Get rid of bad habits from a cat

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 27 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
Are you Rewarding Your Cat’s Bad Habits?
Video: Are you Rewarding Your Cat’s Bad Habits?


Even though you still love your cat so much, that feeling disappears like snow in the sun when your beloved pet smashes your furniture, scratches you, or gets to places where he is not allowed. You will have to be patient and persistent to get rid of your cat's bad behavior. With certain adjustments in the routine and through the use of corrective techniques, you should be able to stop your cat's bad behavior.

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Part 1 of 3: Determining the cause of the bad behavior

  1. Be aware of the most common behavioral problems in cats. While every cat is unique and thus can exhibit specific problems or specific bad behavior, there are seven problems common to most cats:
    • Avoiding the litter box or refusing to use the litter box.
    • Mark furniture and other objects with urine.
    • Scratching furniture and other objects in your home. Your cat may also scratch you or others while playing.
    • Be aggressive towards other people or the owner.
    • Be aggressive towards other cats in the house.
    • Expressing anxiety or stress.
    • Being afraid of objects or people.
    Question and answer V.

    A reader from wikiHow asked: "Do cats learn when you punish them?"

    Take your cat to the vet for a check-up to rule out any medical problems. Some cats react out of fear or exhibit behavioral problems because they are struggling with a medical problem. For example, your cat may refuse to use the litter box because it has a urinary tract infection, or the cat may display aggressive behavior because it experiences physical pain that is not immediately apparent. Some cats become frightened of people or objects because of their vision problems and some cats over-groom themselves due to hyperthyroidism.

    • Getting your cat checked by the vet will help you identify any medical problems that are causing your cat's bad behavior and treat those problems so they don't get worse. If your vet declares the cat healthy, you can focus on problems in the cat's environment that could be causing the bad behavior.
  2. Recognize any environmental factors for your cat's bad behavior. Once all medical issues have been ruled out, you can begin to see why your cat might display this bad behavior. Look at the cat's environment to find “triggers” for the bad behavior, such as:
    • A dirty or poorly maintained litter box, which can lead to litter box avoidance.
    • Another cat that is bullying your cat, which can lead to litter box avoidance and aggression.
    • A new cat in the house, which can lead to furniture and objects being marked with urine. A new dog in the house can also lead to fear or aggression.
    • A lack of scratching posts, which can lead to scratching furniture and other objects in the house.

Part 2 of 3: Correcting your cat's behavior

  1. Avoid physically or verbally punishing your cat. Physical or verbal punishment is the least successful way to correct your cat's bad behavior. In fact, hitting or yelling can cause the cat to become even more frightened when around you, make the cat less willing to play with other people, and make the cat scratch and bite more aggressively. Your cat will likely keep going when you are out of sight because it knows that if you don't see it, it can continue with the behavior without being punished.
    • Physical or verbal punishments are generally ineffective, short-term solutions to your cat's problems and don't stop the bad behavior. Instead, it creates a stressful environment for you and your cat. It can sometimes be difficult not to tap or yell your cat when he's doing something naughty, like marking your furniture with urine, or when he's going to the bathroom instead of on the litter box. Still, instead of yelling or hitting, it's important to take a deep breath and try to use a more effective correction method.
  2. Use remote correction. The cat does not associate the punishment with you. This technique combines an unpleasant texture, smell, taste or sound with a particular bad behavior to discourage your cat from continuing this bad behavior. You can use home, garden and kitchen tools for remote correction:
    • Texture: You can put sticky paper, aluminum foil, or a heavy plastic runner in areas you want the cat to avoid. Cats generally hate to walk on these textures.
    • Smell: You can use smells that cats dislike to keep the cat away from places where it is not allowed. For example, you can place a cloth or cotton ball soaked in citronella, perfume, air freshener, citrus, aloe vera, eucalyptus oil or wintergreen oil on an object or surface.
    • Taste: You can rub certain foods on surfaces that your cat likes to scratch or bite, such as bitter apple, citrus products, hot sauces, cayenne pepper or aloe vera gel. Over time, your cat will associate the bad taste with the object or surface and eventually avoid it.
    • Noise: Using noises that startle your cat can deter the cat from continuing his bad behavior. Sounds that may startle your cat include blowing a whistle, popping a balloon, or shaking a tin of coins. Try to startle the cat with the sound instead of your voice. Do this when the cat is planning to do something that you define as bad behavior. The cat will associate the bad behavior with the annoying noise.
  3. Ignore the cat if it misbehaves while playing. If you see your cat displaying rough or aggressive behavior while playing, you can try to correct the behavior by not giving your cat more attention.
    • Do this by walking to another room and closing the door. Wait for your cat to calm down before touching or paying attention. This will show him that his bad behavior is interfering with play and discourages him from displaying this behavior again while playing.

Part 3 of 3: Adjusting your cat's environment and routine

  1. Keep the litter box clean and hygienic. If your cat is avoiding the litter box, it is important that you keep the litter box hygienic in order to encourage the cat to use the litter box. This means that you have to scoop the feces out of the litter box daily and replace some of the litter. The entire litter box should be changed once a week. Make sure the litter box is attractive to your cat. Most cats dislike hooded or rimmed litter boxes as it can be uncomfortable for them. Avoid using these types of litter boxes.
    • If you own several cats, make sure that each cat has its own litter box. Also provide an extra litter box. Try to spread out the litter boxes so that each cat has enough space and privacy to go about their business. Choose a quiet place in your house, where your cat has an overview and can see if someone is coming.
    • Make sure the litter box is large enough for your cat to sit comfortably and have a 2 to 5 cm layer of litter. Cats hate litter boxes with too much filling.
  2. Provide scratching posts and play with your cat daily. Most cats misbehave out of boredom or under-stimulation, so it's important that you play with your cat on a daily basis. Use one or more toys so that he doesn't play with your hands or arms. Focus his attention on the toys and switch toys every week so that the cat does not get bored.
    • Scratching posts also prevent your cat from scratching furniture or fabric objects. Place the scratching posts in common areas or your cat's favorite places.
  3. Use pheromones to reduce stress. Using a synthetic pheromone can help when your cat is marking or spraying areas with urine. It provides a sense of security in stressful situations and prevents spraying or marking when the cat is scared.
    • This pheromone is available as a spray and an electric vaporizer and can be found at your local pet store.