Using a facial scrub

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to: SCRUB Your Face Properly __ | Face Scrub Routine _ SuperWowStyle
Video: How to: SCRUB Your Face Properly __ | Face Scrub Routine _ SuperWowStyle


Using a facial scrub can keep your skin looking beautiful, young, soft and radiant. Unlike regular soap or cleanser, a facial scrub uses small particles, beads, or chemicals to remove old skin cells and make room for new ones, in a process known as exfoliating. The process is simple: for a facial scrub, choose a natural or chemical scrub that is right for your skin type, massage the scrub into damp skin for a minute, rinse and moisturize your skin. Repeat this once or twice a week. With all those benefits, you should consider making a facial scrub part of your weekly skincare routine.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Preparing for a facial scrub

  1. Decide whether or not to use a facial scrub. Not everyone should exfoliate their skin with a facial scrub. For example, individuals with rosacea, warts, inflammatory acne, or herpes may find that exfoliating makes their conditions worse. If you have a history of skin problems, you should contact your dermatologist to determine which type of skin care regimen is best for you.
  2. Determine your skin type. Different skin types will respond in different ways to facial scrubs and other products, and facial scrubs are designed specifically for your skin type. You may already know if you have a normal, dry, oily or combined have skin. If not, you can determine your skin type with a tissue test.
    • Wash your face to make sure there are no residues from products or cosmetics on your skin.
    • Let your face air dry and wait at least an hour.
    • Dab with a paper towel on your forehead, nose, chin, cheeks and temples.
    • If the cloth sticks, it is a sign that your skin is oily. If the cloth isn't sticking, that's a sign that your skin is dry. If your t-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) is oily, but the rest of your face is dry, that's an indication that you have combination skin.
    • Your skin can also be more or less sensitive to facial care products. Usually people with sensitive skin have dry or combination skin, but this is not always the case. If your face has reacted badly to cosmetics or facial products in the past, you may have sensitive skin. Signs of sensitive skin include redness, unusual breakouts, bumps, scaling, itching, or pain.
  3. Choose the best facial scrub for your skin type. Most commercial facial scrubs will indicate whether they are suitable for dry, oily, combination, normal or sensitive skin. Some facial scrubs will also suit all skin types. But there are some general guidelines for finding a facial scrub for your skin type:
    • Face scrubs with apricot kernels, walnut shells, almonds or aluminum oxide are often better for oily, non-sensitive skin.
    • Facial scrubs with plastic beads, alpha-hydroxy or beta-hydroxy are often better for dry or sensitive skin.
  4. Find a good storage place for your new facial scrub. Some scrubs can be kept in the shower area, which is helpful for your routine. However, some scrubs are more effective when stored in a cool dry place, such as a medicine cabinet, towel cabinet, or kitchen cupboard. If using a commercial scrub, follow the product label's recommendations. If you're making your own facial scrub, follow the recipe's recommendations.
  5. Read and follow all instructions for using the facial scrub. Pay particular attention to product warnings, expiration dates, potential allergens or interactions with other facial products. Some facial scrubs are only suitable for exfoliating, but do not cleanse the skin, which means that before using the scrub, you must wash your face for it to be effective.

Part 2 of 3: Wash your face with a facial scrub

  1. Use warm water to wet your skin. If you have long hair, you should put it back in a ponytail so it doesn't get in the way. Make sure to wet your entire face. It is best to use warm water, but avoid water that is too hot as it can dry out your skin.
  2. Massage your skin gently with the facial scrub for one minute. Take some of the scrub and massage it all over your face and neck. Be careful not to rub too hard to avoid unnecessary redness or peeling. Also, be very careful not to get a scrub in your eyes.
    • Note that it can cause irritation or a sensitive reaction if you rub for more than 60-90 seconds. Make sure you don't exfoliate too much or leave the scrub on your face for too long.
  3. Rinse the scrub off your face. Get everything off. When you rinse everything off, your skin will feel very smooth and soft.
  4. Dry your skin. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel and continue with the rest of your skincare routine.
  5. Hydrate your skin. Even if you have oily or combination skin, moisturizing is a necessary part of your skincare routine, especially after exfoliating with a facial scrub. Hydration helps to prevent the overproduction of skin oils and keeps the skin healthy and balanced.
  6. Don't use the scrub more than once or twice a week. It can be tempting to get that soft, radiant feeling every morning. But using a facial scrub too often can exfoliate your delicate skin cells and leave you with red, raw, and sore skin. In the beginning, try not to use the scrub more than once a week; you can increase the frequency to twice a week if you feel like your skin can handle it. Anything in moderation is key to the effectiveness of a facial scrub.

Part 3 of 3: Observing the results of a facial scrub

  1. Pay close attention to your skin for the next few weeks. If the scrub is effective, you should start to see signs of softer, smoother and younger skin pretty quickly. In that case, congratulations! You have found the best product for exfoliating your skin.
  2. Watch for signs of redness, itching, or a rash. These are indicators of an allergy or sensitivity. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately stop using this particular scrub and look for another product. You may also want to consider asking your dermatologist to perform a skin test to determine what exactly you are allergic or sensitive to.
  3. If you are not satisfied with your first try, try a different scrub. You may have to try it a few times before you find the ideal product for your skin. Don't forget to be patient and watchful. In the end you will find a good combination!


  • The best facial scrubs aren't always the most expensive. Pay more attention to the ingredients than the price tag, and choose ingredients that are right for your skin type.
  • If you don't want to spend money on a facial scrub but still want to take care of your skin, why not try making your own facial scrub from common household ingredients? There are many recipes available on the Internet or here on wikiHow.
  • If you have particularly sensitive skin, you can test a facial scrub on a small area of ​​skin before using it all over your face.


  • Avoid exfoliating around the eyes.
  • Don't scrub your face more than once or twice a week.
  • Don't scrub too hard or too long, or you'll damage your skin or make it red.
  • Discontinue use and consult your dermatologist if you experience any signs of allergy or extreme sensitivity.
  • Heed all warnings and instructions on the packaging: some facial scrubs react badly with other products.