Opening a Pandora bracelet

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Open A PANDORA Bracelet | Tips for Beginners
Video: How To Open A PANDORA Bracelet | Tips for Beginners


Most Pandora bracelets come with a specific type of snap closure called a barrel closure. This is a sturdy but easy to open clasp with the help of your fingers or a lock opener. The stopper beads that protect the ends of these bracelets open in the same way. When you start wearing the bracelet again, you can click the clasps to lock them.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Open the bracelet with your fingers

  1. Turn the clasp until the groove on it is facing up. Twist the clasp with your fingers. You will see a vertical line running down one side from end to end. The closure opens along this line.
    • The standard barrel closure is provided with a groove. Pandora also sells some carabiners, which look like key rings. You simply press the button to open the clasp and slide the end of the bracelet off.
  2. Stick your fingernails into the groove. Slide the nail of your thumb in first, followed by another fingernail, if you get it in. The easiest way to do this is with both thumbs, or you can do it with your other fingers. Place your thumbs so that both nails are touching.
    • Secure the sides of the clasp with the other fingers or the side of your body.
    • After you get used to opening the bracelet a bit, you may even be able to do it with a single nail. Starting with two nails is easier and gives you more control over the closure.
  3. Pull the sides apart until the clasp opens. Push both nails out to separate the ends of the clasp. Apply a gentle, but firm pressure. The clasp opens quickly, so you can remove or put on the bracelet.
    • The clasp can be a bit stiff and difficult to open to keep the charms safe. Apply more force to lift it without using additional tools.
    • If you have trouble opening the clasp, adjust the grip and try again. Most closures will pop open without much problem, but you may need to purchase an opener to remove a stuck clasp.
  4. Lift the bar out of the clasp to release the ends of the bracelet. The clasp is permanently attached to one end of the bracelet. The other end looks like a small plug. Simply pick it up and release it from the clasp to complete the bracelet opening.

Method 2 of 4: Using an opener

  1. Hold it between your thumb and index finger. Curl your fingers as if you were making a fist, but rest your fingertips on your palm. With the other hand, place the clasp on top of your index finger and pinch it in place with your thumb. Position the opener so that a flat, wide edge faces away from you.
    • Pandora sells an opener that looks like a flower pendant. It features four petals, each with a flat edge that can be used to open closures.
    • If you don't have a Pandora opener, you can use a generic opener. Look for tools designed for opening jewelry or even phones. You can also use small coins or other sturdy objects with a flat edge.
  2. Turn the clasp until you see the groove. Turn the clasp with your fingers until you see an opening in the clasp. The opening is a vertical line that runs between the top and bottom edges of the clasp. Place the groove upward so that you can apply enough leverage with the opener.
  3. Insert the opener into the groove. Insert the flat edge of the opener into the groove. Push it in as far as possible, but avoid forcing it.
    • Keep the clasp stable by placing it against your fingers or the side of your body.
  4. Open the clasp to release the bracelet. Move the opener back and forth and press it against the sides of the clasp. Maintain constant pressure. The closure will usually open immediately and without much effort. Then pull the loose end of the bracelet out of the clasp to complete the opening.
    • If you can't open the clasp right away, adjust your grip on it. Make sure the opener is firmly seated in the groove.
    • The bracelet is permanently attached to the clasp at one end. So you have to identify the removable side and pinch it between your fingers to lift it out.

Method 3 of 4: Close the bracelet

  1. Place the bar of the bracelet in the open clasp. Take a look at the ends of the bracelet. The bracelet has a small bar shaped head on one end. Make sure the clasp is open and let the stick rest in it. Push the rod into the curved groove of the clasp as far as it will go.
    • The easiest way to put the bracelet on is to wrap it around your wrist. Place the clasp on your wrist and wrap the other end - that of the bar - around it.
    • If the rod is outside the groove, the closure will not close properly. The bracelet could fall off your wrist. Check the placement carefully while closing the clasp.
  2. Grab the sides of the clasp with your fingers. Place your thumb against one side of the clasp and reach for the other side with your index finger. Grasp the clasp firmly between your fingers.
    • Use the free hand or fingers to hold the rest of the bracelet steady while doing this.
  3. Push the ends of the clasp together to close it. Bring your thumb and index finger together to close the clasp. You don't have to use a lot of force for this. Check the closure to make sure the head is properly seated. If the clasp seems loose, open it and adjust it.
    • Do not force the closure if it does not close properly. You could eventually break it. The problem is probably that the bar is not properly seated in the groove of the clasp. Open it and try again.

Method 4 of 4: Open and close clip beads

  1. Turn the bead so that the opening groove is facing up. The clip bead is located at the end of the bracelet, directly behind the bar part on the bracelet's locking mechanism. Rotate the bead with your fingers. You can turn it on the bracelet until you see the groove. This is a thin opening that runs down the side of the bead.
    • Note that you have to open the bracelet before you can open the beads. This allows the clip bead to prevent other components of the bracelet from sliding off.
    • Opening the clip bead is very similar to unlocking the bracelet itself. They both use the same type of mechanism.
  2. Stick your nails into the crevice. Slide your nail into the groove. You can usually open the bead with a single nail. If you need more lifting force, try using your other thumb as well to pull the sides of the bead in opposite directions.
    • When wearing the bracelet, secure it to your wrist with your fingers to keep it still.
    • You can also use an opener or the side of a thin coin to open the bead.
  3. Open the bead and set it aside. Use firm and even pressure to open the gap in the bead. As you push out, it will pop open. The remaining beads will be loose, so hold the end of the bracelet and face up. You can now reach the other beads you want to remove.
    • Once the bead pops open, you can remove it from the bracelet. Be careful not to drop the other beads.
  4. Push the bead between your fingers and place it around the bracelet. Hold the bead between your thumb and index finger and keep the inner groove facing up. Bring the end of the bracelet over it and place it in the groove. Make sure it fits snugly in the curve of the bead.
    • Hold the bead steady with your other fingers. You can secure it against a flat work surface or your wrist to keep the other beads from shifting.
  5. Snap the ends together to close the bead. Push your fingers together. The sides of the bead come together without requiring much force. Keep pushing until you hear the bead click shut.
    • If the bead doesn't seem to close properly, don't force it. Open it and check the alignment. The bracelet may not sit firmly enough in the groove of the bead.


  • Do not roll the bracelet off your hand. You better open the clasps to prevent them from stretching and damaging.
  • Always make sure the stop bead is in place before closing the bracelet clasp.
  • Be careful opening the bracelet and stop bead. Nothing will hold the other beads in place so they can fall off the bracelet.
  • Opening and closing the clasps does not require much force, so check them if it does not go smoothly. The parts may not be properly aligned.
  • Avoid forcing the closures or you could damage them
  • If the clasp feels loose or is too difficult to open, take it to the nearest Pandora dealer. Let him look at it. He may be able to repair or replace it.