Hold up thigh high boots

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
💃How To Keep Thigh High Boots Up|No Falling|No Slouching|Keep Over The Knee Boots Up
Video: 💃How To Keep Thigh High Boots Up|No Falling|No Slouching|Keep Over The Knee Boots Up


The main disadvantage of thigh high boots is that they never seem to stay up without sagging while walking. However, there are plenty of ways to keep your thigh high boots exactly in place. You can try working with the boots to keep them in place, or you can use some handy tools and adhesives to hold them up. Whichever method you choose, you will be able to walk around with boots held high in no time.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Working with the boots

  1. Pull the cords tight against your thigh. If your thigh high boots have drawcords at the back, try pulling those cords all the way through the lacing holes. If there is enough slack, you can double knot the cords to prevent them from loosening while walking.
    • Be careful not to pull the cords too tight so you don't hurt yourself by cutting off your blood supply.
    • It can help to ask a friend to tighten and knot the cords, as he or she can work from a better angle.
  2. Wear thick knee or over knee socks under your boots. While not theoretically part of the boots themselves, thick socks can give your boots more to work with. The friction and tightness of the boots against the socks will support the thigh area of ​​the boots and keep them in place.
    • If all your over-knee socks are made of thin fabrics, try wearing multiple socks at the same time to create a similar effect.
  3. Fold the top of the boots down. Sometimes simply folding the boots over can prevent them from sinking down. However, this can be harmful to the fabric, especially suede, so check before doing this that you are not creating a permanent crease.
  4. See a shoemaker for a permanent fix. A shoemaker can adjust the fit of the thigh portion of the boots to match your body measurements. Thigh high boots are almost always expensive, and this option will cost you even more money, but it will almost guarantee a good fit.

Method 2 of 2: Using adhesives and other aids

  1. Make a so-called "boot bra". Cut out two pieces of stretchy fabric to fit around each of your thighs, then sew or glue the ends of the pieces together to make two loops. Then attach pieces of Velcro to both loops and the inside of the boots. Pull on both loops and attach them to the Velcro in the boots when you want to wear the boots!
    • You can also buy boot bras online.
  2. Put something in your boots to keep them from sagging when you put them away. Thigh high boots can sag even faster when stored incorrectly. You can avoid this by tucking inserts, such as old magazines, into the boots so that they stay upright in your closet.
    • Unless you buy an insert made specifically for thigh high boots, you may have to stack and balance several magazines in your boots to keep them upright.
  3. Use fashion adhesive tape to stick your boots to your socks. Fashion adhesive tape is a sturdy, double-sided type of adhesive tape that you can use to attach your boots to your socks. Thigh high boots are usually made of a heavy, sturdy fabric like leather, so you may need a lot of tape to hold them up.
    • Notice the hairs on your thighs. When you remove the tape, hair may be caught and cause painful ingrown follicles.
  4. Use fashion glue to stick the boots to your skin. Model glue is specifically designed to stick gently to your skin and can be used when your socks don't quite reach your thighs. You can simply apply some fashion glue to both sides of your thighs, put on the boots, and wait for the glue to dry.
    • Run your fingers along the top of your boots to gently loosen the adhesive from your skin, then from your boots to pull the boots off.
  5. Apply hot glue around the top of a pair of high socks. The glue will create friction between the socks and your boots when dry, which will help keep them up. This works just like wearing thick socks, but without trapping heat in your socks, because the socks you apply the glue to can be thin and breathable.