Announcing your pregnancy

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Pregnancy Announcements That’ll Make Your Heart BURST With Joy ♥
Video: Pregnancy Announcements That’ll Make Your Heart BURST With Joy ♥


When you find out you're pregnant, sharing the news is a big part of the anticipation. Whether you choose to announce the news with a bold, creative gesture, or gradually reveal it to all your loved ones, you will remember these moments no matter what. In this article you will find different approaches to share the joy with your family and friends.

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Method 1 of 3: Part one: Tell your partner

  1. Opt for an intimate conversation. Maybe you and your partner have been trying to get pregnant for a long time, then you know your news will bring tears of happiness. Or your pregnancy may be totally unplanned, it will be as much of a shock to your partner as it was to you when you were positive read on the test. Either way, perhaps the best way to tell your partner is an intimate and honest conversation.
    • In most cases, your partner should be the first person you share the news with. You may be tempted to call your mom or best friend right away, but if you're in a relationship with someone else who will also be a parent of your baby, that person deserves to be the first to hear the news.
    • Try to be honest with your partner about your true feelings. If you are afraid of what is to come, share that feeling, just as you share the joy. You will need emotional support while you are pregnant and hopefully your partner will be able to give you this even at those times when it all gets too much.
  2. Reveal the news with a sweet or funny surprise. You may want to bring the news in a creative way so that you can enjoy the expression on your partner's face. Here are a few fun ideas to consider if you want to make your partner laugh:
    • Prepare a romantic dinner. Serve baby-themed foods such as carrots and apple juice presented in a baby drinking cup. It won't be long before your partner gets the message.
    • Schedule a movie night and rent baby-related movies: “Nine Months”, “Look Who's Talking” or “Babe”. Write your news on a piece of paper and put it in the DVD box. Hand the box to your partner and you will see how the news brightens up his or her face.
    • Give your partner a gift. Buy a T-shirt or coffee mug with the words “Best Dad in the World” or “I Love My Mom” on it. Wait with a smile while he or she takes in the big news.
    • Order a cake from a bakery. Ask if the words "Congratulations on your pregnancy" can be written on it. Then you ask your partner to pick up the cake for you and bring it home. When he or she asks who the cake is for, say, "For us, we're going to be parents!"
  3. Be prepared for a series of responses. If this is an unexpected - and potentially unwanted - pregnancy, be as calm as possible and give the other person time to digest the news. A person's initial reaction is not always indicative of his or her true feelings.

Method 2 of 3: Part two: Telling loved ones

  1. Tell it when you are ready. Traditionally, women wait until the end of their first trimester before telling others about their pregnancy. Miscarriages are most common in the first trimester, after which the risk drops significantly. Today, however, many women don't want to wait three months before they can finally receive congratulations and get support from family and friends. Choose the time that makes the most sense to you and your partner.
  2. Before making the news public, tell your loved ones. It's nice to share the news with your family, your partner's family, and close friends before posting the information to Facebook, Twitter, or a public blog.
    • Consider sharing the news with your loved ones in person or calling them individually. If you tell them via email or in a similar way, you will not hear their cries of joy and surprise!
    • Alternatively, you can make the news official by sending a card. It has become trendy to share the news via pregnancy announcement, you can find it at most stationery stores.
    • If you want to be able to see people's reactions, wait until a family gathering and have everyone pose for a photo. Instead of having everyone say “cheese,” say “I'm pregnant!” Right before taking a few pictures.

Method 3 of 3: Part three: Telling the rest of the world

  1. Make your announcement using social media. If you have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can share the news by posting a pregnancy announcement or a photo of yourself that tells people you're pregnant. Some couples choose to post a photo of the first ultrasound. There are many creative ways to reveal your news - just be yourself!
    • Keep in mind that once you put the information online, there is no control over who sees it. Wait to post the news until you are ready for everyone to know.
  2. Consider your workplace. Your friends at work will be happy to hear that you are pregnant, but there are a few extra things to consider when you start informing your bosses and co-workers about your pregnancy.
    • Tell your boss first before telling the rest of your colleagues. It is common to wait until after the first trimester, or even until the pregnancy becomes apparent, before telling your boss that you are pregnant. If you have friends at work who are happy to tell you the news beforehand, arrange an appointment with your boss early on.
    • Research your company's maternity leave policy so you can have an informed conversation with your boss. Be prepared for questions about how your pregnancy will affect your job performance and how much maternity leave you want to take.


  • Be prepared that some people may have negative or unpleasant reactions. Pregnancy announcements evoke all kinds of different feelings in people. Don't try to take it personally if someone has an unpleasant reaction.
  • Be creative and brainstorm some ideas. Make the announcement however you want. This is your kid and you can have as much fun as you want!
  • The sooner you share the news, the sooner you can start planning the baby shower, choosing names and buying necessary baby furniture and baby clothes. There is a lot to do in the nine months before your baby is born.


  • Be aware of your timing. Your good news can be annoying to someone else. Did your sister-in-law miscarry last week? Then take her feelings into account. Imagine how you would feel.
  • With the second pregnancy it is more difficult to surprise family and friends, because a woman tends to show it much more quickly. Therefore, it may be necessary to reveal the news earlier.
  • Know your partner. If you have a serious partner, maybe you shouldn't be too fun and creative about the news.
  • You may want to hold off on sharing the news, but keep in mind that vomiting, a growing belly, and multiple visits to a doctor are hard to hide. Think about it carefully, maybe you better announce your pregnancy now, now that you can still surprise people. Otherwise, you will likely lose that exciting element.