Relieve tension in your neck

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Yoga Moves To Relieve Tension in the Neck & Shoulders
Video: Yoga Moves To Relieve Tension in the Neck & Shoulders


Tension and pain in the neck can develop as a result of stress, working all day at the computer, poor sleeping positions or incorrect posture. Tension in the neck can often lead to tension headaches and other spinal complaints. You can relieve uncomfortable or painful tension in the neck by stretching, massaging, applying heat, and adjusting your daily routine.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Do neck stretches

  1. Start tilting your neck. Neck tilts are a good way to start stretching the neck, as they help lengthen the larger muscles in your neck and relax your entire body. Lengthening and stretching the small muscles in the neck can also help prevent tension headaches.
    • Sit comfortably cross-legged on an exercise mat or soft surface. You can use aids such as a yoga block or a pillow and sit on them to make the sitting position a bit easier.
    • Inhale and tilt your head to the right. Move and extend your neck to the space on your right side, instead of bringing your ear to your shoulder. You feel the stretching in your left shoulder and on the left side of your neck. Hold this position for three breaths.
    • On the exhale, lift your neck and look forward. Then breathe as you tilt your head to the left. Hold this position for three breaths.
    • You can repeat this exercise 2-3 times for each side. You can even add some resistance by placing your hand against your head and applying gentle counter pressure while tilting your head to one side. For example, when tilting your head to the right, use your left hand to apply light pressure against the left side of your head. Don't push or jerk your neck, and just apply light, gentle pressure to your head.
  2. Stretch your chin towards your chest. Open your neck muscles with a simple yet effective stretch from the chin to the chest.
    • Sit in a comfortable cross-legged position and use aids such as a pillow or a block to help tilt your pelvis forward. Inhale and slowly lower your chin to your chest. Imagine holding an egg between your chin and chest and you don't want to drop it.
    • Hold this position for two to three breaths. You should feel your neck and shoulder muscles elongate.
    • Inhale as you tilt your head and return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise two to three times, holding your breath for two to three counts.
  3. Stretch your arm by swinging. This simple standing stretch will get your torso and arms moving and help release tension in your neck and shoulders.
    • Start in a standing position with your feet hip-width apart and your arms hanging down at your sides. Start swinging your arms side to side. Use your torso and your shoulders to gently move your body from side to side, swinging your arms from side to side as well. Swing your arms and body for six to 10 breaths.
    • You can also make fists of your hands and swing your arms so that your fists are roughly against the hips. Repeat this for six to ten breaths.
  4. Bend over with your chest open. This standing pose is great for releasing tension in your neck and shoulders.
    • Stand on a mat with your legs about two to three feet apart. Point your feet in so that your toes are turned in and your heels are slightly out. Clasp your hands behind your back so that your fingers are intertwined and your palms are as close together as possible. Inhale as you lift your chest up to the ceiling, with your neck facing up.
    • Exhale as you slowly bend forward between your legs, bending from your hips and not your lower back. Lift your folded hands up to the ceiling and let gravity slowly drop them over your head.
    • Hold this position for six to eight breaths. Let your head hang heavily and keep your hands together tightly. You should now feel it stretching in your neck and shoulder muscles.
  5. Use a wall to stretch your neck while standing. You can use the corner of a wall to help stretch your neck muscles and relieve any tension that you are holding in this region.
    • Start by standing about two feet away from the corner of the wall, facing the corner. Keep your feet together and make sure that both feet bear equal weight.
    • Place your forearms against each wall, with your elbows just below your shoulders. Inhale and lean forward as far as you can without it hurting. You should now feel it stretch in the front of your shoulders and your chest.
    • Hold this stretch for about six to eight breaths. You can repeat these stretches three to five times a day.
  6. Do the cobra pose to stretch and strengthen your neck muscles. Once you've warmed up your neck muscles with several stretches, try a cobra pose to strengthen the shoulder, neck, and upper back muscles. This pose can help improve your posture and the condition of your spine. It is recommended that you stretch tense neck muscles before doing the cobra pose.
    • Start with a prone position on a mat, with your forehead flat on the mat or resting on a thin towel for support.Your arms hang at your sides, palms flat on the mat. Place your tongue against the roof of your mouth as this will help stabilize your neck muscles.
    • Inhale and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you lift your hands and arms, hovering a few inches above the mat. Lift your forehead about 3 cm from the mat with your gaze forward and down.
    • Hold this position for six to eight breaths, making sure your head is facing down and your weight on your legs, your toes pressing into the mat.
    • Repeat this pose two to three more times. Rest with one side of your head flat on the mat between each pose.
  7. Shrug your shoulders. Shrugging the shoulders works the upper shoulder and neck muscles. Sit or stand in a chair with your feet flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Let your arms hang at your sides as you shrug your shoulders, as if trying to touch your ears with your shoulders. Hold this position for 10 seconds.
    • Repeat this 3-4 times a day.

Method 2 of 3: Massage and apply heat

  1. Massage the trigger points on your neck. Massage can help work out and release the tension in your neck muscles, especially if you notice that a specific area of ​​your neck often feels tense. These trigger points are tight muscle knots or muscle fibers that are tense or overloaded.
    • Give yourself a neck massage by gently applying pressure with your thumb and forefinger on the muscles that mark the line between the neck and shoulders, also known as the monk's cap (trapezius muscle), which extends from the base of your skull to the center from your back and over your shoulders. you can feel multiple trigger points on your trapezius muscle. These trigger points feel like a rope, and when you apply light pressure, it can cause discomfort in the entire muscle group.
    • Use your thumb and index finger or your knuckles to gently rub and knead your tense neck muscles. If a co-worker, friend, or partner is nearby, you can ask them to help you rub and mold the trigger points in your trapezius.
    • You can also get a professional massage for your neck and shoulder muscles. Monthly massages can help relieve a tense neck and ease the pain.
  2. Use a foam roller to aid in massaging your neck muscles. You can also use a foam roller to massage away your trigger points and release tension in the neck. You can get foam rolls at most sports stores. Preferably choose a roll according to body length and 15 cm in diameter.
    • Place the foam roller on the floor or on an exercise mat. Lie on it lengthwise, with your upper back on the foam roll. You can optionally place your hands on your hips, on either side of your body.
    • With your torso parallel to the floor, roll your upper back and scapular muscles sideways against the foam roll. You should feel how the tension in the painful trigger points diminishes.
    • Roll at least 20 times on each side of your body to release tension in the neck and shoulders. You can use the foam roller every day to help control any muscle pain or stiff muscles.
  3. Apply a heating pad to your neck muscles. Heat can help reduce pain and muscle cramps in your neck. Wrap the heating pad in a towel and hold it against your neck for 20 minutes at a time.
    • You can also wrap a cold pack in a towel and hold it against your neck, as cold can also provide pain relief.
  4. Take a warm bath. Long, relaxed soaking in warm water can help ease tension in the neck and shoulder muscles. Lie on your back in the tub so your neck and shoulders can soak and enjoy the warm water.
    • You can also take a warm shower, but make sure you stand under the hot water long enough so that your neck muscles can warm up and relax. If necessary, sit on a small stool while the shower water flows down the back of your neck.
    • You can stretch your neck slightly while standing or sitting in the shower. This way you can stretch further while the hot shower warms up your muscles.

Method 3 of 3: Adjusting your daily routine

  1. Sleep on a low, firm pillow. Sleeping on too many pillows can cause your neck to bend unnaturally or get into an awkward position, which can cause tension in the neck. Preferably sleep on one or two pillows or use an airplane pillow, contoured to support your head and neck. These pillows also ensure that your neck and spine are aligned.
    • The best sleeping position for less neck tension is on the back, with your entire back resting comfortably on the bed. If you prefer to sleep on your side or on your stomach, your pillow should be no thicker than 10-15 cm.
  2. Adjust your posture when you sit for long periods of time. Neck strain is often caused by sitting in the same position for extended periods, usually while working at a computer or driving for hours at a time. Adjusting your posture in these stationary positions can help reduce neck tension and improve the health of your spine.
    • If you work at the computer, try to adjust your posture so that your alignment is correct and your neck muscles are not overloaded. Move your computer screen so that it is at eye level on your desk. Test your work environment by sitting in your office chair behind your computer. Make sure your gaze is directly on the center of the computer screen.
    • In addition, try to keep your head in the center of the computer screen, instead of sliding forward over your shoulders or to one side. You can also use a hands-free device such as a headset if you talk on the phone all day and you don't want to pinch the phone between your ear and shoulder.
    • If you use a notebook or notes while typing on your computer, you can place a paper holder next to your computer screen. This will help keep your head from turning to one side and looking down while typing.
    • Take breaks during your workday and get some exercise every 30 minutes so that your neck does not tighten or stiffen in one and the same position.
  3. Drink plenty of water during the day. The intervertebral discs in the spine consist mostly of water. Drinking sips of water throughout the day keeps your body hydrated and your intervertebral discs healthy and flexible. Try to drink at least five to eight glasses of water a day.
  4. Do at least 150 minutes of exercise per week. By getting your body moving at least once a day, you can relieve tension in your muscles and make your muscles stronger so that they are less likely to become stiff. If you are concerned that your neck will be injured from intense exercise, try light exercises, such as yoga, swimming, or jogging.
    • Be careful not to overload your neck if it is already tense or tight anyway. Avoid contact sports for neck tension and pain, as well as more intensive aerobics classes.
  5. Take painkillers to help relieve the pain. If the tension in your neck starts to become very uncomfortable and the stretching does not improve, you can take regular doses of pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, to keep the pain in check.
    • If the stiff neck does not improve in a few days or weeks, despite taking painkillers and stretching the neck, you should see a doctor. Your doctor will examine your neck and ask you about your daily routine to determine if your stiff neck is the result of a more serious medical problem.