Convince your parents to let you have Snapchat

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Snapchat is a fun form of social media that allows you to send your friends photos that disappear after a few seconds. While the app can be fun, sometimes parents find it dangerous or that you are too young to use it. You can try to convince your parents to let you use Snapchat by politely asking them if you can download the app and make compromises so that they feel more comfortable about the way you are talking.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Asking your parents

  1. Show that you are responsible. Your parents won't let you have Snapchat if you're not responsible. Show your parents that you are well behaved and they will trust you more to use Snapchat. Do your chores, do your homework and help around the house. This shows your parents that you are responsible and that you can use Snapchat.
    • Don't post anything inappropriate on Instagram or Facebook. Otherwise, your parents may not think you are responsible enough for Snapchat.
  2. Find a good time to ask them. Make sure to bring up the topic of Snapchat at a good time. Don't ask when your parents are busy or half asleep. Find a good time to ask them when they are not being distracted or stressed.
    • Good times to ask your parents might be during dinner or in the car.
    • Start by saying, "Mom and Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?"
  3. Ask them calmly and politely. When asking your parents if you can have Snapchat, make sure you are calm and polite. Don't whine, cry, or beg. Your parents are more likely to say no to someone who is having a tantrum than someone who is polite and understanding when they ask for it.
    • Try saying something like, "Is there any way I can download the Snapchat app?"
  4. Explain why you want it. Have good reasons why you want Snapchat. Explain to them how it helps you socialize and join groups of friends.Talk about how you'll use it to get closer to friends and make new connections at school. You can explain to them how it's a great way to stay in touch with people more than regular messages because you can see what people are doing.
    • Say something like, "A lot of people at school have the app, and I feel left out of conversations and groups because I don't have them. Having the app allows me to connect with more people and get closer to other children in school. "
  5. Explain how you will use it responsibly. Your parents may be concerned about Snapchat because of the speed at which the photos disappear. This means that many people use Snapchat to send each other inappropriate photos. Talk to your parents about how not to send anything inappropriate and understand the risk of people taking screenshots of your photos, even though the photos will technically "disappear."
    • For example, you could say, "I promise I'm responsible enough for Snapchat. I don't post or send anything inappropriately. I understand that although the photos disappear, people can still take screenshots of what I send. But I'm only going to use Snapchat with my best friends. "
  6. Ask them why they feel uncomfortable because you have it. If your parents say no to you, calmly ask them their reasons. If you understand why they don't want you to have the app, you can convince them to let you download.

Part 2 of 2: Proposing compromises

  1. Discuss making time limits. If your parents don't want you to have Snapchat because they worry you will sit on it too much, consider compromising with time limits. Agree not to use your phone for a certain amount of time per day. Promise never to use it during class or after you go to bed.
  2. Suggest they manage your friends list. Letting your parents manage your Snapchat friends list may make them feel more comfortable using the app. This way they will know that you are only talking to people they know and trust. Their rules may be that you cannot have children of the opposite sex on your Snapchat or they may only want friends on your Snapchat that they have met. Agree to "friend list checks" to make sure you follow the rules.
  3. Agree to change the app's settings to private. Explain to them that you can edit the settings in the app so that only people in your friends list can send you photos and messages. This way you will not get random messages and photos from strangers.
    • Explain to them that they can block people on Snapchat that they are uncomfortable with.
  4. Agree not to watch the media snapchat stories. The reason your parents may not want you to have Snapchat is because of the stories from media outlets like MTV and Buzzfeed. Your parents may be concerned about inappropriate content appearing in these stories. Promise not to watch these stories if you get Snapchat.


  • Remember that your parents love you and are just trying to protect you.
  • Stay calm and don't whine or cry.
  • If your parents say no, respect their decision. Don't keep bothering them.
  • Keep calm and ask why they might not let you download Snapchat. They may have a good reason, so be patient.
  • Ask politely, but don't whine too much. They are likely to get irritated. Showing maturity means that you are treated with maturity.
  • Find a friend who has the app and ask them if you can give your parents a mini tutorial on how to use it so they know how it works.
  • Make sure to only include people you know.
  • Say Snapchat has turned out to be the most exciting form of social media because people aren't afraid to send imperfect photos, unlike Instagram where everything is always "perfect".
  • Offer them the deal that they can check your Snapchat and see what's on it.
  • Don't be upset if they say no. They say this because they want to protect you.
  • Learn that if your parents don't want you to have it, it's for a reason and they just want to protect you

Respect their decisions.

  • If you really want your parents to give you the opportunity to get snapchat, show them how responsible and mature you can do housework, babysitting, and showing integrity (even when no one is watching), then you might get it!
  • Give your parents a list of all the reasons why you want Snapchat. If a sibling has Snapchat, you can say "can I have it because _____ has it?"
  • Parents tend to say "because I say so." When they say this, don't argue. Arguing can lead to punishment.