How to be successful without a college degree

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to be Successful Without a College Degree | Brian Tracy
Video: How to be Successful Without a College Degree | Brian Tracy


Many professions require a higher education diploma - for example, the profession of a doctor or an engineer. However, in many other fields, a diploma is not needed, and some employers consider experience to be more important than a college degree.Knowing how you can educate yourself and what employers want can help you improve your chances of success without a degree.


Method 1 of 4: Deciding whether to go to university

  1. 1 Think about the potential difficulties. Before deciding whether to go to university or not, you should decide what disadvantages there are for you in higher education. Knowing what you can lose can help you make an informed choice. More often than not, people abandon higher education for three reasons. Analyze these reasons and decide if they can influence your decision:
    • The financial issue. You may not have enough money for your studies. Find out if you can get education for free or find the right amount.
    • Academic requirements. Very high scores are often required for admission. If you don't meet these criteria, look for another institution with lower requirements.
    • Lack of time. You may be forced to work and not able to attend classes. Many universities have part-time and distance learning, which allows you to combine study with work.
  2. 2 Know the pros and cons of not having a college degree. Higher education has its pros and cons. They are all relative, so most often it all depends on the specific situation. Think about how your lack or presence of education will affect your life.
    • Plus higher education - a good teaching staff will allow you to gain valuable knowledge.
    • The plus of higher education is that a higher education diploma is required when applying for jobs in many places.
    • On the plus side of not having a college degree, you can save a lot of money.
    • Plus the lack of higher education - you can get another education on your own.
    • The downside of not having a college degree is that it may be difficult for you to prove the quality of your knowledge without a degree.
    • The downside of not having a higher education is that when looking for a job, it will be difficult for you to compete with people with higher education.
    • The disadvantage of higher education is that an expensive education will lead to the formation of a large debt.
    • The disadvantage of higher education is that a diploma of higher education does not guarantee a successful career.
  3. 3 Get ready to work hard. Whatever decision you make, be prepared to be fully committed to your cause. Even if you decide not to go to university, you will need to work hard on yourself. In this case, plan your future and decide how you will go towards your goals.

Method 2 of 4: How to Choose a Field and Set Your Goals

  1. 1 Analyze your hobbies and preferences. Think about your personal values ​​and desires. Understanding your desires will allow you to choose a profession that will allow you to fulfill your potential.
    • Make a list of what you want to do and what you enjoy. This will help organize information.
    • Think about what kind of environment you would like to work in: in an office, in a restaurant, on the street?
    • Think about whether you need a team or whether you are more comfortable working on your own.
    • Think about how you feel about deadlines. Do you enjoy a busy schedule or prefer not to set deadlines for yourself?
    • Make a list of professions where a college degree is not needed. Many specialties do not require a higher education diploma: handyman, security guard, waiter, farmer.
  2. 2 Take the ability test. This test will assess your skills and abilities and offer you options for areas of employment. If you know what areas you can work in, it will be easier for you to choose a profession.
    • The test can be taken for free on the Internet.
    • The test usually includes questions for logic, working with numbers and words. General literacy, mathematics and computer skills are also tested.
  3. 3 Take an online career choice test. There are many tests on the Internet that allow you to determine the scope of employment.Many of these tests are professionally created and let the person know what is right for them. Here are some examples of such tests:
  4. 4 Put in front of you goals. The advantage of higher education lies in a strict system of requirements and specific terms for checking the acquired knowledge. Since you will acquire new knowledge on your own, you will need to set goals for yourself and go towards them. To formulate goals, you can use the SMART model:
    • S - Specific. The goals should be specific, that is, they should answer the questions "how?", "What?" and for what?".
    • M - Measurable. Goals should be measurable, as without them it will be impossible to track progress.
    • A - Achievable. Goals should be realistic, but not too easy.
    • R - Result. The goals should describe the result, not the steps that need to be taken to achieve the goals.
    • T - Time (limited time). Goals should have a deadline that will keep you working harder.

Method 3 of 4: How to get the skills and knowledge you need

  1. 1 Take free online courses. If for some reason you were unable to go to university, you can get your education through online courses. Online courses can be both paid and free. Look for free courses to help you gain the knowledge you need.
  2. 2 Look for any other courses. A lot of knowledge can be gained through courses. Almost all educational centers issue certificates of completion of the course, confirming the knowledge gained. Thanks to the courses, you can get a job without a higher education diploma.
    • A certificate of completion will be useful for a resume when applying for a job.
    • Look for courses in libraries.
    • Some universities offer courses for everyone.
    • Look for courses in your area of ​​interest in your city.
  3. 3 Consider an internship. You can get the necessary knowledge by completing an internship in any organization. As a rule, an internship allows you to gain knowledge and work experience that will be useful in the future.
    • Internships are paid.
    • Look for paid internships in your city.
    • An internship may involve further employment in the company.
    • There is often high competition among candidates for internships.
    • Information about internships can be found on job sites.
  4. 4 Consider getting a secondary vocational education. There are educational institutions that allow you to get a certain working specialty. Education in such institutions is not as expensive as in universities, and most often the program can be completed in two to three years. Consider this option if you are short on money or time. So you can get an education and master a profession.
    • Secondary vocational education is more affordable in a financial sense.
    • Most often, training takes 2-3 years.
    • In a secondary specialized institution, you can master the profession of a welder, plumber, cook and others.
  5. 5 Think about military service. Military service can give you skills that will come in handy in the future. Military service under the contract provides for a certain salary. Find out if military service is suitable for your future plans.
    • You will need to acquire the knowledge required for the role that you will be assigned.
    • Find out what benefits the military has.
  6. 6 Continue to study after you get a job. Many positions allow the employment of candidates without a college degree. Often employers encourage further education and allow you to build a work schedule depending on the study schedule, as well as finance education. This is a great opportunity to get an education while maintaining a job.
    • Acquiring new knowledge and skills will help you prove yourself at work.
    • If you have to quit this job, the new skills will increase your chances of successful employment.

Method 4 of 4: How to self-promote

  1. 1 Emphasize your experience. If you are applying for a job but do not meet the level of education, focus on your experience. For an employer, experience can be more important than a diploma. If you demonstrate the skills required for this position, your chances of successful employment will be higher.
    • Higher education does not automatically make a person fit for any position.
    • A person with no education, but with work experience, may seem more interesting to the company than a person with an education but no experience.
  2. 2 Show your skills. List all your skills on your resume and talk about them in the interview. Prepare a portfolio and include your best work. High-quality work will be more important than a diploma of education.
    • Only your own work can be included in the portfolio.
    • Complete the work with a description of the workflow for each project.
    • Indicate which skills have helped you on each project. For example, if you managed to publish your article somewhere, mention that you know how to work with databases and other tools that allow you to find the information you need.
    • Some skills can be difficult to demonstrate. For example, if you're taking a job as a welder, you won't be able to include an example of your work on your resume. Take pictures or video of examples of your work so you can take them with you.
  3. 3 Bring recommendations. Reputable references will help you get a job without a college degree. Ask people who would be happy to recommend you to others to write letters of recommendation for you. References can be a factor in making an employer decide in your favor. The guidelines can emphasize knowledge, skills, abilities and work ethics.
    • Ask for recommendations from people you have worked with directly.
    • Make sure the recommendations describe you well.
    • Ask people to mention specific benefits if they are important to the new employer (for example, management skills).
  4. 4 Try freelancing or becoming an entrepreneur. You can interact with clients directly, without an employer. This will allow your skills to speak for themselves without having to prove to anyone that you are doing well at your job.
    • You will need basic business knowledge. Freelancing or running your own business will require the ability to promote your business, communicate with clients, bill them, do business, and pay taxes.
    • In this case, it is important to be able to properly manage your time. You will be responsible for organizing your time and workflow.
    • Evaluate the results of your work. You will need to determine how much people are willing to pay for your work and what you need to do to make the work worth the effort.
    • There are websites where freelancers can find jobs. Try using or to find clients.
    • Many people have achieved success without a college degree. For example, Richard Branson, head of the Virgin Group, dropped out at the age of 16.


  • Take advantage of all the training opportunities your employer has to offer.
  • Take free courses or any other courses that are available in your city.
  • Set clear professional goals.
  • When applying for a job, focus on your skills and experience.
  • Focus on self-education and self-development.