Treat bruised ribs

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Take Care of Bruised Ribs
Video: How to Take Care of Bruised Ribs


If you feel pain when you cough, sneeze, take a deep breath, or twist and bend your upper body, you may have bruised ribs. You can ease the pain yourself at home if your ribs aren't broken. However, you will need to seek medical attention if the pain becomes unbearable for you. Ice, over-the-counter pain relievers, moist heat, and rest can help you feel better while your ribs heal.

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Method 1 of 3: Provide instant relief

  1. Occasionally apply ice to the injured area for 48 hours. Applying ice to your ribs can help soothe the pain and swelling so that the bruised tissue can heal more quickly. Only use ice for the first 48 hours after an injury, and resist the temptation to use a heating pad instead.

    Find a bag of frozen vegetables like peas or corn, or fill a resealable plastic bag with ice shavings. Wrap the bag of ice in a towel or T-shirt and place it on your bruised ribs.

  2. Take painkillers according to the directions on the package. If every breath hurts, then easing the pain will really help you feel better. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as aspirin, naproxen, or acetaminophen according to the package directions. Always seek advice from your doctor before starting to use a new pain reliever. Do not take ibuprofen for up to 48 hours after the injury, as this may slow down the healing process.
    • If you are under 19, you are still at risk for Reye's syndrome. So don't take aspirin.
    • You can continue to take painkillers during the healing process if your ribs continue to hurt. Don't forget to take the painkillers according to your doctor's instructions or the directions on the package and insert.
  3. Treat your ribs with moist heat after 48 hours. After a few days, heat can help heal the bruise and ease the pain. Place moist warm compresses on the area like wet washcloths. You can also take a warm bath if you wish.
  4. Don't bandage your ribs. In the past, it was usually recommended that a pressure bandage be wrapped around bruised ribs.

    However, this treatment is no longer recommended because you can breathe less well with a pressure bandage, which can lead to complications such as pneumonia. So do not wrap a pressure bandage around your ribs.

Method 2 of 3: Recover from a rib injury

  1. Rest as much as possible. Now is not the time to exert yourself, especially if breathing hurts. Resting is the best thing you can do to heal quickly. Grab a book or watch a movie, and take it easy while your ribs heal.

    Report sick at work, especially if you have to stand for a long time or work with your hands for a long time.

    Do not push, pull and lift heavy objects. Do not exercise, exercise, and avoid other physical activities while your ribs are healing unless your doctor recommends that you do so.

  2. Watch your breathing. It can be painful to breathe if you have bruised ribs. However, it is important to try to breathe normally and cough if necessary to avoid complications such as a respiratory infection. If you feel the urge to cough, hold a pillow against your ribs to minimize movement and ease the pain.
    • Take a deep breath when possible. Every few minutes, try to inhale well and for a long time and exhale slowly. If your ribs are so damaged that this is not possible, try taking deep breaths every full hour.
    • Try breathing exercises. When you find that you can breathe fairly normally again, inhale slowly for 3 seconds, hold your breath for 3 seconds, then exhale for 3 seconds. Repeat this pattern once or twice a day for a few minutes.
    • Do not smoke. As your injured ribs heal, substances that irritate your lungs can make you more prone to infection. Use this as an opportunity to quit smoking.
  3. Sleep upright. Lying down and turning around at night can intensify the pain. Try to sleep upright for the first few nights to minimize discomfort. For example, you could try sleeping in an armchair. By sleeping upright, you will also move less at night and you will not be able to roll on your stomach. As a result, you should have less pain.
    • You can also try lying on your injured side. This may seem illogical, but it can help you breathe more easily.

Method 3 of 3: Get medical attention

  1. Get medical help right away if you have shortness of breath and chest pain. Shortness of breath can indicate a more serious problem than bruised ribs. If you experience sudden shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chest pain and coughing up blood, call 911 or get medical help right away.
    • Watch for a flutter chest. You will develop a flail chest if you break 3 or more ribs next to each other. This can cause serious breathing problems. If you suspect that more than one rib is injured and it is not physically possible for you to take a deep breath, seek medical attention.
  2. If you think you have broken ribs, see a doctor. A bruised or cracked rib has been damaged, but is still in the right place in your rib cage. However, a broken rib is dangerous because it has become detached from its normal site and can puncture a blood vessel, lung, or other organ. Seek medical attention instead of treating the problem yourself at home if you think your ribs are broken instead of bruised.

    Tip: Lightly run your hands over your rib cage. The area around a cracked or broken rib may feel swollen, but you shouldn't see any major protrusions and dents. If you suspect you have a broken rib, see your doctor as soon as possible.

  3. Make an appointment with your doctor if the pain persists and is excruciating. Chest pain can have a variety of causes, some of which can be life-threatening. With the right diagnosis, you can be sure that the right problem is being treated. Your doctor may order chest X-rays, a CT scan, an MRI, or a bone scan if he or she suspects a fracture. This allows your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis. However, injuries to the cartilage and bruises cannot be detected with these examinations. Get medical help if:
    • You get more and more stomach ache and pain in your shoulder.
    • You suffer from a cough and a fever.


  • Use your abs as little as possible and sleep on your back to ease the pain in your ribs and shoulders.
  • Try to maintain a normal posture. If you compensate because your ribs hurt, you can get back pain.
  • Don't forget to schedule a follow-up appointment with your doctor within a week or two of the injury.
  • Take a hot bath with medicinal salt, eucalyptus oil, baking soda, or a combination of these three.
  • During the healing process, keep an eye out for complications such as a respiratory infection.


  • Call 911 if you have trouble breathing, have a tight feeling in the chest, have pain in the center of the chest or if the pain radiates to your shoulder or arm. These symptoms can indicate a heart attack.
  • This article is not a substitute for medical advice.
  • Do not try to treat broken ribs yourself. If you have symptoms of broken ribs, get medical help right away.