Ask a friend out

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024


Is there a girl you've been good friends with up to now but have now fallen in love with Although it may seem like an advantage to know her well - you're already talking to each other and you're not asking an unknown girl difficulty transitioning from friendship to romantic relationships. But it is not impossible. You can ask out a girlfriend without risking your ego and without ruining your friendship.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Asking your girlfriend out

  1. Wait for the right time to ask her out. Who this when the two of you are alone and the atmosphere is calm and relaxed. You can ask casually during a conversation. Playfully suggest that you can date her for an evening and show her what it would be like to date you.
    • You should ideally ask her out in person, but over the phone is also an acceptable option. Don't ask someone out via email or Facebook.
    • Ask her when you are alone. She may feel awkward and shy when her friends are around. That can cause her to just say no no matter how she feels.
  2. Look good when you ask her out. If you ask her out in person, take the time to look good. You don't have to show off by putting on a suit and tie, but you shouldn't ask her out in your gym clothes either. You have a better chance of getting on a date if you dress it up a bit.
    • Be well-groomed and clean. Smells pleasant, but not overly scented.
    • Make sure to brush and floss your teeth before asking her.
  3. Be clear that you want to go out with her. Whether you're proposing to go to the movies or offering to cook her a dinner party, she might misinterpret your question as just a friendly gesture. Again, make it clear that this is a date.
    • Say something like, We can go to the movies together. We can make it a date "or" I'd love to take you out to the fair this weekend. "
    • This is more obvious than asking her to "hang out".
    • She may be concerned about your friendship, so tell her that you enjoy just being friends and that you want to stay that way no matter what.
  4. Ask her to study together and make it a date. Studying together is less awkward and a good excuse to be together, especially if she's dropped hints about a subject that's not going well or is just having a hard time keeping up. There is less pressure for one date and you get the chance to spend some time together.
  5. Make a T-shirt for the occasion. Since you are already friends, she already knows and appreciates your sense of humor. Make a special T-shirt with a comment like "Are you going out with me?" Yes or no'. It will lighten the mood and make her think about how funny you are and how much fun it is to be together.

Part 2 of 3: Courting your girlfriend

  1. Know her interests. You have a better chance of scoring a date if you invite her to an activity or event that you already know she's interested in. This also shows her that you are interested in her as a person.
    • You already know her well enough to know some of the things she likes. Use this knowledge to your advantage.
  2. Give her a personalized gift. Knowing a girl well before you start dating means that you can give her something you know she will like. Let her know how much she has your attention and how much you like her by giving her a thoughtful gift that shows her how you feel about her.
    • You could choose some of her favorite songs or add one to convey your feelings to her. Burn a copy of the playlist to a CD for her or send her a link to the CD. It's a cheap and easy way to let her know you care.
    • Depending on your taste, some examples of songs include "Just the Way You Are" by Bruno Mars, "Your Love is My Drug" by Kesha, or "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz.
  3. Don't comment on her body or physical features. If that friend doesn't share your feelings, it will be harder to get back to your regular friendship if she thinks you're always thinking about her sexually. Instead, talk to her about the deeper things you know and love about her.
    • Here you already have an advantage over other people. You already know things about her because you are friends. While other potential love interests may have to resort to complimenting something physically obvious, like her appearance, you can bring up things that will take time to learn about a person - like how you love her to volunteer in the animal shelter or that she cries when she watches sad movies.

Part 3 of 3: Deciding if you should risk it

  1. Weigh the consequences. Think about all the possible outcomes and weigh the pros and cons. you can even make a list of pros and cons if it helps you visualize the situation more fully. Since this girl is a friend of yours, you have to make this decision carefully.
    • You already know that you get along with her and that you like her personality. You already know what she likes and how to please her. You've probably already met her family (an often intimidating part of dating a new person).
    • But you also have a lot to lose. You don't just risk being rejected by a girl you just met. You may be jeopardizing one of the most important relationships in your life.
    • Ultimately, it is your decision. If you feel like you can't handle it when she rejects you, it might be better to wait and see if things develop on their own. But if you think you'll feel miserable every day hiding these feelings from her, it might be better to ask her out.
  2. Look for signs that she likes you. Learn to read her body language. Is her affection for you like that of a sibling, or is it potentially romantic? Is she just flirting with you or flirting with everyone? Is she interested in someone else?
    • Think about the time of day when you are normally together.If you spend a lot of time together during the day (taking breaks, hanging out, etc.), she may be less likely to share your feelings. But if you hang out at night or on the weekend, that's a good sign.
  3. Think about what happens when she says no. You might decide that you would be able to stay friends with her even if she's not interested in you romantically, but think about what you know about her as a person and whether you think she would find it too awkward to continue as friends. If she's a shy person by nature, it can be hard for her to stay friends.


  • Too many guys get caught up in asking a girl out the "right" way. Just relax and take the plunge.
  • Take it slow. Don't ask her out just three days after the first meeting. Love at first sight is not always mutual.
  • Be calm and not dramatic. If you start talking about how much you love her and how you wouldn't know how to live without her, she'll start to feel uncomfortable.
  • Even if she says no, the fact that you ask may make her think about the romantic possibilities between the two of you. Keep hope for the future!
  • Don't be nervous because you are already friends.
  • Unless you're absolutely sure she'll say yes to your question, don't buy her a romantic gift like a bouquet of flowers or a teddy bear. If she says no, deciding whether to accept your gift will make the decision much more awkward.


  • Don't act like a completely different person because the two of you are out together. Remember, she's dating you for who you are, not the person you pretend to be.
  • Be honest with yourself if she's been giving clear signs that she's not interested.
  • Never put her on a leash. Tell her right away when you find yourself no longer interested in her. If you keep her on a leash, girls will notice pretty quickly. It won't go smoothly if she finds out that you haven't been fair to her (and chances are she will find out).
  • Be prepared for a rejection. It happens to everyone. It will look very good if you take it calmly without bursting into tears or getting angry. She's probably already feeling bad enough because she has to turn you down.