How to make someone miss you

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How To Make Someone Miss You - 6 Psychology Tricks
Video: How To Make Someone Miss You - 6 Psychology Tricks


When someone misses you, you realize that you are important to that person. It doesn't matter if you are family, friends, or romantic partners. If you feel like someone doesn't miss you enough, of course, you shouldn't deliberately make them feel bored. However, when people continue to remember each other and have a strong desire to see each other again, it is beneficial for the relationship as a whole.


Method 1 of 3: Preparing the soil

  1. 1 Tell specific stories. Good stories are subconsciously set aside. If your story features a unique object or event, then the next time a person hears something related to it, they will most likely remember you. And memories, in turn, can cause feelings of longing.
    • Ideally, this story should be about you or relate to you to some extent. Unlike commonplace stories, personal stories are more likely to create strong associations. At the same time, it is important that the “trigger” object or event is also familiar enough to the other person, since he must first stumble upon them in order to remember you.
    • For example, a true story about meeting a favorite music group while on a grocery trip will be quite unique, and most likely, a person will remember it the next time he hears a song of this group on the radio. On the other hand, the story of just going to a concert will sound too mundane and may be forgotten.
  2. 2 Showcase your worth. Before someone starts to miss you, you need to become a person worthy of it. But this does not mean that you should bribe someone's sympathy. This means that you must contribute as much to the relationship as you expect to receive in return.
    • In general, try to be understanding with the other person in both good and bad times. Rejoice with him and grieve with him. Empathy and listening skills demonstrate a deep level of caring, and this alone can already win someone over to you.
  3. 3 Use your signature scent. Smell is actually quite powerful, and there is evidence to indicate that smell and memory are closely related. If you constantly use the same, subtle, but pleasant aroma, then it will be imprinted in the memory of a person. And every time he smells this smell, he will remember you.
    • This is most often seen in romantic relationships. The scent of a loved one’s shampoo, shower gel, perfume, or cologne can soak into the pillow or other items and awaken your partner’s memory when they smell the familiar scent.
    • Signature scents can act in platonic relationships too. So, if you like to bake something and your kitchen is saturated, for example, with the aroma of fresh bread, then wherever your friend or relative is, he can easily associate this smell with the warmth of your home.
  4. 4 Leave something behind. Before you go your separate ways, choose something you can specifically “forget” and leave it with the other person. This item should remind him of you every time a person sees it. Plus, it will create an unspoken promise to meet again soon to get this thing back.
    • Make sure you can afford to forget this item. A bracelet, watch, or your favorite book are all good options. But a mobile phone or a wallet is no longer the best idea.
    • If you are unable to discreetly leave the item, make it clear that you intend to do so. Go ahead and say that this thing will serve as a guarantee that you will soon return and see its keeper again.
  5. 5 Leave a strong impression before leaving. If you know that you will be leaving for a longer period than usual, put in a little effort to say goodbye beautifully. This impression should be so pleasant that the person feels regret that everything is over.
    • Be gentle and avoid conflict. When it comes to romantic relationships, dress nicely and carefully clean up yourself to make a lasting impression on your visual memory.
    • If you are apart for a long time, you can give a parting gift. It could be something that won't last long, such as a scoop of ice cream from a café that the person loves, or something durable, such as a tastefully made artwork or scrapbook. In any case, the act of giving will remain in the person's memory, and every time this memory pops up, he will miss you.

Method 2 of 3: Staying Out

  1. 1 Give the person room. For someone to start missing you, you need to give them that opportunity. Spend some time apart, no matter how close or where you are.
    • If you are forced to leave for reasons beyond your control (business trip, vacation, moving to another city, etc.), use this opportunity.Stay in touch until you return, but do not call or text the person every five minutes.
    • If you see each other every day, you may need to give the person a chance to miss. To do this, change your usual schedule. Refuse to meet one weekend or take overtime. If you work together, consider taking a day off or doing business from home for a day.
  2. 2 Surround yourself with business. During a breakup, you need to keep yourself occupied and demonstrate that you have a life of your own outside of this relationship. If you seem too intrusive or addicted, the person will see communication with you more as a responsibility than a gift.
    • The point here is to make it clear that your life remains fulfilling even when you “don't hold on to the hem” of that person. Any relationship needs balance. If it’s obvious that you need someone more than he needs you, then it creates a feeling of codependency that will not benefit either of you.
    • This is not means that you should try to make the person jealous. Don't flirt with others when your partner is not around. Or, don't tell your friend / girlfriend about all the cool things you do with other buddies.
  3. 3 Answer measuredly. Even if you've been waiting for a call from someone, don't make it too obvious. Wait a couple of rings before picking up the handset. Don't reply to messages instantly, wait an hour or so.
    • Approach this step as naturally as possible. Instead of planning what to answer and what to say, just respond in a way that works for you. For example, if you receive a message while you are watching a movie at home, wait until the movie ends and do not reply immediately.
  4. 4 Get the "investment" from the person. Some studies suggest that a person's attachment increases not when YOU do him a favor, but when HE does it for you. By getting someone to invest in your relationship during a breakup, you can bring out more reverent memories in them.
    • Remember that every relationship needs balance. You must be equally attached to each other so that both are bored in separation. As long as you are the only one constantly trying to stay in touch, the other person will not need to bother a bit, and he will begin to value the relationship less.
    • If these attachments do not happen by themselves, adjust one of them. For example, call the person specifically to ask them for advice on a current problem.

Method 3 of 3: Resuming Communication

  1. 1 Fill in the blanks. It so happens that sometimes a person cannot contact you or he becomes colder at a distance. To be missed, you need to be out of sight for a fairly long time, but not long enough to be thrown out of your head.
    • The specific length of time will vary depending on the relationship and the total amount of time spent apart. If you are away on a business trip, most likely you will not be able to call your spouse for a day or two. On the other hand, if you have moved to another city permanently, you may well wait a week or two before contacting your best friend.
  2. 2 Reward the memory of you. When someone thinks of you and actively demonstrates it, be sure to respond favorably. If you reinforce this behavior with something positive, the person is more likely to want to repeat it in the future in order to feel the feeling of “reward” again.
    • Answer phone calls, messages and emails. Greet the positive person and show interest in their life. If you receive a note or gift in the mail, thank the person immediately.
  3. 3 Confirm your feelings over and over again. Don't let the person question your sincerity or affection.Once doubt creeps into any relationship (romantic or platonic, short-term or long-term), most people stop seeing them as worth the time and effort.
    • During communication, give the person all your attention completely, instead of constantly being distracted by a computer, phone or TV.
    • Give no reason to doubt your loyalty. This is why making jealous is a bad idea. By inducing jealousy, you make the person feel unwanted, forgotten, or used.
  4. 4 Write a surprise note. From the heart write a letter or postcard and send it by mail. It's a sweet and enjoyable gesture that most people enjoy. In addition to the news from you, the person will remember his positive attitude towards you, and will be bored when you are not around.
    • If you live with someone or spend a lot of time in someone's house, before separation, you can write notes in advance and spread them throughout the apartment. When a person accidentally stumbles upon them, he will immediately remember the time when you were last here.
  5. 5 Make promises. When you talk to someone before meeting, make a promise to do something special together. This way, the person will look forward to your next meeting.
    • Consider keeping this event a secret. Just say you have plans for your meeting, but don't go into details. The element of surprise will increase the anticipation and desire to see you.