How to live freely

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Free in an Unfree World
Video: How to Be Free in an Unfree World


Sometimes we feel like we're stuck in a box, making the same mistakes over and over again, worrying about what others might think of us. If you want to break out of this vicious circle and learn to live life to the fullest, start at step # 1.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Worry Less

  1. 1 Give less importance to what others think of you. Other people are outside your control, and if you cannot take care of your own image, you cannot live freely. You cannot please everyone, so just don't think about it, otherwise you will only find alienation and disappointment.
    • Do not let the views of other people reflect on your worldview and become yours and their words.Once you get to the point where you tell yourself and everyone else that you want to be someone, that means you can no longer be a free person.
    • Free yourself from the toxic people in your life. These are the people who try to restrict you through manipulation, negativity, and other forms of control. Better yet, learn to disarm such people by learning nonviolent communication methods and holding your own opinion less actively, but more sincerely and assertively. You are in control of the situation and can not depend on the views of such people, freeing yourself from their harmful influence. Good friends can help you find the right balance.
  2. 2 Don't dwell on the bad. Be free to focus on what can be done rather than what you cannot do. Focus your attention on what you can do to make things around you better for yourself and for others. By doing this, you can become more free and live the life you want.
    • Remind yourself of your successes, not your failures. If work or school doesn't make you happy, you might want to focus on your family, relationships, or hobbies. Focus on the positive.
    • Watch your tongue. Avoid negative statements such as "I can't". Language is a powerful weapon with which you can convince yourself and others. Change negative phrases to focus on what can be done. Thus, you will save yourself from inaction and procrastination. Instead, say "I have to do this."
  3. 3 Be honest. Lying creates a tangled web of deception that keeps you from freedom. Learn to recognize the lies you tell yourself and others. By being sincere and truthful, you will be able to identify people you can trust because they can recognize themselves in your vulnerability.
    • Lying is a form of defensive reaction. For many of us, it is natural to feel the need to protect ourselves in a conflict situation.
    • Lying during a conflict may seem like a good defense to leave you alone, but it will bond you even more strongly with this person, since you dodged your real needs rather than insisting on your opinion.
    • By responding with heartfelt kindness, you restore your freedom in relationships because you learn to recognize the pain, harm, and other negative feelings of others without escalating conflict and making it clear that you retain your strength to make your own decisions and choices.
  4. 4 Accept money (and any lack of it). Many people associate having freedom with "owning enough money," but your attitude toward money says much more about freedom than money itself. Accept money as a tool in your life, not as a steward. Learn to save money and be a conscientious consumer.
    • Look for what you can do to exclude yourself from the parts of the consuming cycle that burden you. For example, if you're tired of wasting money on organic food, dig up your lawn and plant some lovely vegetables instead of an orchard. Stick to this regularly, knowing that the fruits of your labor are rewarded through communication with nature, health through quality food. Simulate this behavior with children, neighbors, and friends.
  5. 5 Do what you are good at. Start sharing your skills with others who are skilled at creating things that you don't like or know how to do, thus starting an effective communication cycle. Based on this, you can form friendships that could only pleasantly surprise you.
    • Use online resources to communicate with like-minded people, exchange goods and services, and encourage others to live more freely.One site you might find useful is Sharehood, a collaborative consumer website that can help you bring your local community and your neighbors together to share resources and skills.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Be Healthy

  1. 1 Exercises. Exercise can release endorphins that change your mood for the better and give you a good shape that ensures you can do what you want. Don't let lack of health deter you from doing what you want to do. Choose what you enjoy doing and do the exercises that should bring you joy. They should not be regarded as a means to anything.
    • Release endorphins to free your spirit. Endorphins are a kind of mood enlighteners of your body, biochemical substances produced by the brain in response to pleasant impressions. Endorphins can help you free yourself from useless emotions that may lie in wait for you during negative cycles. All pathways that can help release endorphins are good. These are physical exercises, communication, and laughter. All of this helps you focus on the things that really matter to you in life.
  2. 2 Smile whenever possible. Your smile changes the way you think. Identify what you can laugh about every day. Start laughing at your fears and antics or funny thoughts, then start laughing at funny movies or go to the Comedy Club or just do something that will stimulate laughter. Laughing and smiling improves the immune system and also makes you feel better by releasing endorphins. Laughter lets your brain know that you are happy and gives you a great mood and the right state of mind.
  3. 3 Spend time in the sun. The sun can brighten your day as well as your mood. Walk through the meadows, hike, enjoy nature and spend time with people. Obviously, sun watching is a safe procedure, even during the hottest months.
  4. 4 Spend time with your friends. Connecting with friends brings empathy, understanding, and this understanding can improve your sense of well-being, and it also helps release endorphins. Plus, spending time with friends and being in society increases your serotonin levels, which are also needed to improve your inner well-being.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Shake-up Programs

  1. 1 Do something new and as often as possible. Be open to new experiences. This will be a kind of source of freedom, because you expand your horizons, discover new hidden talents and keep yourself open to life's benefits.
    • View new experiences as opportunities, not as a burden or something to worry about. Most of the battle is only in your head, consider this before starting new actions.
    • Congratulate yourself every time you try to do something new. And tell others what you have done to reinforce the benefits of your actions. Your story can help others live more freely.
  2. 2 Imagine that you have a musical background against which your life flows. All movies have soundtracks, and so do you. When walking down the street on a horrible rainy day, choose something to keep your feet moving and your mind entertained.
  3. 3 Do something outrageous or spontaneous. Spontaneity is often lost as you become an adult, raising children, and you have a heavy burden of social responsibility. In accordance with what is expected of every adult in society, the ability to do things from time to time based on their own motives is lost. Bring back some spontaneity and impulsivity in your life, and this can help bring back the balance that you lost.
    • Practice fun things.Doing something that makes people look at you is a great way to live free and get out of the box you were locked in.
    • Search online flash mob videos to find activities that make you laugh and enjoy.
  4. 4 Take a walk. Go outside and walk. Just keep walking not in any particular direction, but where your eyes look, until you decide where you need to. There is something meaningful about walking without purpose or direction.
  5. 5 Encourage occasional impulse. It's okay to act impulsively at times without thinking too much. If you want, you can have a pie for breakfast or unexpectedly shave your head. Encourage surprise and spontaneity. Shaking up everyday things every day will help you become more enthusiastic. Who knows what will happen!
  6. 6 Do something that you are passionate about regularly. You don't have to be good at something, you just have to be passionate about it and love it. Maybe it's a letter, maybe it's drawing, maybe it's some kind of sport. In any case, you need to accept it with all your heart and allow yourself to be completely carried away by it. Tell your family about it, convince your friends to try going crazy with you, and let your life revolve around what you love.


  • Manage stress. Living free is living stress free. Stress fetters you and threatens your health and overall well-being. If you can't manage it alone, get help and support from people or groups, or improve with reading.
  • Find something to make your life more fun. Of course, there are tough and difficult moments in every person's life, but life does not consist only of these experiences. Unfortunately, some people go through life as if they see nothing but difficulties. It is important to challenge the negative phrases that people make all the time to help them understand that they are imprisoning themselves in failed prospects by doing so. Without belittling really tough situations, people look for the brighter side of run-of-the-mill situations and tend to complain about the weather, queues, missed deadlines, and the like. Most things are not life situations, so most negative things just aren't worthy of too much attention. Be kind as you fill their lives with more positive seeing!
  • Don't suppress yourself. Express enthusiasm, joy, and awe to be proud. If people tell you to shut up, don't snap back. Instead, work on your skills to communicate your thoughts to people until they understand you, since you can reach any audience.
  • Always move towards increasing your energy level. By being energetic, you will live more freely because you will not feel sluggish and restrained. Tired people tend to try to make choices the same as always, because resistance takes energy and the status quo means they can stay where they used to. However, inertia is never free, it is a kind of conclusion. Therefore, while eating, pay special attention to foods that restore maximum energy. Exercise regularly to increase both energy and strength. Be spiritual, because if your faith or secular foundations give way, find something that moves you spiritually, provides the inner energy that helps to recuperate every time something seeks to destroy you.
  • If you don't like something, be tactful by letting other people know your point of view and not trying to hide it. In most cases, such a lie will one day become obvious and you will be caught in it. People are usually stronger than you think, and even if they mutter about courage to voice their point of view, they will respect your opinion, even if they disagree with it at heart.
  • Find the perfect balance between your stubbornness and your willingness to go with the flow. Sometimes it is better to let the world flow flow as it should, and sometimes resisting it is of no small importance. This understanding will come with experience, but you have to jump and try to learn.
  • Choose your battles wisely. Try to figure out when it is better to release the brakes than to get into a fight (note that this will be the case most of the time). Fight for what matters to you, otherwise it will lead to damage or non-constructive results. And learn to defuse difficult conversations or arguments, rather than add fuel to the fire as a communicator. You can help people reach compromise and understanding, rather than backing down to lick their wounds, only to come back harder next time.
  • You need enough sleep for your age, gender, and personal needs. Sleep deprivation builds up and can take a person by surprise. Sleep deprived people tend to be much more aggressive than those who get good sleep, and they also lack energy and resilience when faced with problems. Stop limiting yourself in sleep and you can feel much freer to show your real self and charm to the world!
  • The world is full of haters. They don't want to live freely and of course they don't care about anyone else. As Ellen De Jeunet says, you need to turn your haters into your motivators. Whatever they say, speak up about their attitude or do it as far as possible.
  • Perception is accepting yourself and who you are, and accepting others and who they are. Not everyone wants to live the path of freedom outlined here. In fact, some people are very afraid to get out of the routine, act spontaneously, or do something new. While you can help others open the path to the possibilities of this world and your talents by being a role model and motivator, you cannot force anyone to do it. Avoid imposing your preferences on anyone, make sure that finding a sense of freedom for you does not affect the freedom of others, in their understanding of this concept. Understand that your idea of ​​reality is just your view of things, and that for them freedom can come in a form that is significantly different from yours. Create space for them in your life and don't poison them.
  • People will always judge. It's much easier than looking at yourself and finding what is missing inside and needs attention. The important thing is how to learn to distinguish a constructive decision (which contains the truth about what you must do to become better, and, as a rule, taken from an expert or experienced person) from an erroneous and malicious judgment (which is simply criticized from ignorance, hatred, jealousy or cowardice, and generally comes from people who have no knowledge, or know very little, or who think they could do better, but never invest their money in it). Knowing the difference, you can learn one thing and ignore the other, and at the same time become more free.


  • Living freely does not mean living outside the law.