get back to that close relationship.
    • Remember that your faith doesn't necessarily have to resemble someone else's. For example, you can believe that the stories in the Bible happened exactly as they are described, or you can believe that they are used as metaphors to guide God's followers.

Method 3 of 3: Enjoy the community

  1. Go to church to learn more about God's word. Attending church regularly will help keep your faith fresh and strong. It is a great way to spend time with other believers, and during the service itself you will hear concrete applications of God's word from the priest or pastor.
    • If you can't attend a local church in person, watch live-streamed services or listen to podcasts.
  2. Spend time with other believers in and outside the Church. Associating with other Christians is an important reason for attending church, but it doesn't have to stop there. Participate in Church activities such as Bible studies and discussion groups to meet other believers in a more informal setting. As your friendships grow, you can even do things that are not church related, such as barbecuing or drinking coffee together.
    • When you are with other people who share your faith, they can help you when you are struggling or hold you accountable when you drift away from God.
    • Visit Christian forums or social media groups to meet other believers online.
    • The Bible encourages this union over and over again, as in Hebrews 10: 24-25: but admonish one another, and so much the more, when you see the day approaching. "
  3. Volunteer your time by serving others. Helping those in need is a great way to show God's love to others. In turn, this can help strengthen your own faith, so look for opportunities to help wherever you can.
    • Ask your church if there are any missions you can participate in, such as helping with a food fundraiser for poor families or participating in a neighborhood cleanup.
    • Serving others doesn't necessarily have to be formal - you can show God's love, for example, by being a listening ear when a loved one is struggling.
    • Find a way to use your unique talents to help others, as advised in 1 Peter 4:10: "As each one has received a gift, so minister it to others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."
  4. Ask for advice and prayer from mentors in your church. Establish relationships with leaders in your church who you feel embody God's love. Then when you are going through hard times, let them know you're going through hard times. That way, they can pray for you, and they may even be able to share their wisdom with you based on their own personal experiences.
    • For example, you can turn to your pastor or priest, an elder in your church, or just someone you really like who has been a Christian for longer than you.