Making a pillow fort

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 4 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build a Pillow Fort!
Video: How to Build a Pillow Fort!


A pillow fort is fun and easy to make. It can also be an art to make a pillow fort. This article will show you how to get a awesome pillow fort makes up with things from your room and how to decorate your fort.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Choosing your materials

  1. Know where to make your fort on a cold day. Try to find a cozy place near the heater. Do not build your fort too close to a window or door, as these are the places where cold air flows in.
  2. Know where to make your fort on a hot day. Try to build your fort near a fan or the air conditioner, if you have one. You can also build your fort near an open window, but only if the window is in the shade and the sun doesn't shine through. An open window can provide a cool, fresh breeze, but can also let the warm sun shine in.
    • It's even better if you can make your fort in a basement. Basements are nice and cool in the summer and the floor ensures that you stay cool.
  3. Use thin blankets and sheets for the roof. Heavy materials such as a duvet or thick blanket are too heavy and cause your fort to collapse.
  4. If you have a sturdy fortress, use thick blankets for the roof. If your fort itself is made of chairs, tables or benches, you should be able to put a thick blanket or duvet over your fort without it collapsing. Some seat cushions may also be strong enough to support a thick blanket or duvet, but you will need to rest them against something.
  5. Use seat cushions for the walls. The seat cushions of sofas and armchairs are very suitable as walls, because they are sturdy and have the shape of blocks. They stay upright on their own without needing too much support.
  6. Place soft, floppy cushions in the fort. The pillows you sleep on are not very suitable for making walls, but you can sit on them very well. Put them in your fort to make it more comfortable.
  7. Make an escape plan. Don't build your fort in front of a door. If something bad happens, you're in trouble. Blocking a door will prevent other people from helping you if something happens. It may also prevent you from getting out of your room.

Method 2 of 4: Make a bank fort

  1. Ask your parents if you can build a fort. Your parents may approve of you building a fortress in your bedroom, but they may not like it if you build a fortress in the living room. Ask your parents if you can make a fort and use and move chairs, blankets, and pillows.
  2. Find a suitable room in which to build your fort. Try to use a room that already has suitable materials for your fort, such as chairs and a sofa. That way you don't have to move the furniture too much.
  3. Remove the cushions from the couch. Remove the seat cushions and back cushions from the sofa. You may find some treasures under the cushions.See if they are worth anything (such as coins and toys) and put them in a box. Dispose of dirty things such as waste and crumbs. A treasure chest should not be missing in any fortress.
  4. Use the seat cushions to make walls. Grab a pillow and place it on the seat of the sofa. Let the cushion lean against the armrest so that the side you are sitting on touches the armrest. The side of the cushion should touch the back of the sofa.
    • If you are using regular cushions, place two cushions on each armrest. Make sure the cushions reach the top of the backrest. You may therefore need more pillows. Keep stacking pillows until you reach the top of the backrest.
    • If you have extra pillows, you can place them between the armrests on the edge of the sofa.
  5. Cover the cushions and the sofa with a blanket. Make sure that the short sides of the blankets are over the cushions, and that the long side covers the top of the backrest. Pull on the ends so that the blanket lies neatly over the top of your fort.
    • It is best to use a light, thin blanket as a sheet, as this will reduce the chances of your fort collapsing.
    • Blankets and duvets are thick and ensure that it gets nice and dark in your fort because they block the light. However, they are also heavy and may cause your fort to collapse.
  6. Consider expanding your fort. You can now crawl into your fort or you can make it even bigger by using more furniture and cushions. Place two chairs in front of the sofa and turn them over so that they are facing each other. Place more cushions against the chair legs and place a sheet over the top of the chairs. For more ideas, read the section on how to make a fort out of chairs.

Method 3 of 4: Make a fortress out of chairs

  1. Ask your parents if you can build a fort. Your parents may approve of you building a fortress in your bedroom, but they may not like it if you build a fortress in the living room. Ask your parents if you can make a fort and use and move chairs, blankets, and pillows.
  2. Find a room to build your fort. The more furniture there is, the better. That way, you won't have to lug around furniture as much. Make sure there are some chairs in the room.
  3. Grab two chairs, a sheet and a lot of pillows. You use the cushions and chairs for the base of the fort and the sheet for the roof.
  4. Place the chairs against a wall. The seats support the roof of your fort and the wall forms the back of your fort.
    • You can also use a sofa instead of a wall. Then place the chairs in front of or behind the sofa.
    • If you can't use a sofa and there isn't room to put some chairs against a wall, you can also use a chest of drawers or even a wardrobe. In any case, make sure you don't make the fort in front of your bedroom door. If something happens you will not be able to get out of your room and no one will be able to help you.
  5. Turn the seats so that they face each other. You can move the seats as far or as close together as you want. You can place them near each other so that you and a friend can sit in between. You can also place them far enough apart so that you can lie down in between. You can use the seats of the chairs as shelves and tables.
  6. Cover the seats with a sheet. Make sure the sheet hangs over the backs of the chairs. If the sheet slips, you can attach it to the chairs with a ribbon, string or pegs.
  7. Use pillows to make the walls of your fort. You can use sofa cushions, chair cushions or the cushions of your bed. Place the cushions on the outside of the fort against the chair legs.

Method 4 of 4: Live in your fort

  1. Make your fort more comfortable inside with blankets and pillows. Fold a blanket in half. Put it on the floor in your fort or on the bank to hide all the crumbs. You can also use a soft duvet.
    • If you run out of blankets, you can also use pillows. Place two or three pillows side by side on the floor in your fort.
    • If you only use blankets, you can place one or two pillows in the fort so that you have something soft to sit on.
  2. Think of a name for your fort. This can be anything, such as the name of your favorite food. You don't even have to use the word "fort". It could even be a castle! Here are some ideas:
    • Carolien's castle
    • Ice Palace
    • The fantastic fortress
  3. Make a nameplate for your fort. Now that you've come up with a name for your fort, it's time to let everyone know its name. Take a sheet of paper or a piece of cardboard and write the name of your fort on it. You can use crayons, markers, colored pencils or even glue and glitter. Here are more ideas:
    • Stick stickers on your nameplate. Try to use stickers that match the name of the fort. If the name of your fort has something to do with ice cream, you can use stickers with ice cream on it, for example.
    • Decorate your nameplate with glitter, sequins, self-adhesive stones and crystals. This is perfect for a castle!
    • If you are making a cool fort, use a piece of cardboard and write the name on it with a thick red or black marker. You can even put "FORBIDDEN ACCESS" under the name.
  4. Hang the nameplate. Make two holes in the top of the board and put a string through them. Tie the string and hang the sign on one of the chairs. You can also tape the board to the sheet with masking tape if you can't find rope.
    • If you made a board out of cardboard, you can place it on the floor against one of the chair legs.
  5. Bring some snacks into your fort. You can bring snacks such as apples, candy, nuts, juice and popcorn. When it is almost time for lunch, ask your parents if you can eat in the fort.
    • Make sure your parents allow you to get food from the kitchen and bring it to your fort.
  6. Bring something nice into the fort. A fort is more than just a nice hiding place. Take something with you, such as a book, an MP3 player or a game.
  7. Provide lighting. However, do not bring too many lamps. Provide a little bit of light, for example from a few glow sticks or a flashlight. If there is an outlet nearby, connect a night light. You can also make a cool fairy lantern from a preserving jar, glitter and a glow stick.
  8. Make a treasure chest. If you are going to live in your fort for a while, it is a good idea to make a treasure chest to hold all your snacks, games, toys and treasures. Find a shoebox and stick colored craft cardboard on it. Decorate the box with crystals, glitter and stickers. Put your things in the box and hide it in the fort.
  9. Invite your friends, pets and siblings. It can be lonely to sit in your fortress and even the best games and books can get boring after a while. Ask your friend, brother, sister or even a pet to come and play with you in your fort.


  • If you are afraid of the dark, build your fort near an outlet so you can plug in a night light.
  • If you have a large pillow fort, put your mattress in it so you can sleep in your fort.
  • Make sure the fort is not overcrowded and that you have enough space for yourself.
  • Make sure to ask in advance if anyone will need the materials you want to use for your fort.
  • Make sure you don't make too much mess or you could get in trouble. You may have to clean up for the rest of your day.
  • Make sure to leave small openings in the walls of your fort for fresh air. It can get very hot and stuffy in a fortress.
  • Use heavy objects as cushions for the walls. Fold thick blankets or comforters and use them for sitting.
  • Use lighter items such as thin blankets and sheets for the ceiling.
  • Use different furniture for the walls of your fort.
  • Make sure to set up a fan as it can get quite hot in your fort.


  • Do not turn on any lights near your fortress, as this could cause a fire.
  • Do not block any doors with your fortress. If something happens, you will be trapped and will not be able to get out of the room. Other people won't be able to come in to help you either.


  • Sheets or blankets
  • Chairs or sofas
  • Pillows