How to call Japan

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Japanese Phrases You Need for Making Phone Calls
Video: Japanese Phrases You Need for Making Phone Calls


Want to call your friends or family who live in Japan? We'll show you how to do it!


Method 1 of 2: Important Codes

  1. 1 Find out the international code of your country. You need to dial an international dialing code to call another country. In Ukraine and Russia it is 810. Dial 810 and wait for a dial tone.
    • Dial the code for calls abroad - 810 in Russia and Ukraine. Wait for the dial tone. If you do not know the international calling code in your country, search the Internet.
  2. 2 Find out the code of the country you are calling. In this case, it's Japan. Japan code 81.
  3. 3 Find out the area or area code you are going to call. This is also a short code, 1-5 digits. In Japan, there are many different codes for different areas.
  4. 4 Find out the phone number of the person you want to call. This number must be 9 digits long (including the area code). That is, it looks like this: (84) -XXX-XXXX.
    • If you want to call a mobile, dial 90 after the country code and before the area code. For example, to call a mobile in the Fukuyama area, dial 811-81-90-XXXX-XXXX.

Method 2 of 2: Call

  1. 1 Look at your watch. In Japan, of course, the time is different now. In Japan, it is 7 hours later than in Ukraine, and 5 hours later than in Moscow. Before calling, find out what time it is now.
    • Remember that you pay several times more for international calls than for local calls. Find out first how much it costs.
  2. 2 Do not forget to enter the full number:
    • From Russia and Ukraine we dial the code to access the line: 810. We are waiting for a dial tone.
    • We dial the country code: 81
    • We dial the area code, for example, Fukuyama: 84
    • We dial seven digits of the phone number: XXX-XXXX
    • Full number: 810-81-84-XXX-XXXX.
  3. 3 If someone answers you with “こ ん に ち は” (KONICHUA), congratulations! You have called Japan!


  • Do not forget to wait for the dial tone after dialing the international access code. You do not need to dial this code from your mobile phone! Just dial the code of the country you are calling, i.e. Japan by placing a + in front of the code.
  • Calling abroad is quite expensive. Try to find out how much the cards for calling abroad cost, or call landlines abroad from Skype, it's much cheaper.