Using an ear candle

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Do Ear Candles Remove Earwax? Fact or Fiction... (Ear Candling)
Video: Do Ear Candles Remove Earwax? Fact or Fiction... (Ear Candling)


Everyone has wax in their ears, also known as cerumen. If you have a full feeling in your ears, moisture is coming out of your ears, and sometimes hearing problems, then there is probably a build-up of wax that needs to be removed from your ears. There are many different ways in which you can get wax out of your ears, but ear candle therapy is one of the oldest and most widely used methods in the world to remove excess ear wax. Doctors disagree whether this therapy works, but some alternative doctors believe that ear candle therapy is a safe and effective way to keep your ears and body healthy.

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Method 1 of 2: Using an ear candle to remove wax

  1. Know the risks of using a ear candle. Alternative doctors are strong advocates of the use of ear candle therapy, but according to mainstream doctors, this therapy is useless and dangerous. By knowing what the risks are and what concerns people have about ear candle therapy, you can make an informed choice as to whether this is the best way for you to remove your ear wax.
    • Studies conducted by ear nose throat doctors have shown that ear candle therapy can cause burns, ear canal blockages, ear infections and perforation of the eardrum, even if you use the ear candle according to package directions.
    • According to most regular doctors, ear candle therapy does not work to get wax out of the ear.
  2. Have a friend or family member help you. It can be dangerous to perform this treatment on your own. So have a friend or family member assist you in this process. This way, you are less likely to burn yourself or otherwise injure your ear.
  3. Cut the tapered or thin end of the candle to fit your ear. It is important that the candle is cut to fit the size and contour of your ear. In this way, the treatment can be carried out as safely and effectively as possible.
    • Use scissors to cut the end to size. Make the opening slightly larger so that it fits snugly in the ear canal.
    • Make sure the opening is big enough. There should be a clear opening from end to end of the ear candle. If necessary, use a sharp, pointed object to clear the opening on the thin end.
  4. Wash your hands and your ear. Before using the ear candle, wash your hands and wipe your ear. This reduces the chance of spreading bacteria that can cause an infection. Use a gentle, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial soap.
    • You can wash your hands with a simple soap.
    • It's a good idea to use a gentle, anti-microbial, and anti-bacterial soap.
    • Wipe your ear with a damp cloth.
  5. Cover your head with a damp towel. Wet a large towel with some water and cover your head and upper body with it. This way you can protect your body against fire and ash during ear candle therapy.
    • Make sure to cover your head, hair, shoulders and upper body.
  6. Sit up straight before the treatment. It is easier and safer to sit upright during ear candle therapy. In this way no ashes can fall on your body and you cannot burn yourself.
    • Be careful, because if you don't do this correctly you can burn yourself. Doctors often do not recommend using ear candles because of this risk.
  7. Rub the skin behind your ear. Before starting the treatment, massage the area around and behind your ear. This can help you relax and stimulate blood circulation near your ear.
    • Massage the area behind your jaw, around your temple and your scalp.
    • Rub your skin for at least 30 seconds to open the area around your ear.
  8. Place a paper plate or aluminum disposable cake tin over your ear. Cut a small hole in a paper plate or aluminum disposable cake tin and place it over your ear. This way you can ensure that you do not burn yourself from the fire and falling ash particles.
    • It doesn't matter what kind of paper plate or disposable cake tin you use. You can buy them at most supermarkets.
    • Make sure the hole is the same size as the end of the ear candle. Insert the ear candle into the hole and hold it to the ear that is being cleaned.
  9. Insert the tapered end of the ear candle into your ear canal. Insert the thin end of the candle into the paper plate or disposable cake tin, then tuck the tip of the candle into your ear canal. In this way you ensure that the treatment is safe and successful.
    • Hold the candle vertically and upright. When sitting upright, you should hold the candle at an angle of about 30 degrees.
  10. Light the thick end of the ear candle. Have your helper light the thick end of the candle with a match or lighter. This way you start the treatment and the ear candle is safely lit without burning yourself.
    • You will know when the candle is in the correct position because then no smoke will come out between your ear and the thin end of the candle.
    • If the ear candle does not fit, change your position or hold the candle differently. It is important that the ear candle fits properly. If this takes a while, you may need to try again with a new ear candle.
  11. Let the ear candle burn for about 15 minutes. It should take about 15 minutes for the candle to burn to the desired length. This can help reduce the risk of burns and allow you to remove as much wax as possible.
  12. Cut the ear candle every two inches. When the ear candle burns, cut it every five centimeters above a bowl of water. This will prevent the ashes and burning particles from falling too close to you and burning yourself.
    • You can remove the candle from your ear canal and cut it over a bowl of water. Simply put the candle back into your ear canal when you are done.
  13. Let the ear candle burn until it is only 8-10 inches long. When the ear candle has burned to the point where it is only about three inches long, ask your helper to extinguish the ear candle in the bowl of water. This reduces the chance that you burn yourself on the ear candle.
    • If it takes a while for the ear candle to burn out, ask your helper to check the opening on the thin end after a few minutes to see if it is clogged. If necessary, use a toothpick to quickly clear the opening and put the ear candle back in your ear.
  14. Look at the dirt on the ear candle stump. When you remove the ear candle stump from your ear canal, you may see a mixture of wax, dirt and bacteria on the stump. This way you can see whether you have removed the ear wax or whether you need to repeat the ear candle therapy.
    • If you have put the candle directly in the water, you may not see any wax.
  15. Clean the ear. When you have completed the treatment, clean the outer part of the ear and the ear canal. Avoid pushing wax and other debris back into the ear.
    • You can use a cloth or cotton swab to clean the ear. Just make sure it doesn't insert your cotton swab all the way into your ear, because then you can push the wax deeper into your ear and perforate your eardrum.
  16. Repeat the treatment on your other ear. If you have a build-up of wax in both ears, perform the treatment on your other ear as well. Make sure to follow the steps carefully and according to the directions on the package. This way you prevent burns and other damage to your ear.

Method 2 of 2: Remove earwax in a different way

  1. Wipe the outside of your ear. You can clean the outside of your ear and ear canal with a cloth or tissue. This way you can wipe away the moisture and wax that has come out.
    • Use a soft cloth to wipe the outside of your ear and the outer part of the ear canal. You can dampen the cloth slightly with warm water if you wish.
    • Wrap a tissue around your finger and gently wipe the outer part of your ear and ear canal with it.
  2. Use over-the-counter ear drops to remove wax. If you have a low or moderate amount of wax, you can use an over-the-counter wax remover. This way you can remove compressed earwax.
    • Most over-the-counter drops consist of a mixture of mineral oil and hydrogen peroxide.
    • The hydrogen peroxide does not dissolve your ear wax, but it causes it to move through the ear canal. When using hydrogen peroxide, lie on one ear on your bed with a towel under your head. Pour (or use a rubber balloon syringe) a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into your ear. The ear will start to feel warm and you will hear a ringing in your ears. This is normal. Turn around so that the hydrogen peroxide can drain from your ear and onto the towel. Repeat this on your other ear. If moisture and debris comes out of your ears, contact your doctor immediately.
    • Make sure to follow the directions on the package carefully so as not to cause further problems.
    • Do not use an over-the-counter medicine if your eardrum is perforated or you think it is. The symptoms of a perforated eardrum include bloody fluid or pus coming out of the ear, hearing loss, and a ringing sound in the ear.
    • You can purchase over-the-counter ear wax removal drops at most pharmacies and drug stores.
    • Agents containing mineral oil and hydrogen peroxide can cause complications, including allergic reactions, otitis externa, short-term hearing loss and dizziness.
  3. Soften the wax with drops of oil or glycerine. In addition to over-the-counter wax remover, you can also use regular household oils and drops of glycerine to get rid of wax buildup. These products soften the wax so that you can get it out of your ear canal more easily.
    • You can use baby oil and mineral oil. Put a drop of baby oil or mineral oil in both ears and let the oil do its work for a few minutes before draining the oil from your ear.
    • You can also try olive oil. However, according to a study, water works better than olive oil to remove wax from the ears.
    • It has not been studied how often you can best use oil or drops of glycerine, but a maximum of a few times a week should be fine.
  4. Spray your ears to remove wax build-up. Spraying the ears is one of the most common methods of removing wax build-up from the ears. Try cleaning your ears by spraying them out if you have large amounts of stubborn wax in your ears.
    • You need a syringe for this method. You can buy it at most pharmacies.
    • Fill the syringe with water at room temperature. By using colder or warmer water you can suffer from vertigo.
    • Keep your head upright and gently pull up the outside of your ear so that the ear canal is straight.
    • Squirt a small trickle of water into your ear canal where the earwax buildup is located.
    • Tilt your head to let the water drain from your ear.
    • You may need to spray your ears several times to remove the wax.
    • According to a study, you can remove the wax more quickly by pouring a small amount of water or oil into your ear before spraying it out.
    • Never use an oral irrigator to spray your ears. An oral irrigator may only be used on the teeth.
  5. Suck the wax out of your ear canal. You can use a suction device or vacuum cleaner to remove wax. Studies show that this method doesn't work, but you could try such a device to see if it works for you.
    • You can buy suction devices at drugstores and large department stores.
  6. Dry your ears. Once you have removed the wax, it is important to dry your ears thoroughly. This way you ensure that you do not get infections and other problems.
    • You can use a few drops of rubbing alcohol to dry your ears.
    • You can also dry your ears with a hair dryer on a low setting.
  7. Don't clean your ears too often or use objects with them. Understand that everyone must have a certain amount of wax in their ears to help prevent ear infections. So don't clean your ears too often or use objects like cotton buds to keep a healthy amount of wax in your ears.
    • Clean your ears only as often as you think necessary. See your doctor if you find that you need to clean your ears daily and you have a lot of pus coming out of your ears.
    • Using items such as cotton buds and hair clips can push the wax further into your ear instead of removing it, which can cause infections and other problems.
    • Using objects can also perforate your eardrum, cause infections and hearing loss.
  8. Talk to your doctor about possible medical treatments. If you are unable to remove the wax yourself at home or if you have other problems such as severe hearing loss, see your doctor and ask about treatments for removing wax build up from your ears. This way, you will certainly receive the best, least invasive and painless treatment to remove the accumulated ear wax.
    • Your doctor can recommend medicines and remedies that you can use at home, such as ear drops and ear cleaning.


  • Have someone help you when you use an ear candle to reduce the risk of burns and fire.


  • Do not use ear candles if you have eardrum tubes, hearing implants, or similar in your ears.


  • Ear candles
  • Cotton swabs
  • Cup of water
  • Scissors
  • Matches or lighter
  • Small wet towel
  • Someone to help you