Calming a dog

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
15 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helped 4 Million Dogs Worldwide! NEW!
Video: 15 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helped 4 Million Dogs Worldwide! NEW!


Ultimately, it will depend on the situation how you decide to calm your dog. Strangers, thunderclap, fireworks, the garbage truck, visits to the vet, and other animals can scare, worry, or excite your dog. Our instinct is to comfort and cuddle, but there are better ways to handle the situation - ways that teach your dog not to be scared, worried, or excited. In order to calm a dog, you need to interpret your dog's behavior and take the time to understand why your dog is reacting in a certain way.

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Method 1 of 2: Calm down your dog

  1. Understand a fearful dog's body language. A dog's body language is complex and can be easily misunderstood. There is no universal sign of fear or concern to look for as every dog ​​reacts differently. It is normal for one fearful dog to act aggressively and another to run away and hide. Both dogs want to be safe, but they handle the situation differently. Some well-known signs are:
    • Bent posture
    • Tight, averted gaze, dilated pupils
    • Ears flat or slightly back
    • Wrinkled forehead
    • Whining
    • Shaking / shaking
    • Sweaty feet
    • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  2. Understand the cause of your dog's behavior. Usually this will be obvious. Your dog is clearly afraid of a thunderstorm, a specific person, a loud noise or a specific space. Imagine yourself in the place of your dog. You know little about the world, but you see something formidable. How would you react? Feel empathy for your friend.
  3. Minimize the source of the fear. Put your dog in a different room if a particular person makes him feel anxious. Close the curtains and turn on the music to mask the sound of thunder or fireworks. If your dog wants to turn over and hide in his safe place, such as his crate, cover it with a light blanket to muffle the terrifying noise. Again, the method you choose to calm your dog depends entirely on what he is afraid of.
    • You can create a safe place for your dog by opening a door to a room away from loud noises, or you can crate train him. In the second case, your dog will eventually find his crate the most familiar place of all.
  4. Distract your dog. You can give your dog something else to focus on - something that is positive and even productive. Does your dog have a favorite toy or chew bone? If so, give it to your dog to distract him from the negative stimuli. Turn a stressful situation into a playful one. Ultimately, your dog will initially associate whatever is causing his stress with a fun experience, and later on he will be less affected by the negative stimuli (e.g., strangers, thunder, the vet, or other animals).
  5. Pet your dog. Every dog ​​is different. Every dog ​​likes a different way of petting. Some dogs like gentle, gentle petting, while others like firm patting and squeezing. One of the most common ways to stroke is to gently swipe the back. Place the palm of your hand on top of your dog's head, slowly following your dog's spine to his hips. Do this repeatedly to calm your dog.
    • But be aware that petting your dog can be misunderstood by him as a reward for feeling anxious. While this sounds counterintuitive, petting the dog can inadvertently train him to be anxious in the future. Assess the situation, but sometimes it is better to ignore his fearful behavior, which sends the message that there is nothing to worry about.
  6. Use a Thundershirt. These shirts are worn over the dog's upper body and give pressure when the dog becomes anxious. The dog interprets the pressure like a baby interprets swaddling. It's comforting to some dogs.
  7. Play classical music for your dog. Many dog ​​owners and animal shelters play soft classical music to calm the dogs.

Method 2 of 2: Prevent your dog's anxiety

  1. Train your dog. Many dog ​​trainers believe that overly anxious, excited, or scared dogs are the direct result of improper training. You must reinforce positive behavior when you train your dog. Teach him not to be scared at the vet, not to be excited in the dog park, and not to be anxious about thunderstorms. Do this by offering an alternative task for him to focus on and then rewarding him when he successfully completes the task.
    • For example, on a ride to the vet, if your dog gets excessively frightened in the waiting room, you can command him to “sit” or “lie down”. A basic command will do. Then reward your dog if he has successfully followed your command. This will reinforce the training and distract your dog's mind from the stressful situation. In the future, your dog may even associate the waiting area at the vet with sitting and getting a treat, rather than being examined by a stranger.
  2. Mask your own reaction. Your dog sees you as part of his pack. If he sees that you are scared, he will adopt the same emotional response. If you are in an uncomfortable situation, don't show it. Take a deep breath and count, exhaling slowly and consciously.
    • For example, if you're taking your pet to the vet for surgery and you're stressed about it, don't show your dog. Always try to create a positive experience for your dog in these situations. Alternatively, if you cringe every time you hear a thunderclap, your dog will think there is something to fear. This can also cause anxiety.
  3. Use pheromone diffusers. Pheromones are chemical messengers released by the mother dog during feeding to reassure her pups that they are safe and secure. Synthetic versions of this chemical known as Dog Appeasing Pheromones (DAPs) are available at many pet stores. Plug them into a wall outlet or attach them to your dog's collar and watch them calm your canine companions.
  4. Give your dog the supplement zylkene. Zylkene contains a protein extracted from milk and it acts as a sedative - like diazepam. This capsule is given twice daily and has been shown to calm dogs during thunderstorms, visits to the vet and a stay in a boarding house.
  5. Talk to your vet. They will be able to advise you which measures work best - be it behavioral or medical. If necessary, you can get a prescription for stronger medication. Only give this to your dogs if prescribed by your vet and do it according to the vet's instructions. There are five types of medications commonly used to treat behavioral problems in dogs. These are benzodiazepines (BZs), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAO inhibitors), tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSR inhibitors).


  • Studies have shown that spaying / neutering your dog can also help calm him down. The exact moment to perform the surgery (especially before or after a female dog in heat) is still under debate.
  • Make sure to pet your dog and not hug him. Research has been done showing that about 83% of dogs show at least one sign of fear when cuddled.