Using home remedies to get rid of acne

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 25 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples
Video: How To Make Your Acne Disappear Overnight | 4 Home Remedies For Pimples


Acne is often seen as a problem that affects only teenagers, but in fact people of all ages can get acne. This usually happens when your skin produces too much sebum, which clogs your pores and causes breakouts. Your dermatologist can probably give you the best acne treatment, but there are a number of home remedies that can help too. You can use these remedies in addition to the treatment recommended by your dermatologist.

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Method 1 of 5: Wash your face properly

  1. Choose the correct cleaning agent. It is best to use a mild detergent that does not chafe. Make sure to only use non-alcoholic products to avoid further irritation to your skin. If you're unsure about the best cleanser for you, ask your dermatologist which remedies he or she recommends.
  2. Wet your face with lukewarm water. Cold water closes your pores. When you wash your face it is important that your pores are open so that all dirt, sebum and bacteria are washed out of your skin.
  3. Apply the cleanser to your face. Only use your fingertips to apply the cleanser. Your skin will be irritated if you use a washcloth or sponge.
    • Don't scrub your skin when you wash your face. This will also irritate your facial skin. Simply apply the cleanser and let it sit for about a minute.
  4. Rinse your skin with lukewarm water. Again, use warm water to keep your pores open and remove dirt and bacteria from your skin.
  5. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Do not rub your face with the towel as this can irritate your skin. Rubbing will also spread bacteria and dirt on your face, making acne worse. Instead, gently pat your face with the towel.
  6. Apply moisturizer as needed. Many acne sufferers avoid moisturizers, but your skin does need moisture to stay healthy. Washing your face can get dry. If your skin is red, burning, or itchy, you may have dry skin. After shampooing, gently apply an oil-free moisturizer with your fingertips to prevent dry skin.
  7. Don't wash your face more than twice a day or after you sweat. Washing your face more often may seem better for your acne, but this is not true. Washing your face too often will wash away important skin oils. This dries out your skin and can even age it quickly. So only perform these steps twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Also wash your skin after you sweat, as sweat can make acne worse.

Method 2 of 5: Using known natural remedies to treat acne

  1. Use Australian tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a nice smelling essential oil from a native tree in Australia. There is clinical evidence that tea tree oil is effective against a number of skin conditions, including acne. It is naturally astringent and can stimulate the immune system, helping to fight acne.
    • Find instructions in advance on how to use and apply tea tree oil.
    • Some people may be allergic to tea tree oil. Before using it on your face, put a drop of it on a different area of ​​your skin to test it out. For example, apply it on your arm or leg. Wait a few hours. If you get a rash, you may be allergic or sensitive to the oil, so you shouldn't use it on your face.
    • Tea tree oil is poisonous to eat. So don't swallow it.
  2. Use lemon juice on blemishes. Lemon juice is a natural disinfectant that will kill the bacteria that cause acne. It can also stimulate blood flow to your skin, transporting important nutrients from your body to help fight acne. Follow the instructions below to treat your acne with lemon juice.
    • Wash your face normally.
    • Squeeze a large lemon into a bowl until you have about two teaspoons of juice. Note that you may need a second lemon. Use fresh juice collected by squeezing lemons instead of buying ready-made lemon juice from the store. Commercial lemon juice often contains preservatives that can irritate your face.
    • Use a cotton ball or swab to apply the lemon juice to all pimples.
    • Leave the juice on for at least half an hour if you perform this treatment during the day. Then rinse your skin with cool water. However, if you are performing the treatment at night, leave the lemon juice on your face while you sleep. Wash it off your face with cool water the next morning.
    • Make sure to rinse the juice off your face before sitting in the sun or it can bleach your skin.
  3. Experiment with honey. There is disagreement as to whether honey is a good acne remedy, but some people believe it to be effective because of its antibacterial properties. Proponents see New Zealand manuka honey and raw honey as the top two honeys to treat acne. You can buy both types at health food stores and on the internet.
    • Before applying the honey to your acne, dab a small amount on your chin. Wait about half an hour to see if your skin reacts badly to it. If so, don't apply the honey on your acne.
    • You can use honey in two ways. You can dab it on your pimples alone or apply it all over your face as a mask.
    • Wash the honey off your face with cold water after half an hour. However, you can also leave it on your face for longer if you prefer.
    • You can also add about half a teaspoon of cinnamon to the honey. This enhances the honey's antibacterial properties and can improve the blood flow to your face.
  4. Prepare a toner with apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar helps to balance the pH level of your skin, so that you have fewer problems with blemishes and your complexion becomes more even. It also kills bacteria and can make your skin softer. It is very easy to prepare an apple cider vinegar toner.
    • Find a glass bottle and clean it thoroughly so that you can store your toner in it. Only use hot water and soap. Cleaning the bottle with alcohol or bleach can leave chemical residue in the bottle and end up on your face.
    • Pour 120 ml of apple cider vinegar and 120 ml of water into the bottle. Put the cap on and shake the bottle to mix the ingredients well.
    • Apply the toner to your pimples with a cotton ball.
    • Keep the mixture in a cool, dry and dark place.
    • You can also try applying apple cider vinegar to your skin without diluting it, but this is not recommended. Apple cider vinegar is an aggressive agent that can cause skin irritation if not diluted. If you experience skin irritation from this mixture, dilute it with more water
  5. Prepare a turmeric mixture. This yellowish spice is widely used in cooking in the Middle East. You can buy it at the supermarket and other places where they sell herbs and spices. It is generally seen as an effective home remedy for acne. Follow these simple steps to make your own turmeric paste to treat your acne.
    • Add a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder to two teaspoons of coconut oil. Stir well.
    • Spread the mixture evenly on your face.
    • Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes. Then rinse it off your face with cool water.
    • Remember that turmeric turns your skin yellow, especially if you leave it on your face overnight. However, you can wash the stains off your face with the right means.
  6. Rub tomatoes on your acne. Tomatoes are naturally rich in antioxidants and high in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. That makes them another effective home remedy for acne that is available at any supermarket. Tomatoes also help tighten pores and shrink blemishes. You can apply it easily and it doesn't take much time.
    • Cut a small tomato in half.
    • Rub the cut half over the areas of your skin where you have acne. Discard the tomato afterwards.
    • Massage the juice into your skin for a few seconds.
    • Rinse your face with warm water afterwards.
    • Apply it twice a day for the best results. You can use the other half of the tomato for the second treatment.
  7. Make a mixture of sea salt. Sea salt can help dry out your blemishes and soak up the excess sebum. If you mix it with honey, you get an effective home remedy for acne.
    • Mix a teaspoon of sea salt with three teaspoons of hot water.
    • Stir the mixture until the salt dissolves.
    • Add a teaspoon of honey and stir well.
    • Apply this mixture on your face when it has cooled down enough. If you only want to apply it to your pimples, use a cotton swab.
    • Let the mixture sit on your face for ten minutes. Don't leave it on your face any longer or your skin will get too dry.
    • Rinse the mixture off your face with cold water.
    • Apply a moisturizer. Sea salt can dry out your skin, so it's important to use a moisturizer to keep your skin healthy.
  8. Use a protein mask. Proteins can tighten your skin and cause your pores to shrink. They also combat the discoloration often caused by acne.
    • Wash your face following the steps in Method 1. However, do not apply moisturizer just yet.
    • Break three eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.
    • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice if desired. This can help get rid of blackheads and blackheads.
    • Beat the egg whites until foam forms.
    • Apply this evenly on your face and let it work for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse it off with warm water and pat your face dry with a towel.
    • Now apply moisturizer to your skin.
  9. Apply a yogurt mask to your face. Yogurt helps to open pores, exfoliate the skin and absorb excess sebum.
    • Grab a tablespoon of plain yogurt and apply it evenly on your face.
    • Leave it on your face for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.
    • You can apply this mask daily.

Method 3 of 5: Using known chemical home remedies to treat acne

  1. Apply baking soda to your blemishes. Baking soda can help balance your skin's pH and absorb excess sebum. It can dry out your blemishes, causing them to shrink and eventually disappear. You can easily prepare a baking soda paste.
    • Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with a few drops of water. Stir through the mixture until a paste forms.
    • Apply this paste on the acne areas.
    • Let the mixture work for 15 to 20 minutes. Then rinse it off your face with lukewarm water.
    • Apply moisturizer to your face. Baking soda can dry out your skin.
    • Before using this remedy, apply a small amount to your chin or any other area on your face. Wait a few minutes to see if your skin reacts badly to it. If so, don't apply the paste on your acne.
  2. Apply toothpaste on your acne. Toothpaste is used by many people to treat acne. However, use white toothpaste instead of gel toothpaste. This can be an effective remedy for acne.
    • Dab a tiny amount of white toothpaste on your blemishes.
    • Leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes.
    • Wash it off with warm water.
  3. Prepare a paste with aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid, an anti-inflammatory agent found in many prescription acne medicines. It also exfoliates the skin and removes dirt and bacteria.
    • Take some aspirin tablets and put them in a bowl. Usually two tablets are enough, depending on how strong they are.Crush them into powder.
    • Add a few drops of water and stir until you get a paste.
    • Apply this paste on your pimples.
    • Let the mixture sit on your face for 15 minutes.
    • Rinse it off your skin with warm water.
    • If your skin reacts badly to the aspirin paste and becomes irritated, rinse it off immediately and do not reuse.

Method 4 of 5: Treat acne by eating a healthy diet

  1. Drink plenty of water during your day. Water is one of the things your skin absolutely needs. Water flushes out the toxins from your body and improves your circulation. Both of these can help fight acne. Drink water when you are thirsty. A good rule of thumb is to look at the color of your urine. If this is largely transparent, you have drunk enough water. However, if it is yellowish in color, you should try to drink more water.
  2. Eat enough healthy fats. Eating fatty foods is often seen as bad for your acne, but there are also healthy fats that can help fight acne. Omega 3 fatty acids help keep your skin supple, removing sebum from your pores. This reduces the production of sebum that causes acne.
    • To get healthy fats, it is best to eat nuts, cold water fish and avocados.
  3. Include protein in your diet. The body uses the amino acids from proteins to produce collagen. This nutrient helps to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.
    • Good sources of protein include fish and shellfish, poultry, dairy products, eggs, beans and soy.
  4. Get vitamin A. This vitamin ensures that your skin will produce less sebum. Good sources of vitamin A include sweet potatoes, carrots, dark green vegetables and bell peppers.
  5. Avoid artificial sweeteners. Sugar increases the insulin level in your blood, which can cause your skin to produce more sebum. Eat less junk food and drink less soda so that you consume less sugar.

Method 5 of 5: Treat acne naturally by making lifestyle changes

  1. Lower your stress level. There is scientific evidence that there is a close link between a high level of stress and acne. The same cells that make sebum (the fatty substance that causes acne) also have receptors for stress hormones. This can cause acne when you are stressed. There are several ways to lower your stress level, which are also good for your overall health.
    • Meditation. Sit with your eyes closed for a few minutes a day and focus on your breathing. This helps to calm your body and mind, lowering your stress level and hopefully reducing acne breakouts.
    • Listen to music. Soothing music will help you to relax and stay calm, but in fact any playlist of music you like will help take your stress off and start feeling positive.
    • Sport. This will release endorphins and make you feel better. Even a regular walk is enough to relieve your body and mind of stress.
    • Don't bottle up your feelings. If you are very stressed, talk to others and share what is bothering you. This will help you handle your problems constructively.
  2. Get enough sleep. The relationship between sleep and acne is not entirely clear, but most doctors agree that a person who gets too little sleep has a high chance of becoming stressed and overworked. This makes your acne worse, and it is also bad for your skin. Try to sleep at least eight hours a night to give your skin a healthy boost.
  3. Exercise regularly. By exercising, you not only lower your stress level, but you also improve the blood circulation in your skin. This provides important nutrients and flushes out toxins. This helps to fight acne. Doctors usually recommend exercising or exercising for 30 to 60 minutes a day to keep your body healthy.
    • Don't forget to wash your face after exercise to rinse the sweat and dirt from your pores.
  4. Stop wearing heavy makeup. This will clog your pores and make acne more likely.


  • Don't be discouraged if some of these methods don't work for you. Everyone's acne is different, and you probably just need to try a few different methods before discovering one that works for you.


  • Seek advice from your doctor or dermatologist before trying these home remedies. You may have a specific skin problem that makes one or more of these products harmful to your skin.