Starting a clothing store

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Start a Clothing Business (See How He Did It) Pt. 1
Video: How to Start a Clothing Business (See How He Did It) Pt. 1


Opening a clothing store is serious business. In this sector you can earn a reasonable income and there is room to grow. Since there are many different options for starting a clothing store, it is important that you think carefully about what you want. What type of clothing store suits your interests and your target audience? There are several steps you need to take before you can start a store.

To step

  1. Gain experience. To start in the clothing world, it helps if you have experience in the field. By gaining experience you will understand better what is involved in starting a store.
  2. Choose a specialization. Don't try to target different markets. Go for one specific market and offer clothing for that one target group. For example, choose wedding clothes, or sports clothes, or baby clothes, and so on. Whatever you choose, choose good quality clothing.
  3. Write a business plan. Draw up a solid business plan. With a business plan you map out which problems you may encounter when starting your store. You also need a business plan to get a loan to start your business.
  4. Find investors. It costs money to start a clothing store. The rent of the retail space, advertisements, your first stock of clothing. Before you can make money, you have to spend money. Some entrepreneurs have enough money themselves to start a shop, but as an entrepreneur you usually need financiers. These could be family members who lend you money, or a bank, or maybe someone wants to buy a share in your store. Such a shareholder is often more financially attractive than a loan, but keep in mind that a shareholder wants to have something to say about what you do with your store.
  5. Choose a location. The right location plays a big role in the success of your store. Choose a location in an area where your target group comes and where you can grow. The location must be large enough to display the clothes and to have enough clothes in stock. Also take into account space for fitting rooms. Also consider whether it is smart to have parking space nearby for your customers.
  6. Buy clothes. Before you can open your store, you need enough stock. Buy clothes for the season in which you open your store. Contract with suppliers to make sure you always have enough clothes in your store.
  7. Take the legal aspects into account. Before starting a clothing store, it is important that you know what permits you need. You must also register your company with the Chamber of Commerce.
  8. Advertise. Promote your store. Choose the right marketing strategy. This can vary from advertisements in local newspapers to a campaign on social media. Your marketing must be aimed at the target group you want to reach.


  • See what the competition is doing and learn from it.
  • Keep current inventories.
  • Make sure you know what the customer wants.
  • Hire an experienced accountant to do your accounting.
  • Design a corporate identity that suits your store.


  • Never just start a business; have a detailed business plan first.
  • Don't rely too much on your success. Even if your store is doing well, you have to keep an eye on market developments and fashion trends. Adjust your strategy when necessary.


  • A solid business plan
  • Investment money
  • Suppliers
  • A good location
  • Knowledge of the market
  • Sense of fashion