Have a guy start a conversation with you

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jealous Guy (Remastered 2010)
Video: Jealous Guy (Remastered 2010)


You've seen a nice guy at school or work, but it just seems like he doesn't know you exist. Do not be afraid! Not only can you get his attention, but there are also things you can do to get him you first instead of you approach him. It's all about your looks and looking approachable!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Look approachable

  1. Smile! Believe it or not, guys are just as shy as girls when it comes to taking the first step. A smile is friendly and makes you approachable, a smile out of nowhere can give a guy the confidence to step up to you and introduce himself. On the other hand, a frown will make him nervous and keep him at a distance.
  2. Make eye contact. This goes well with smiling. You can smile all day long, but if you don't make eye contact with this, it won't be obvious to him that you want him to come over for a chat. If you make eye contact and smile at him as you pass, he will notice, especially if you do this more often. If he smiles back, all the better.
    • Eye contact is good, but avoid staring at him. Now and then glance in his direction, but don't stare at him too long.
  3. Be self-assured. This is much more important than your hair or your clothes. Having self-confidence is not only an attractive trait, it also makes you a more dynamic and interesting person. Someone with confidence will automatically attract people. Radiate positivity!
  4. Talk to his friends. When a guy sees you talking to his friends, he'll feel more comfortable approaching you. Just make sure you don't flirt with his friends! He will also notice that immediately, but will not have a positive effect.
  5. Put your phone aside. When you're around the guy you want to talk to, being on your phone all the time isn't a sign that you're looking for a chat. Keep your head up and be alert, ready to start a conversation.
  6. Watch your body language. Communication is so much more than just words, body language is also an important part of communication, even if you are on the other side of the room or hallway.
    • Don't cross your arms. This is because you radiate that you are not approachable.
    • Watch your posture. When you hang your head and shoulders, you make it clear to the boy that you don't have enough confidence to let him come to you without putting it into words.
    • Keep your gestures subtle and convincing. Relaxed hands radiate confidence, while clenched hands make you seem anxious and unapproachable.
    • Don't try to fiddle with your clothes or anything else. Doing so will make you appear anxious.

Method 2 of 3: Make yourself accessible

  1. Make sure he sees you. If you see a suitable opportunity to walk past him, take the chance! If you find him walking down a certain hallway at a certain time every day, take a position there. Do this occasionally to avoid looking desperate.
    • Make sure you have a goal when you walk past the boy. Fill your bottle with water if he's close to the water dispenser or walk into the library if he's hanging out with his friends nearby.
    • When you walk past the boy in question, make sure you walk upright with your head up. Walk confidently and show your smile.
  2. Sit with him. This does not mean that you have to sit right next to him, because then it will be too thick on top! But sitting close to him (so that he sees you, if possible) will likely cause him to notice you and create a scenario where he might approach you. If you are classed in the same room, sit close to him. During the lunch break, sit down a table with your friends.
  3. Create a situation where he is likely to come to you. Try to walk past him with a stack of books in your arms, or try to go through a door near him with your hands full. You might walk past him with a confused look or pretend you're lost, like you can't find a local or particular person.
    • Although the scenario in which you play the "lady in need" should not be reviewed too often, it can certainly be a way to start a conversation. It offers the opportunity to make eye contact and smile at him!
  4. Share a common interest. If you know he's interested in something specific, give it a shot yourself. For example, if you know that he likes to watch sports games, visit one yourself now and then. If he loves music, pop into the local record store every now and then. Bump into him at the gym. If you run into the boy while pursuing his hobby, he will undoubtedly come up to you for a chat.
    • Don't go too far. Don't force yourself into something that you're really not interested in. Just be yourself.
    • Plan carefully and don't show up every time he attends an event or pursues his hobby. This will make you seem slightly scary to him, and you want to avoid coming across as a stalker!
  5. Become part of his circle of friends. If you already get along well with some of his best friends and the situation lends itself to this, then get closer to these people. This gives the boy in question sufficient opportunities to approach you. Plus, his friends will be nothing but positive about you in front of him, and it certainly won't hurt!

Method 3 of 3: Looking your best

  1. Watch your appearance. The way you present yourself on the outside is a great indicator of how you feel on the inside. You want to show the boy you're worthy and you want to get his attention. Looks are not everything, but it is the first thing the boy will see. No matter how great you are as a person, a guy won't notice it from the other side of the room.
    • Look well-groomed. Keep your hair neatly combed and your nails trimmed.
    • Practice good body hygiene by brushing your teeth, flossing regularly, and showering every day.
    • Wash and moisturize your face regularly. This will give you a healthy appearance.
    • Try lotions and perfumes that smell good. Don't use too much though! You want him to notice when you walk by, not when you are on the other side of the room.
  2. Try doing something different with your hair. Don't overdo it by dyeing your hair pink, for example, making small changes can certainly help. For example, experiment with an iron, curling iron, hair clips or hair clips. Anything other than usual may catch his eye. The night before the next day of school or before the event he will be attending, try a few different styles.
    • Straightening your hair with a flat iron can give you a casual look.
    • You can use a curling iron to give your hair extra volume.
    • Are you a girl with a ponytail or someone who often has her hair loose? Regardless of your usual style, try something different!
    • Try a different section in your hair, or consider bangs. Make it fun!
  3. Take care of yourself. There are several ways you can do this, and these ways can be both simple and complex. Focus on the basics. When you take good care of yourself, you will radiate this without having to say a word.
    • Make sure you get enough sleep.
    • Make sure you get plenty of exercise.
    • Make healthy changes to your diet.
  4. Impress with your clothes. Some people say that clothes only make the man, but clothes can also make the difference for girls. Wear clothes that fit you well and that make you feel good. If you don't feel comfortable in the clothes you wear, you will be conveying this uncomfortable feeling in the way you present yourself.
    • Try adding fun colors to brighten up your clothing collection.
    • Show yourself. However, this does not mean that you have to put on challenging clothes! For example, if you have a nice color on your arms from the sun, try a top with spaghetti straps, for example.
    • Match your style with the guy you like. If you are tall, try to wear flats when you are around him so that he will feel comfortable.
    • If you usually wear jeans, try something different, such as a dress.
    • Try to develop your own style. Everyone will notice this, not just guys!
    • Experiment with jewelry or other accessories. Sometimes it's the little details that help you get someone's attention.


  • Smile often.
  • Always be friendly and approachable.
  • Look for interests that you share in common.
  • Self-confidence is the key to success!
  • Be yourself. Whatever you do, never forget who you are and what you stand for. You are a winner and a unique person and you don't have to change yourself for a boy.
  • Make sure you always have fresh breath.
  • Behave naturally.
  • Don't run too fast!
  • If you think you really like a guy, don't wait for him to come up to you. Go to him. Boys, like girls, can be nervous and shy. You could also be the one to make the first move!