Get your vote back

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When you get out, get your vote back.
Video: When you get out, get your vote back.


You only realize how often you talk until you suddenly lose your voice. To get your vote back, follow the steps below.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Repair your throat

  1. Drink enough water. This may be a surprising suggestion, but the best thing to do if you have a problem with your vocal cords is to drink water. If you drink water, it should be at room temperature to prevent further damage to your voice with hot or cold water.
    • Drink like your life depends on it. Your body always tells you when to drink, so never ignore your body's signals. Drink wisely regularly. Drinking helps restore your voice and it is also good for your digestion, skin, weight, energy, and almost all other body parts and functions.
  2. You should not try to speed up the recovery process. Even if your voice feels better again, don't stop the remedial action just yet. If you are on a course of antibiotics, you do not stop as soon as you feel better. Do not stop until your voice has recovered 100%.
    • Avoid dairy, just like acidic foods, if you want to sing. It may feel good to cool your throat, but this is not good for your throat even if it feels good. You want to get rid of the mucus in your throat, so do not drink products that promote mucus growth.


Be careful with hot water as you can burn yourself badly.