How to become an illusionist

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Magician Breaks Down How Illusions Work | WIRED
Video: Magician Breaks Down How Illusions Work | WIRED


All magicians create illusions, but only those who show performances of grandiose proportions, are able to amaze and stun the audience, are often called illusionists. There are different levels of tricks.Some magicians use amazing manipulation of props, others develop dexterity, others defy death and escape from seemingly fatal traps.

If you want to become an illusionist, then an inventive mind is a prerequisite, which will help you outwit even the most attentive onlookers. Come up with new mystical tricks, constantly improve your skill level and create a memorable image by analogy with historical figures like Harry Houdini or Herrmann the Great, so that your dreams come true.


Part 1 of 3: Work on yourself

  1. 1 Exercise. Good physical fitness is necessary for both performers of ordinary tricks and directors of grandiose shows. Strength and endurance will help you work effectively with props, free yourself from chains or quickly change clothes behind a satin curtain. Spectators should not notice the effort with which you are given tricks, otherwise the illusionist's aura can easily dissipate.
    • According to available information, the famous illusionist and magician Harry Houdini was in such excellent physical shape that he could withstand any blow to the stomach.
    • Do aerobic exercise - bike, jog, or swim. Behind the scenes, you'll have to show miracles of dexterity, so aerobic endurance won't hurt.
    • Also, do not skip strength training like working with moderate weight. Some of the requisites will be very difficult, and the magician does not entrust the most important aspects of the performance to anyone. Strong muscles will be an added benefit.
  2. 2 Develop reflexes. When you become a famous illusionist, people will always try to take you by surprise and show that you are an ordinary person. Outstanding reflexes can save not only reputation, but sometimes life. Some numbers, especially the daring escape tricks, can be extremely dangerous.
    • do badminton;
    • play table tennis;
    • develop a reaction.
  3. 3 Work on your dexterity. Very often magicians have to deftly manipulate different objects. Thanks to sleight of hand and dexterity, good illusionists skillfully handle props right in front of the audience.
    • Practice doing coin tricks. They require exceptional dexterity and help you work with other small objects.
  4. 4 Train your mind. A great illusionist must be able to work with a lot of distractions. You will have to deal with rowdy fans, flickering lights from cameras and smartphones, or spears right above your head. The ability to focus, stay focused and stay calm is the signature of a true master.
    • Practice concentration exercises.
    • Imagine how you perform magic tricks. Researchers say this practice can help improve performance and increase mindfulness.
  5. 5 Study specialized literature. There are many books that cover simple tricks and explain the various subtleties. Even if you cannot complete a specific number, information on how it is built will help you in the future.
  6. 6 Choose an image. The stage image can be radically different from everyday life. There are no right and wrong images, but it is very important that you can reliably get used to the role and convince the audience with the words "Now I will disappear." Everyone in the room should lean forward impatiently after the phrase "Now for my next number ...".

Part 2 of 3: Expand Your Repertoire

  1. 1 Show pop tricks. Such famous illusionists as Siegfried and Roy, David Copperfield, Harry Houdini, Penn and Teller worked on the stage. Often a necessary condition for stage tricks is the distance to the audience, due to which the illusion of the reality of what is happening is achieved.With such work, you cannot do without knowledge in the field of psychology of perception, a creative mind and a reliable assistant-designer.
    • Instead of complex mechanisms and ingenious devices like Rube Goldberg, start with how you want to impress the audience. Do you need audiences to believe in your ability to handle a fireball? Want to convince those present that you can influence space and time? Start at the end and work in the opposite direction.
    • It is not easy to come up with a good pop trick, but it will take even more time to realize your idea and subsequently achieve the required level of performance of the production. Be patient to succeed.
  2. 2 Practice sleight of hand tricks. Such numbers are usually shown from a distance of about three meters to the audience, and the magician himself often sits at the table. For the trick, simple props, such as cards, coins and other trinkets, are usually used, casual tricks with which create the illusion of unusual movements in space, since the subject disappears and appears in the most unexpected places.
    • Constantly develop fine motor skills of your hands. Carry a deck of cards or a special coin with you and constantly develop dexterity with your hands and fingers so that you are good at doing discreet tricks with small objects.
    • The ability to perform magic tricks with almost any small object is a necessary trick in the arsenal of a respected illusionist.
  3. 3 Expand your mental abilities. Even if you are not interested in the fame of a medium or telepath, knowing various psychological aspects will help you better understand the audience and tell you how to lure them into a trap. Mentalism is a performance art that teaches you how to use body language, apply cold reading, and make assumptions to give viewers the impression that you have psychic abilities such as telepathy and the ability to foresee the future.
    • One of the important skills of a mentalist is the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood.
  4. 4 Learn freeing tricks. This aspect of magic tricks can seem difficult and dangerous, but learn to get out of dangerous situations in a limited time to create tension and impress the audience. Even a general idea of ​​this section of art will help you create a memorable and mysterious image.
    • The ability to open locks, untie ropes and escape traps will make viewers wonder, "How does he do this?" and even believe into your magical abilities.

Part 3 of 3: Build Yourself a Reputation

  1. 1 Stand out from other illusionists. You don't have to challenge other famous magicians to do this, although victory in such a rivalry will only play into your hands. Strive to find your own niche and become the best in a specific field.
    • Try improving or adding a twist to the illusionist's number you admire. The more significant the contribution, the more likely other magicians will consider you to be an outstanding master.
  2. 2 Make a name for yourself among the audience. It is impossible to become great illusionists if the audience does not know your tricks! Go on tour with your groundbreaking act and perform on stages around the world, or at least at events in nearby cities, to gain new fans.
    • Some illusionist communities help artists find suitable events and shows. Contact such a community so as not to sit idle.
    • Some establishments regularly invite magicians. When you have an impressive program ready, start offering your services to themed casinos or restaurants.
    • Do not forget about the Internet, because this is another way to become famous. A site with contact details and a list of numbers will help you find potential employers.
  3. 3 Come up with an incredible number. Once you've mastered the basics, come up with your own tricks, and have your share of fame, it's time to show the audience your masterpiece. Every illusionist comes up with something unique, but the crown of your professional career should bewilder even the most famous magicians.
    • David Copperfield shocked the whole world when he made the Statue of Liberty disappear in one of the most famous acts.
  4. 4 Come up with a long-running program. World-class illusionists are able to constantly surprise and impress the audience in order to engage in magic tricks for many years. You should pursue a career in major cities around the world that are focused on entertainment or recreation.
  5. 5 Leave the stage. Is not required moment for the illusionist. Many popular artists like Penn and Teller have been performing magic tricks for decades. If you managed to show the audience work of my lifethen it is better to leave the stage at the peak of fame. Wouldn't this trick make your look even more mysterious?


  • Always perform in front of live audiences, even if your performances are being recorded for television. The audience will help convince viewers that you have not used special effects and editing at all.
  • If you work as a magician, then try to become a member of a professional association like the Association of Russian Illusionists. These communities provide help and support, help you improve and find work.
  • Do your best to make each number perfect. Just one mistake can ruin your trick or reveal a secret. Never take the time to prepare.