Get rid of parasites

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Meet the Worm Dr. Oz Calls the Mother of All Parasites | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN
Video: Meet the Worm Dr. Oz Calls the Mother of All Parasites | The Oprah Winfrey Show | OWN


Parasitic infections are more common than you might think and can be mild to severe. It is always recommended to see a doctor for a diagnosis, and usually in the case of a severe infection, you will need to take prescription medications. Sometimes, however, you can treat a mild or moderate parasitic infection with home remedies.

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Part 1 of 4: Getting a diagnosis

  1. Learn about some common parasites. There are several types of intestinal parasites, but only two main types: worms and protozoa.
    • Worms have many cells and some of the most common worms are tapeworms, pinworms and roundworms.
    • Protozoa consist of only one cell and, unlike worms, can reproduce in the human body. The most common protozoa are Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
  2. Recognize the symptoms. The exact symptoms may differ depending on the parasite you are infected with. You may have a parasite in your body for years before symptoms appear.
    • Still, there are some symptoms that most people with a parasitic infection experience, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, dysentery, nausea, vomiting, bloating, anus itching, fatigue and losing weight for no reason.
    • If you are infected with a parasitic worm, you may see parts of the worm in your stool.
  3. Know the risk factors. Because many of the most common symptoms occur with other conditions, consider your risk factors when determining whether parasites may be the root cause of your problems.
    • If you live in a place where you are known to have parasites or visit such a place, your chance of a parasitic infection is much higher. This is especially true if you travel to countries with poor sanitary conditions.
    • Poor sanitation and hygiene are generally risk factors for parasitic infections.
    • People with weaker immune systems are at higher risk for a parasitic infection. This includes children, the elderly and people with conditions that weaken the immune system, such as HIV.
  4. Make an appointment with your doctor. If you think you have an intestinal parasite, make an appointment with your doctor anyway.
    • You must do this first, even if you want to treat the parasitic infection with home remedies.
    • Your doctor uses a number of standard tests to check you for parasites.
      • Often times, the doctor will want a sample of your stool to be examined.
      • When you are being examined for pinworms, the doctor may hold a piece of masking tape to your anus to examine under a microscope. If you have pinworms, the tape usually contains microscopic eggs.
      • If the infection is serious or there is some other reason for urgency, your doctor can refer you to the hospital to have X-rays taken and a diagnosis.
  5. Make a follow-up appointment with your doctor. If you have been diagnosed with a parasitic infection and have been treated for it, make a follow-up appointment with your doctor when treatment is finished.
    • In most cases, the doctor will want to have your stool tested again for parasites. If you are still infected, you will need further treatment.
    • Once the parasite is out of your body, your doctor will likely give you instructions on how to prevent a new infection. A new infection can be even more dangerous than the first infection.

Part 2 of 4: Taking care of yourself

  1. Stop eating simple carbohydrates. In addition to honey, stop eating sugar and opt for unprocessed foods instead of processed foods. You can also no longer eat and drink most juices and dairy products.
    • Parasites thrive by absorbing sugar, so with all the simple carbohydrates you ingest, the parasite can feed and stay alive.
    • Do not eat sugar for at least one to two weeks while you are being treated for the infection. Then do this for another one to two weeks after the treatment while your body recovers.
  2. Eat certain nuts and seeds. Some preliminary studies show that pumpkin seeds, papaya seeds and almonds may help prevent and cure parasitic intestinal infections. Try to eat one or two handfuls of these foods every day for at least two weeks or during the infection.
    • If you can't eat the nuts and seeds on their own, put them in smoothies, yogurt and other foods.
    • For example, grind the seeds of a medium sized papaya and mix the paste with a tablespoon (15 ml) of coconut oil and 250 ml of coconut milk. Mix everything with the papaya pulp and one to two tablespoons (15-30 ml) of organic honey. Drinking this smoothie for a week may help treat a mild to moderate parasitic infection.
  3. Eat fruits and vegetables with an anti-parasitic effect. Not all fruits and vegetables can fight parasites, but some types can. Eat as many species as possible until you get rid of the parasite completely.
    • Some of the most useful fruits are pineapple, blackberries, pomegranates and papayas. You can eat the fruit fresh or drink its juice. If you don't like these fruits, you may also be able to take them as dietary supplements.
    • Some vegetables that may be helpful are onions, garlic, cabbage, kale, beets, and carrots. If you don't want to drastically change your diet, you can make small changes by flavoring your food with garlic and onions more often.
  4. Cleanse your body from the inside. Because intestinal parasites are in your gastrointestinal system, cleaning your body from within may help remove the parasite from your body.
    • Drinking plenty of water and sugar-free drinks should help.
    • Eating more fiber can also help, especially if you have a worm infection. This may not work well with an infection caused by protozoa.
  5. Get the good bacteria back with the help of probiotics. Probiotics are good bacteria that keep your gastrointestinal system healthy. Eating probiotics can naturally strengthen your body while fighting parasites.
    • Most yogurts contain the good bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus. By eating one or two servings of yogurt a day you can gently restore the bacterial balance in your intestines.
    • You can also take probiotics in the form of nutritional supplements. Follow the dose directions on the package so you know how much to swallow and how often.
  6. Support your immune system. Your body needs many different nutrients to stay healthy, but vitamin C and zinc are especially important for a healthy immune system. Getting a good night's sleep can also strengthen your immune system and help your body fight infection.
    • A guideline is to get 90 mg of vitamin C and 20-30 mg of zinc every day. You can eat foods with these nutrients or take nutritional supplements.
    • If you have a parasitic infection, try to sleep eight to nine hours every night.

Part 3 of 4: Using home remedies that have not been proven to work

  1. Swallow food-safe diatomaceous earth. This is a natural compound that contains silica and other trace elements, and when used properly it can kill adult parasites, larvae and eggs. It can also make your digestive system healthier.
    • Use only food safe diatomaceous earth. Other types can harm it if you eat them.
    • You usually need to dissolve a teaspoon (5 grams) of the powder in 250 ml of water. Drink this solution daily. If necessary, if you have the infection for several weeks, you can gradually increase the amount to one to two tablespoons (15 to 30 grams).
  2. Try apple cider vinegar. The B vitamins in apple cider vinegar can help nourish the body while fighting infection. The acidic vinegar can also neutralize the body's pH and make the digestive system healthier.
    • Drink one teaspoon (5 ml) of apple cider vinegar up to three times a day. Drinking the vinegar half an hour before a meal allows your body to absorb the moisture better.
    • If the starting dose works well, you can slowly increase it to a tablespoon (15 ml).
  3. Use certain herbs and spices. Certain herbs and spices are thought to help strengthen the body and fight parasites. Most herbs and spices can be used in the form of capsules, powder and tea.
    • Herbs commonly used against parasites include barberry, gold seal, mahogany, anise, wormwood, spearmint and black walnut.
    • Cinnamon is a spice that may have anti-parasitic properties. Season your meals with cinnamon or drink a solution of three grams of cinnamon and 250 ml of water up to three times a day.
    • Know that some herbs can have toxic side effects when used long term, and others can interact with medications. Research herbs thoroughly before using them as medicine.
  4. Support your body with oil. Coconut oil and olive oil, in particular, can help your body get rid of intestinal parasites.
    • Prepare your meals with these oils instead of using butter, margarine or other cooking oils.
    • To support your body in fighting the infection, you can also take the oil as a dietary supplement. Dissolve up to two tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil in hot tea. Add one to two tablespoons (15-30 ml) of olive oil to the vegetables you eat or drink the oil as is.
  5. Take a bath with Epsom salt. Dissolve 120 grams of Epsom salt in a full bath of hot water. Sit in the water for 15-20 minutes.
    • The salt bath does not help to kill the parasites themselves, but can remove the toxins left behind by the parasites. This helps your body to better fight the infection. The salt water pulls the toxins out of your body through the pores in your skin.
  6. Consider using neem oil. Neem oil is an ancient folk remedy used in India for parasites, and you can put the oil in your tea or swallow it in a capsule. It kills parasites and flushes out the toxins left behind by the dying parasites. It can also help return your liver to healthy after the infection.
    • Follow the directions on the supplement packaging regarding dose. The dose depends on how severe the infection is, your age and your overall health. It is best to talk to your doctor before taking this supplement to avoid side effects and interactions with medications.
    • Note that neem oil is not safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women as it can make the baby very sick and die. It can also be toxic to young children.
  7. Proceed slowly and steadily. During the treatment you may suffer from a lot of physical discomfort and severe stomach pain. Hurrying up during the treatment will increase discomfort.
    • If you are being treated by your doctor, follow your doctor's instructions to get the most benefit from the treatment.
    • If you are mainly treating the infection with home remedies, let the treatment last for several weeks. Follow an anti-parasitic diet for several weeks before taking other supplements such as apple cider vinegar, diatomaceous earth, and neem oil.

Part 4 of 4: Getting medical treatment

  1. Use metronidazole. This drug is quite effective against protozoa and is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for parasitic infections.
    • Usually this medicine is taken orally, but the dose depends on the type of parasite and your medical history. The treatment usually takes several days.
    • If you have a severe infection, you can receive metronidazole intravenously.
    • Common side effects include nausea, rashes, and vaginal infections. The oral medicine also leaves a bad taste in the back of your mouth.
  2. Use ivermectin. Most doctors prescribe this medicine if you have pinworms or roundworms in the small intestine.
    • The medicine is absorbed into your body and paralyzes the parasites so that you can get rid of them more easily.
    • You usually take a single dose of this medicine.
    • Common side effects include a rash, dizziness, fatigue, and stomach pain.
  3. Use albendazole. This is a very powerful medicine that is usually used against tapeworms, but your doctor can prescribe it for other parasitic worms as well.
    • This medicine poisons the parasite so that it cannot absorb sugar and it dies in your body.
    • The medicine is taken orally, but the dose depends on how severe the infection is, as well as your weight.
    • Common side effects include nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and dizziness.
  4. Talk to your doctor about other medications. Depending on the type of parasite and your medical history, your doctor may prescribe a different medication than the three most commonly prescribed.
    • Every medicine works differently. You only take a single dose of certain medicines, while you take a dose of other medicines regularly for several weeks. However, it is important that you use the medicine exactly as instructed by your doctor so that it works as well as possible.
    • Other drugs used to fight giardia and other similar parasites include tinidazole, which you take a single dose, and clindamycin, which you take several doses in a day.
    • Mebendazole is another medicine that is prescribed for pinworms and roundworms. Praziquantel is an anti-parasitic medicine prescribed for tapeworms.


  • Talk to your doctor before starting any parasite treatment. Some treatments work better against certain parasites, so getting an accurate diagnosis can help you get rid of the parasites in your body.
  • Potential complications depend on a variety of factors, but they usually occur in elderly patients and those who have other serious conditions, such as HIV.
  • Intestinal parasites can cause a more serious infection in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, and some treatments are also not safe for these women. If you have an intestinal parasite while you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important to get treatment from a doctor so that you and your child can get back to health.