Get a toned body quickly

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Full Body Toning Workout (15 Minutes)
Video: Full Body Toning Workout (15 Minutes)


If you have a fast metabolism and you have a naturally light build, it can be difficult to gain weight and build muscle. The good news is that there are proven methods for quickly gaining muscle mass. You will need to eat more, adopt the correct workout strategy and use exercises specifically designed to make your muscles bigger. Read on to find out how you can go from a skinny bar to a muscular hero in just a few weeks.

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Method 1 of 2: Training for more muscle

  1. Start with basic strength training. Most workouts for the major muscle groups in your body should start with a basic multi-joint strength training that will allow you to lift more weight. Think of bench press for the chest muscles, overhead press for the shoulders and barbell rows for the back and squats for the legs. This will allow you to lift heavier with these exercises and have more energy for the development of muscle mass. EXPERT TIP

    Put everything in. Doing high-intensity workouts is the key to building muscle. Light workouts, even if they take a long time, are nowhere near the desired effect of breaking down and rebuilding muscle. Schedule 1 hour sessions 3-4 times a week. This seems amazingly easy to do, but remember to make it as heavy as possible during each session. You can be sure that you will get muscle soreness - but you will also soon have more definition.

    • During each session, lift as much weight as you can handle while still being able to do the exercises properly. Experiment with the amount of weight you can handle by trying out different weights. You should be able to do 6-10 reps before you can go no further. If you can't do more than 2 without feeling like you're going to pass out, it's a good idea to cut back on your fork.
    • If you can do 10 or more reps without burning, add more weight. You just don't get more muscular if you don't go all the way.
  2. Lift explosive. Do each exercise quickly rather than slowly for the greatest possible muscle gain. In other words, lift with "explosive power"; Instead of worrying about the number of reps, it is better to time your exercise and do as many reps as possible within a set time.
  3. Use the correct form. Do each rep correctly to develop good technique. Beginners should aim for a certain number of reps that are appropriate for what you can handle. Make every exercise feel good. Do not train to muscle failure if you are just starting strength training.
    • You should be able to do the full movement of an exercise without having to lean forward or change your posture. If this does not work, it is necessary to reduce some weight.
    • In most cases you start with your arms or legs straight.
    • Work with a trainer a number of times in the beginning so that you can learn the correct technique for a number of different exercises before continuing on your own.
  4. Alternate the muscle groups. You don't want to work on the same muscle groups all the time, otherwise you run the risk of damaging your muscles. Rotate the muscle groups so that you work intensively on a different group with each workout. If you exercise three times a week, try the following schedule:
    • First workout: Do exercises for your chest muscles, triceps and biceps.
    • Second workout: focus on your legs.
    • Third workout: Do your abs and your chest muscles again.
  5. Avoid stagnation. If you do the same thing every time during a workout, you stand still. You have to add weight every time and when you find that there is no more progression, move on to other exercises and more weight. Keep an eye on your progress so that you immediately notice if nothing has changed in your muscles for a while; this can be a signal to change your fitness routine.
  6. Get plenty of rest between workouts. For someone with a fast metabolism, the rest periods are almost as important as the training sessions. Your body needs time to create new muscle tissue without having to burn calories from other efforts. Running and other cardio activities can even prevent muscle growth. Take it easy between every workout. Get a good night's sleep so that you are rested for your next session.
  7. Develop a muscle consciousness. Research has shown that mentally focusing on your muscles can optimize results in the gym. Instead of being distracted by the day's events or that gorgeous blonde next to you, aim for a mental attitude aimed at building even more muscle mass. Here's how to do that:
    • Visualize your goal for new muscle mass during each rep.
    • If you exercise with one hand, place your other hand on the muscles you want to grow. By doing this and focusing on your efforts, you will feel exactly where the muscles are exerting.
    • Remember, it's not about the amount of weight you hang on the bar; it is the effect of weight on your muscles that provides the increase in growth and strength that you crave. This has everything to do with how you think and what your objective and target is.

Method 2 of 2: Nutrition and muscle gain

  1. Eat foods with a high calorie content. Get your calories from nutrient-rich, natural food that provides your body with the right energy that you can use to grow more muscle mass quickly. Foods high in sugars, bleached flour, trans fats and additives are high in calories but have little nutritional value and are used to accumulate fat instead of muscle. If you want your muscles to grow and look defined, it is necessary to eat a whole range of foods from each food group and cut out other foods.
    • Eat high-calorie meals such as steak and roast beef, roast chicken (skin and dark meat), salmon, eggs, and pork. Protein is very important for building muscle. Avoid bacon, sausage, and other smoked meats, which contain additives and are unhealthy to eat in large amounts.
    • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables of all kinds. They provide you with fiber and essential nutrients and help with moisture management.
    • Eat whole grains such as oatmeal, whole wheat, buckwheat and quinoa instead of white bread, biscuits, muffins, pancakes, waffles, etc.
    • Eat legumes and nuts such as black beans, pinto beans, lima beans, walnuts, pecans, peanuts and almonds.
  2. Eat more than you think you need. Do you only eat when you are hungry and you stop eating when you are full? That is very good and completely normal, but if you are going for more muscle mass you may need a little more than usual. Add an extra portion to every meal but do not overeat, otherwise you will end up with a double layer of fat. Eat according to how hard you train. Your body needs energy to build muscle: it's that simple.
    • A good muscle-building breakfast can include a bowl of oatmeal, 4 eggs, 2 or more slices of ham, an apple, an orange, and a banana.
    • For lunch, take chicken on wholemeal bread, a handful of nuts, 2 avocados and a large tomato salad.
    • For dinner, have a large piece of beef or other protein source, potatoes, vegetables, and several servings of each.
  3. Eat at least 5 meals a day. Don't wait for your stomach to start rumbling; you have to constantly refuel yourself when you are in a muscle building phase. This will not stay that way, so enjoy it! Eat two extra meals in addition to your regular breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  4. Consider using supplements, but don't expect too much. Do not think that you only need to take protein shakes to build up enough muscle mass. To grow enough muscle mass, it is important that you get the majority of your calories from high-calorie, natural food. With that in mind, you can speed up this process by taking certain supplements that have been proven to be harmless to your health.
    • Creatine is a protein supplement that has been shown to aid in the growth of muscle mass. It is available as a powder that you can drink, dissolved in water, several times a day.
  5. Make sure you get enough fluids. Intense exercise can make you dehydrated quickly. Counter this by always carrying a water bottle with you so that you can always drink something when you are thirsty. Ideally, you should drink about 3 liters of water per day. Drink extra water before and after your workout.
    • Leave soda. It will not make you feel fitter and it can even negatively affect your strength training.
    • Alcohol doesn't really help either. It dehydrates you and eats energy. Drink responsible.
  6. Get to know your body better. What works and what doesn't? If you make changes in your diet, pay attention to how it affects your muscles. Everyone is different and food that is of little use to one person can make the difference to another. If you don't notice a difference after a week, make some changes and try something different the next week.


  • Stay motivated. Ask a friend or acquaintance to train with, join a bodybuilding forum, or keep a diary of your progress. Find something positive to inspire you.
  • Always ask someone to watch if you are going to do risky exercises such as bench press. Not just for your own safety, but also to encourage you to do a few more reps.
  • Do negative push-ups: Start with your arms outstretched and then slowly lower yourself. As low as possible without touching the floor with your chest or stomach. Then get up and return to the starting position (with the arms outstretched) and lower yourself again. Do this several times. This is an option for those who are not strong enough for a full push-up.
  • If you don't have weights to train with and you've never strength-trained, start with push-ups and chin-ups. They are difficult enough to be an excellent challenge for a long time to come.


  • Exercising too hard can be harmful to your health. Be realistic about your fitness and physical capabilities and use your efforts to avoid injury wisely.
  • Be careful with supplements such as creatine and strictly adhere to the prescriptions. If you pay attention to your diet, these types of supplements are not necessary, especially if you are not professionally involved with bodybuilding.