Find out if someone likes you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 3 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Signs Someone Really Likes You
Video: 10 Signs Someone Really Likes You


You suspect someone loves you, but you want to be sure. Keep in mind that it may be difficult to find out without the person telling you. However, there are a few ways to better recognize if someone has a crush on you. Read on for tips!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Collect clues

  1. Recognize the clues that someone is interested in you. If a person likes you, you may notice that they are staring at you, smiling, or trying to connect with you. If someone has a crush on you, they will likely try to find excuses to touch you more often. If the person is shy, they can show this by avoiding you. If the person is more confident and direct, they can show that they are attracted to you by noticeably giving you a lot more attention.
  2. Take a look at him / her every now and then during class. If you notice that the other person is often staring back, this is a sign that they like you. Does the other person keep staring back intensely for a few seconds? Does he / she look away shyly? Is the other smiling at you? These are all indications that that person is interested in you.
    • Try to fathom his / her eyes. If someone likes you and stares at you during class, they probably won't do it with an empty expression. Find out if the person is actually recording you or just staring into the empty space.
  3. Pay attention when someone smiles a lot. If someone laughs at your jokes, even if they aren't funny, it could indicate that they like you. It doesn't necessarily mean the person is madly in love with you, but it often indicates that there is some level of attraction present.
  4. Pay attention to their behavior in your area. If people do like you, you may notice it in their posture. They watch you when you enter the room, and may make an effort to make a good impression on you. He can run his hand through his hair, stutter a bit, or go the extra mile to be funny. He / she may laugh a lot or make an effort to be very nice to you.
    • When the other is with friends, does he / she ignore you or invite you to join them? If someone ignores you, they probably don't like you. However, if you are invited to join, they will likely find you at least an interesting person & ndash; and may even be in love with you.
    • If you notice her friends giggling and whispering to each other when you walk by, there's a good chance she's crazy about you. If you notice that he and his group are getting quieter when you walk by, they may be talking about you!
  5. Be careful with your assumptions. If you've seen this person staring at you once or twice, it doesn't automatically mean he / she is in love with you. If you are too quick with your conclusions, you may be disappointed. The only way to know for sure is to hear directly from the source itself: when someone tells you they like you. You can use your observations as predictive tools, but what you can find out with them is limited.

Method 2 of 3: Explore terrain

  1. Flirt with the person and see how they react. If the person flirts back, there's a good chance they'll be interested in you. If the other person simply nods, but otherwise doesn't respond, they may not have been paying attention - or may be afraid to say the wrong things. If the other person starts to act nervous and becomes restless, they may really like you and be afraid of being rejected by you, but they may also be looking for an opportunity to dismiss you as naturally as possible. Trust your gut! It can be difficult to say, but your intuition can guide you in the right direction.
    • Keep in mind that some people are naturally flirty. Flirting back doesn't necessarily mean the person in love is on you - it can only indicate attraction, or that he / she is very open.
    • Try to touch the other person casually to see how she reacts. When you say something to them, put your hand on their arm or shoulder and sit so that your thighs and shoulders are touching. If the person seems to be responding well to your touch, this could be a good sign.
  2. Try to become friends. Many strong relationships started out as simple friendships. If you can befriend this person, you will learn more about them and the other will learn more about you. If you are both compatible, you may start to like each other. This can also help the other person to relax around you more.
    • Go out once with a group of friends and invite "someone" over. This can make it much easier to be around someone you like.
  3. Make a joke that only you and the other person understand. You can't really force this, but you can take advantage of the moment when it occurs. Mention "your" joke again a day or two later, and see if the person memorized it. This can be a good way to determine if the person attaches meaning to your interactions.
  4. Notice when he / she is listening. Attraction can reveal itself if the person is full of attention when you talk. He / she can ask you questions about your life. If you know each other better, you may be talking to them about personal preferences and experiences that don't normally occur in a conversation. If he / she listens and has memorized the details hours or days later, chances are he / she likes you.
    • Again, this is not a definitive method of finding out if someone loves you. However, it can give a pretty good indication.
    • Try telling a long story and making sure the person is listening - but don't make the story too boring. If he / she hangs on your every word, he / she probably finds you interesting.

Method 3 of 3: Be direct

  1. Ask the other person for his / her phone number. Do this in a casual way. If you can be cool with it, grab your phone and start texting, then casually ask, `` Hey, [his / her name], what's your cell number? ”It helps to have a specific reason to ask this: arranging a study group, for example, or organizing a party. If the person doesn't mind giving you their number, it doesn't necessarily mean he / she likes you in a more-than-Platonic way - but it does indicate that he / she likes you enough / feels comfortable communicating with you in a different way.
    • Don't ask someone else for your crush's phone number. If you want someone's phone number, ask that person.
    • Note if this person asks for your number, or gives you his / her number, without you having to ask for it. These initiatives can mean that he / she likes you. Consider this an invitation from the person to text.
  2. Talk to the other person outside of school. Add this person as a friend on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or any other social network. Send him / her a text message, if you have his / her number. Start with something simple: Ask about the homework if you want to approach it cautiously, or just say, "Hey, what's up?" Remember, this feels much more natural to both of you if you're already talking to this person.
  3. Ask him / her out. If you are reasonably sure that this person likes you, ask them out. Invite the other person to go to a movie, a concert, or just a walk through the park. Be calm and confident, and try to behave naturally.
    • Have a specific day, event, or schedule in mind when asking the other person out. Do not ask someone "out" in a vague way. "Going out together" really means that you and the other person go to a lot of places together and make a lot of specific plans.
    • If the person rejects you, try to put it in perspective. There are lots of fish swimming in the sea, as the saying goes, and it's not always worth stubbornly spending your time with someone who just doesn't like you. Consider whether the person declined your invitation for some other reason: they may not be allowed to go out with someone, or they may not have been convinced that you were sincere.


  • Talk to his / her friends. They can give you clues that he / she likes you.
  • Lightly touch the other person on the arm when talking to them. If the arm is pulled away, that person is likely to feel a little uncomfortable about it.
  • Don't impose. Have respect for the other person if they indicate something that they "like" you, but nothing else - or that they are not ready for a relationship. This is their decision. Who knows what the future will bring?
  • Continue in the "friend zone". When she's not in a relationship or in a heartbreak, let her know that you will always be there for her.
  • Don't overdo your efforts. Let the other chase you. If she gives you her number and says, "Hey, text me," you know you're doing something right.
  • Ask that person! When you've reached the stage where you are good friends, you can start talking about your feelings. If you don't ask, you won't find out! If the love isn't reciprocated, at least you haven't wasted too much time.
  • Ask a friend to wrist it in a subtle and discreet way. Be careful with this! This is a risky move.
  • Don't jump on it too quickly. Slowly, but surely, is the best technique for such a situation. If you go too fast, you could waste your chances.
  • Don't always expect the other person to do the first. You also have the potential to get things started. If you think the time is right, and you've been staring at each other for a few days, go for it.
  • Don't force yourself on the other. This can make people feel uncomfortable. Take it slow.


  • Don't be a creep.
  • Save yourself from a broken heart.
  • Don't stare.