Make uTorrent faster

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🔧 uTorrent Best Settings 2021🔧 Let’s speed up uTorrent download speed!
Video: 🔧 uTorrent Best Settings 2021🔧 Let’s speed up uTorrent download speed!


We all know it: you want to see that great series, but you can't afford it. You go on the internet looking for a good torrent to download it with uTorrent. And after waiting 4 hours you are still only at 30% and nothing more happens. If this story sounds familiar to you, you probably wonder how you can improve your download speed. In this article we will tell you how.

To step

Method 1 of 8: How many seeders are there?

  1. Check the number of seeders of a torrent file. Seeders are computer users who keep sharing the file after downloading so that you can download it too. The more seeders there are, the faster the download speed.
    • If possible, always try to download a tracker with lots of seeders for the file you want. If you can connect to many seeders, your download speed will be maximum.

Method 2 of 8: Is your WiFi connection optimal?

  1. Try connecting your computer to your modem with a cable instead of the wireless network. There are many signals in a house that can interfere with the Wi-Fi signal, which can be detrimental to your internet speed and downloading via uTorrent.

Method 3 of 8: Are you getting the most out of it?

  1. Check uTorrent queue settings. Any file you are downloading with uTorrent will take up some of your bandwidth. If more than one file is downloaded at the same time at maximum speed, everything will take longer. Instead, try downloading the files one by one.Watch the first movie while you wait for the second movie to download!
  2. Click on "Options" and then on "Preferences".
  3. Click on "Queuing" on the left and set the maximum number of active downloads to 1.
  4. Click on "Apply" and click on "OK".
  5. Enable "UPnP port mapping". This setting ensures that uTorrent bypasses your firewall and connects directly to the seeders. This gives you a better transfer speed. This is how you enable UPnP:
  6. Click on "Options" and then on "Preferences".
  7. Click on "Connection" in the left menu.
  8. Check the box next to "Enable UPnP port mapping".
  9. Click on "Apply" and then on "OK".

Method 4 of 8: Is your version up to date?

  1. Always use the latest version of uTorrent. Check for updates regularly. You can do this by clicking "Help" and then "Check For Updates".
  2. Get a faster internet subscription. You may be able to opt for a faster package from your provider. Then you will pay more per month. You can also look at other providers, or perhaps fiber optic internet is available where you live.
  3. Add more trackers. This way you can make your speed much higher if other trackers have more seeders.

Method 5 of 8: Have you considered adjusting the download speed?

  1. Double click on the download. A menu will now open. Somewhere in the menu it will say "maximum download speed" (or something similar). For example, it will say 0.2 KB / s.
  2. Change this number. Change it to 9999999999999999999999 or any other high number.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Watch how the download speed is slowly increasing now.

Method 6 of 8: Do you give uTorrent priority?

  1. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del.
  2. Click on "Start Task Manager".
  3. Go to "Processes".
  4. Scroll down until you find "uTorrent.exe".
  5. Click on this with your right mouse button.
  6. Change the priority to high.

Method 7 of 8: Have you adjusted other preferences?

  1. Click on Options.
  2. Click on Preferences.
  3. Go to Advanced click + to expand.
  4. Go to Disk Cache.
  5. Enable "Automatic cache size override and manually specify size (MB)".
  6. Type 1800 in the box to the right of "Overwrite automatic cache size and specify the size manually (MB).
  7. Click on the Apply button.
  8. Select the Bandwidth tab.
  9. Look in the section entitled "General maximum number of connections:And change that value to 500.
  10. Click on the Apply button.
  11. Close the Preferences page. Click the OK button to close the page and save your changes.

Method 8 of 8: Force restart

  1. Right-click on the torrent you want to speed up.
  2. Click Force Start in the pop-up menu.
  3. Right-click on the torrent again.
  4. Click on Bandwidth Allocation in the pop-up menu and set it to high.


  • If you are downloading multiple torrents at once, increase the maximum number of connections per torrent to 250. Under the bittorrent menu, look for "Connections: Global Limit / Per torrent limit". Change the "per torrent limit" to "global limit".
  • You can make uTorrent faster by closing other programs.
  • Use websites like "Speakeasy" and "CNET Bandwidth Meter" to measure your internet speed. If the measured speed is much slower than what you're paying for, contact your internet service provider.
  • Don't start torrents without seeders.


  • Do not use unreliable trackers, you can bring in viruses with them.