Dealing with problems

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
The Ugly Truth About Problems (How To Deal With Problems)
Video: The Ugly Truth About Problems (How To Deal With Problems)


Every person has problems: even the richest person in the world faces challenges in life. There are times when problems feel overwhelming and you have a hard time getting over them. But by taking responsibility for your problems and setting a path to overcome them in a constructive way, you can deal with any problems that come your way.

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Part 1 of 2: Determining a path to resolve problems

  1. Stay as calm as possible. It is common to overreact when you have a problem, but that can lead you to make bad decisions.Before you start tackling your problems, it is important to get your emotions under control, this can help you to stay calm and deal more effectively with whatever comes your way.
    • Take a few deep breaths and repeat to yourself "let it" as you inhale and "go" as you exhale. This can help control your heart rate and relax you.
    • Repeat to yourself, "I'll get through this. It's a challenge, but I can find a solution."
  2. Take responsibility for the problem. Recognize the problem very consciously and then accept responsibility for your part in the problem, which can enable you to deal actively and constructively with any problem that arises.
    • Write down or mention the problems and their causes. This can help you visualize, accept and even tackle a problem more easily.
    • For example, if you missed a mortgage payment, accept that you have some, if not all, responsibility for it. Likewise, if you have bad grades, acknowledge the role you played in getting those bad grades.
  3. Evaluate situations before you respond. If you're dealing with a problem and you're not sure what or who caused it, take a moment to think before responding. It's easy to blame someone else for problems, especially when you feel challenged or overwhelmed, but blaming others is counterproductive and can lead to further problems. was caused by external circumstances (other people or things that you had no control over), internal circumstances (something you did or failed to do), or a combination of the two.
    • "External factors". If someone hits your car while it is in a parking lot, it could be an example of a problem caused by external factors. You did not cause the accident and there was nothing you could have done to prevent it.
    • "Internal factors". If you are late for work because you pressed the snooze button on your alarm too many times, this could be an example of an internal factor. In this situation, it is important to recognize your role in arriving late for work so that you can avoid the same mistake in the future.
    • "Combination of Factors". If your group gets a bad grade at a group presentation, chances are that each of you could have done things better, not just one person. Try to identify your role in the situation and take responsibility for it.
  4. Find a quick fix. Many problems require an immediate or quick solution. By staying calm and giving yourself the time you have, you can find a quick solution to your problem.
    • Don't forget to take a deep breath before responding.
    • Evaluate or assess the situation and any information about it as soon as you can. For example, if your toilet is overflowing, you can check the tank or basin to see what's going on. Also, if someone is yelling at you and it looks like he or she is getting aggressive, you can quickly find out that it is wise to get you out of the situation.
    • Give yourself the time you need to fix the problem and respond with a solution. For example, if you realize that your insurance has expired and you have not received a notice of renewal, call your insurance company and ask about options for getting coverage as soon as possible.
    • Think about different solutions to the problem and then decide which one is most appropriate - for example, if your toilet overflows, you can immediately call a plumber or try to stop the water. However, you can also try to stop the water by turning off the faucet on the tank and then calling your plumber or draining the toilet.
    • Think of different angles if the problem involves another person or other people.
  5. Identify problematic patterns. When you dwell on your problems without blaming others, you may recognize some patterns in your behavior that lead to challenges. Identifying patterns that lead to problems can help you deal with them more effectively.
    • List everything that is causing you problems. For example, "pay bills on time" or "excel at work / school."
    • Think about your power to change that can help you deal with the problem.
  6. Set goals to solve problems. Part of dealing with a problem is setting a goal to fix it. Set achievable goals for yourself to deal with your problems.
    • Use the SMART method to set goals for solving your problems. SMART means: specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, time-bound. An example: you may want to pay off your debt mortgage. Your goal may be: "I want to settle my mortgage issue with the bank within the next two months. I will contact my lender and discuss the issues surrounding my debt and ask what options there are to get my account back in order."
    • Write down your problem and the planned goal of solving it on paper. Visual cues can reinforce your willingness to deal with your problems. For example, you could write, "I spent my money unwise and couldn't pay the mortgage. I need to keep track of my spending habits and get my account back in order."
  7. Make sure your expectations are realistic. Keeping expectations for the results within the bounds of the feasible can help you deal with the problems more effectively, and committing yourself to an unrealistic solution can lead to additional problems and stress.
    • Check that your expectations are realistic by looking at the goals you have set to solve the problem.
    • For example, depending on how much your mortgage costs and how far behind you are with your payments, you may not be able to pay back the entire amount in two or three months. Remember that you have to eat and pay other bills. Consider talking to your lender, partner, or financial planner about strategies for solving the problem effectively.
    • Using realistic solutions reduces the stress that can make it difficult to tackle the problem effectively.
  8. Have faith in yourself. Taking a negative attitude and getting stuck in trouble is not constructive. Having confidence in yourself and your ability to deal with your problems constructively can help you deal with them more effectively. Use your past victories to inspire and strengthen your strength in times of trouble.
    • Make it easy for yourself to focus on what's positive in your life.This can put your problems in perspective and show you that you can handle any challenge that life presents you.
    • Express a positive appreciation for yourself. For example, "I know I have a problem with my grades in general, but I am very good at chemistry. I can apply my skills from that class to my other subjects."
    • Surround yourself with individuals who are confident in your skills and your willingness to solve problems quickly and effectively.

Part 2 of 2: Dealing with challenges

  1. Take action. The best way to address your problem is to take action as soon as possible. Once you've recognized your problems and set some constructive goals to address them, take action to achieve those goals.
    • Show initiative in dealing with the problem. For example, if you know you can't pay, call your lender or company and explain your situation. Ask if a solution can be found that works for both parties. If you got a bad rating at work, make an appointment with your boss to see how best to improve.
    • When taking action, avoid impulsive behavior. For example, if a friend is spreading gossip about you, compose an email about her behavior. Wait overnight to send the email so you don't write anything you might regret later.
  2. support your goals and actions. Maintain the positive attitude you take as you deal with your problems. This can help you more effectively support the goals and actions you pursue to meet challenges.
    • Remind yourself of the problems you want to tackle by reading the list of problems and goals you have written down.
    • Speak to friends, family, and others involved in the issues to help remind you that you want to deal with them successfully.
    • Schedule an appointment with a counselor or mental health professional. If you find that your problems are causing you a lot of stress or if you feel like they are so overwhelming that you don't know how to deal with them, talking to a counselor may be able to help you.
  3. Let go of the negativity. Remember that negativity can hinder your ability to deal with a problem. Frame the problem and negativity in something positive, which can help you deal with the situation more effectively.
    • Use the problem as an educational experience. For example, if you couldn't pay your mortgage because you spent the money on entertainment, learn that impulse spending can have serious consequences for yourself.
    • Fix your negative attitude to problems by putting them in a different light. For example, if you aren't doing well in your history class, but it's right before your favorite class, look at the history class as a step closer to your favorite time of the day. This can help improve your overall attitude, get your attention, and improve your grade.
  4. Welcome positive changes. If you've recognized your problems and set goals to address them, you've probably started making positive changes in your life. Welcome these changes and the ways they help you deal with your problems.
    • Discover the positive sides of your problems, which can help you change your way of thinking and deal with those problems more effectively. For example, "my bad grades made me realize that I really want to go to college and improve my performance at school to get hired."
    • Avoid fear of change and remind yourself that you are doing this to help yourself deal with problems
    • Use positive language. For example, "I deal with my problems constructively. It will take a while to resolve them, but I am on the right track."
  5. Accept setbacks. If you actively try to deal with problems, chances are you will face some setbacks. Acknowledge the setback, take appropriate action, and then move on to address the issues.
    • Don't try to take responsibility for the outcome if it depends on other people. For example, if your girlfriend is spreading gossip, you can write to her and address the problem, but you can't expect her to apologize.
    • Only control what you can control. For example, you can't check if your friend will apologize after reading the letter. Also, you can't control how a lender will respond if you propose a different payment solution for your debt mortgage.
  6. Keep moving forward. Sometimes it takes a little longer than you expected to solve your problems. Continuing to work on the solutions and goals makes it possible to continue to deal with the problem constructively.
    • Stay positive. There is evidence that a positive attitude promotes progress. Sticking to your plans and having a positive attitude to dealing with your problems can help you deal with them actively.
    • For example, if you keep getting bad grades, keep trying. Any progress on your grades is good progress.
  7. Find balance. Dealing with problems can exhaust you physically and mentally. Allow yourself to rest and focus on other things. Striving for balance in your life can help you deal with your problems more effectively.
    • Take a short break during the day to walk or run. This distracts your mind from your problems and may make you more able to deal with them.
    • Give yourself time to be alone or with the people you love. This can help remind you that you have support and why you are working on solving your problems.