How to hide veins in your legs

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Veins in the legs can swell due to poor circulation or inherited tendencies. If you are embarrassed by the look of your legs, then you will have to give up shorts and swimwear. Fortunately, veins can be temporarily hidden with foundation or made less visible by using natural remedies and exercise to improve circulation.


Method 1 of 3: Using foundation

  1. 1 Start by washing and cleaning your feet. It is easier to apply a cream on skin that is free from dirt, oil and dandruff, and it lasts for a longer period. Shower, dry your feet, and then use a circular motion to scrub slowly with a sponge or bristle brush to remove dead skin cells. Then rinse your feet again in the shower.
  2. 2 Buy a vein concealer. Many companies selling skin care and cosmetic products also manufacture vein masking products. Look for them at your local drug store or beauty supply store.
    • Concealers are usually yellow or orange in color to hide the blue tinge of the veins.
    • If you're heading to the beach, be sure to get a waterproof concealer.
  3. 3 Only apply concealer where the veins are prominent. This will even out the skin tone on the legs. Most concealers come in liquid form and are applied with a soft makeup brush.
    • Apply it directly to the veins and then lightly smudge it with a brush to hide where the concealer ends.
    • Concealer can also be applied with your fingers, but will be more difficult to rinse off later.
  4. 4 Apply foundation to concealer and bare feet. To hide concealer, apply a layer of foundation to your feet. This will help to better mask the concealer, as well as give the skin on the legs a smoother, more uniform tone.
    • Choose a foundation that matches the color of your legs, not your face, which may be darker.
  5. 5 At the end of the day, wipe your feet with makeup remover. Make-up, like make-up, should not be left on your feet all night. Over time, this can lead to clogged pores and irritate the skin.
    • Use a cleansing cream to remove thick makeup. Soap and water alone are not enough to remove all your makeup.
  6. 6 For a longer lasting effect, try applying a sunscreen. If you want to mask your veins without the help of makeup, use a sunscreen. Darker skin will make the veins less visible. Use a moisturizing sunscreen to keep your skin healthy.

Method 2 of 3: Improving Circulation to Mask Veins

  1. 1 Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation in your legs. Walking, cycling, and leg raises will help keep blood in your legs from stagnating. Exercise will improve your overall condition and the veins in your legs will become less visible.
  2. 2 Raise your legs while resting. Keep your legs slightly raised while sleeping or when sitting for extended periods. To do this, use one or two pillows under your feet at night and, if possible, use footrests.
    • Ideally, the legs should be above the level of the heart.
  3. 3 Try not to stand or sit for long periods of time. Prolonged physical inactivity leads to decreased blood circulation in the legs. This can worsen the condition of the veins and make them more visible. Try to move more to disperse the blood.
    • If you have a sedentary job, try sitting on a gymnastic ball instead of a chair. This will keep your feet moving all the time.
  4. 4 Wear compression stockings throughout the day. Talk with your doctor about how long you need to wear compression stockings, and what size and compression class they should be. Buy at least 2 pairs and wear one while the other is in the wash.
    • Wear stockings every day as directed by your doctor, and take them off at night.

Method 3 of 3: Using Natural Remedies

  1. 1 Treat your feet with apple cider vinegar to improve circulation. Spray some undiluted apple cider vinegar onto your veins and rub it gently into your skin. Repeat this procedure twice a day for several months. This should accelerate the blood and reduce the visibility of the veins.
  2. 2 Rub coconut oil on your feet. Regular massage is a great way to improve blood flow in your legs and can also help relieve soreness. Heat the coconut oil to the consistency of olive oil and rub it into your legs with light, longitudinal strokes.
    • Rub your feet at least once a day or whenever you feel pain.
    • Do not press on bulging veins.
  3. 3 Apply aloe vera gel to your feet. If you have aloe vera at home, break the top of the stem and squeeze the juice out. Rub the gel gently into your feet to improve circulation.
    • Aloe vera gel is available at most drug stores and beauty stores.


  • See your doctor if the veins in your legs are very large or pronounced.