Beat 24 Carrot Island on Poptropica

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 20 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
UPDATED (2020) - How to beat 24 Carrot Island- Full Walkthrough - Poptropica
Video: UPDATED (2020) - How to beat 24 Carrot Island- Full Walkthrough - Poptropica


On 24 Carrot Island, the evil Dr. Hare robbed a village of its roots. Want to know how to beat 24 Carrot Island? This wikiHow shows you how to do this.

To step

Part 1 of 9: Finding Whiskers the Cat

  1. Find the house on Carrot Farm. Once you get to the island, go left until you come across a house with broken windows and a boarded-up door. The house is beyond the sign with "Funny Bunny" written on it.
  2. Enter the house through the chimney. You can reach the chimney by jumping to the railing of the porch. Then jump onto the edge of the second-floor window. Then jump on the roof. Now you can get to the chimney.
  3. Take the empty bowl and leave. Once you are in the house you will see a white bowl on the floor to your right. Pick these up. Then leave the house through the fireplace.
  4. Enter the Carrot King Diner. Once you leave the house, turn right and continue until you reach the Carrot King Diner. Enter here through the front door.
  5. Ask the waitress to fill the bowl with milk. As soon as you find the waitress in the roadhouse you should talk to her. Select "Would you like to fill this bowl with milk?" She will fill the empty bowl with milk.
  6. Go back to the house on Carrot Farm. After the waitress fills the bowl with milk, exit the roadhouse, turn left and continue until you get back to the house on Carrot Farm. Enter here again through the chimney.
  7. Place the bowl of milk on the floor. Once you are in the house, place the bowl of milk on the floor in the same place it was when you found it.
  8. Go to the second floor. To get to the second floor you have to walk to the cupboard to your right. Jump from tray to tray and then onto the lamp. Climb up the lamp to the second floor. Then jump off the lamp.
  9. Run water in the bathtub. As soon as you arrive on the second floor you have to go left, to the bathroom. Turn on the water tap by activating one of the buttons and Whiskers the Cat will jump out of the bathtub.
  10. Chase the cat to the bowl of milk. As soon as the cat jumps out of the bathtub, it will run away as soon as you get too close. Walk towards the cat in such a way that it runs to the closet and jumps down to the first floor. Then walk towards him in such a way that he runs to the bowl of milk. Once the cat has drunk the milk, it will follow you.
  11. Visit Charlie's Carrot Surplus Co. As soon as the cat follows you, leave the house through the fireplace, turn right and walk until you reach Charlies Carrot Surplus Co. This building comes after the cinema. Enter through the front door.
  12. Tell Charlie you found his cat. Once in the store you need to find Charlie and talk to him. Select "I Found Your Cat". Charlie will thank you and give you a crowbar.

Part 2 of 9: Entering the factory

  1. Go to the factory. As soon as you have left Charlies Carrot Surplus Co, turn right and continue to the factory grounds.
  2. Climb on the roof. To reach the roof you have to jump on the base of the cement container. Then you jump on top of the container and from there on the pipe on top of the container. Jump to the base of the chimney and from there onto the roof.
  3. Get the Vent Blueprints. They stick out of the factory window at the top.
  4. Jump down to the right side of the factory. After you get the blueprints, go to the right side of the building and jump on top of the lower pipe protruding from the wall. Next, jump on the barrels sticking out of the mud and then on top of the big yellow pipe sticking out of the wall.
  5. Enter the factory. Once you are on top of the big yellow pipe, use the crowbar to work the metal closing valve off. Then enter through the large metal pipe.

Part 3 of 9: Reaching the Main Engine Room

  1. Get the Carrot Transporter. You will find these on your left when you enter the factory pipes. You can use it to teleport yourself out of the factory.
  2. Climb up the pipe. Go to the right and jump onto the ledge above you. Then jump onto the platform on the right.
  3. Walk over the red trapdoors. Pay close attention when the trapdoors open and close. Make the crossing when they close. If you fall you have to climb back up and try again.
  4. Climb up the pipe. After crossing the trapdoors, jump onto the platform above you and then onto the platform to the left.
  5. Go to the left and avoid the rat. Go to the left and jump up and take the top hallway to avoid the rat that is approaching you.
  6. Enter the engine room. After you get past the rat, go left and jump onto the ledge above you. Then go up the hallway all the way up.

Part 4 of 9: Reaching the ventilation tunnels

  1. Pull the green handle in the middle all the way down. Once you enter the Engine Room, go left and continue until you hit three levers. Pull the middle lever all the way down.
  2. Pull down the other levers halfway. Pull the lever on the left and right half down.
  3. Go to the right and climb up the ledge. Go past the manhole you entered through and jump on the stacked boxes to reach the ledge.
  4. Climb up to the claw. Once you are on the ledge, you must climb up to the ledge by jumping on the barrels and stacked boxes.
  5. Use the claw to get to the ventilation tunnel. Once you are on top of the boxes, you have to wait for the moment when the claw is closest to you. As soon as the time comes you have to jump on top. Let the claw bring you to the platform to the far right and then enter the open ventilation tunnel at the end point. Now you are in the ventilation tunnels.
    • Jump on top of the claw. If you stand in the middle it is easy to fall through the hole.

Part 5 of 9: Disarming the security system

  1. Enter the ventilation tunnels. Once the claw has transported you all the way to the right side, you need to enter the ventilation tunnels.
    • With the blueprints you have brought you can find your way in the ventilation tunnels.
  2. Find the wire cutters. Once you enter the ventilation tunnels, here's what you need to do to find the wire cutters.
    • Go to the right and down through the shaft blowing air towards you.
    • Go left and jump over two open shafts.
    • Jump down the shaft on the far left.
    • Go left and use the air being blown to get to the icy ledge.
    • Head to the left and jump down the next shaft, blowing air upwards.
    • Go to the right and get the wire cutters.
  3. Find your way to the Processing Room. Once you get your hands on the wire cutters, go to the right and drop through the shaft there. Keep to the right and enter the Processing Room.
  4. Jump to the floor. Once you arrive at the Processing Room, the security system will chase you away. If it catches you, you will automatically be transported to the Freezer.
  5. Open the cover of the security system. Once you get to the freezer, go left, jump on the big crate and click on the panel that says "Security System".
  6. Cut the wiring. Once you are in the security system you have to cut all the wires with the wire cutters.
  7. Enter the ventilation tunnels. After cutting the security system wiring, jump to the second platform and then onto the hanging lamp. Jump onto the platform to your left and enter the ventilation tunnels.

Part 6 of 9: Getting the power-on password

  1. Find your way to the Printer Room. With the blueprints of the fans you can follow the right route to get to the Printer Room. To get to the Printer Room, do the following:
    • Head to the left and use the blowing air to get to the ledge.
    • Go to the right and use the blast air to get to the next ledge.
    • Head to the left and use the blast air to get to the first ledge on the right.
    • Go right to get to the Printer Room.
  2. Avoid the falling boxes. In the Printer Room, go to the left and pay close attention to the rhythm with which the boxes fall through holes above you. Jump when it's safe.
  3. Talk to the brainwashed drone. After getting past the falling boxes, jump down to the first floor and go left. Talk to the brainwashed rabbit drone near the printer.
  4. "Select" Hey, what's that behind you?"If you're going to talk to the brainwashed drone, you have to select" Hey, what's that behind you? " The drone will turn around allowing you to see the top of its head.
  5. Press the on / off button on the head of the aircraft. Find the power button on the head of the drone. This switches off brainwashing and frees the drone. As a thank you, the aircraft prints the system password for you.
  6. Get the system password. Walk over to the printed paper sticking out of the printer and get it. It has the password "fuzzybunny" on it.

Part 7 of 9: Getting your hands on the Drone Rabbit Ears

  1. Return to the ventilation tunnel. You can return to the ventilation tunnel by jumping on the pipe to the left of the printer, then jump on top of the printer. Jump up the ledges from there to get back up. Enter the ventilation tunnel.
  2. Return to the Processing Room. Once you are in the ventilation tunnel, you can use the blueprints to make your way back to the Processing Room. Use the following steps to return to the Processing Room:
    • Go left and drop down the shaft.
    • Keep going left and use the blowing air to get to the first ledge.
    • Go to the left and use the blowing air to get to the top ledge.
    • Go left and jump over the two open shafts.
    • Jump down the shaft on the far left.
    • Head to the left and use the blowing air to get to the icy ledge.
    • Go left and jump down through the next shaft where air is blown up.
    • Go to the right and jump down the shaft there.
    • Go to the right and into the Processing Room.
  3. Free the brainwashed drones. As soon as you enter the Processing Room you have to jump to the ground floor. Two brainwashed drones walk here. Talk to them and select "Hey, what's that behind you?" Or "Hey, a flying buffalo!" Once they turn around, click the power buttons on top of their headsets to free them.
  4. Try to go through the steel doors. After freeing the brainwashed drones, walk to the right and select the steel doors. Below you will open a trap door and you will fall into the Smelter Room.
  5. Jump down to the conveyor belt. Once you enter the Melting Room, go left and jump down to the conveyor belt.
  6. Avoid the pulverizers. As soon as you reach the conveyor belt, go to the right and try to avoid the pulverizers falling from the ceiling.
  7. Climb up to the second floor. Once you get past the pulverizers, jump onto the pipe sticking out of the wall and from there onto the second ledge on the left.
  8. Put on the Drone Rabbit Ears. Once you jumped onto the ledge on the left, grab the Drone Rabbit Ears from the floor and put them on.

Part 8 of 9: Dr. Beat hers

  1. Go through the exit on the left. After getting the Drone Rabbit Ears, exit the room through the pipe on the left. You will return to the Processing Room in a minute.
  2. Go through the steel doors. Now that you are back in the Processing Room, go to the right and through the steel doors.Since you are now wearing the Rabbit Drone Ears you can pass them.
  3. Climb up to the computer. Go to the right and talk briefly to Dr. Hare. Then jump on the different parts of the giant Rabbot until you reach the platform the computer is on, in the top right of the room.
  4. Free the brainwashed drone. Once you reach the platform with the computer, talk to the brainwashed drone and select "Look, a giant rabbit!". When the drone turns around, you need to click the power button on the top of the helmet of the drone.
  5. Select the computer. After the drone is liberated you have to click on the computer to select it.
  6. Enter the password. The password is "fuzzybunny".
  7. Type launch rabbot. Use the keyboard to type "launch rabbot" next to "Command". This will launch the Rabbot.
  8. Send the Rabbot into the asteroids. You can see the Rabbot on the computer screen. Click on the joystick in front of the computer and drag it in any direction to steer the Rabbot. As soon as they appear, let the Rabbot fly into the asteroids. After crashing into four asteroids, Dr. Hers reports.

Part 9 of 9: Getting your reward

  1. Use the Carrot transporter. After you get Dr. Having defeated Hare, you must open the inventory and select the Carrot transporter. Use it to get out of the factory.
  2. Talk to the mayor. Once out of the factory you have to go left to return to Main Street. The mayor is wearing a black top hat. Talk to him to get an Island Medallion and some cash to spend in the store.