How to live a normal life

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Live a NORMAL Life in a CHANGED World
Video: How To Live a NORMAL Life in a CHANGED World


Striving to live a normal life may seem like a simple goal, but in reality it is a very complex concept. What is normal for one person may not be normal for another, especially in different cultures or social circles. At the same time, the very idea of ​​normality is constantly changing. To start living a normal life, you need to decide what normal means to you. Some people like their own uniqueness and originality, while others cannot do without order and clear organization. Define your own boundaries of normality and then develop a lifestyle that is right for you.


Part 1 of 2: Determine what normality means to you

  1. 1 Accept yourself. It takes a lot of work to change yourself, so first you need to understand myself. Any society consists of separate individuals with different types of personality and character traits. You need to decide what is normal for you. Innovation or adherence to the rules of a strict society? You can ask yourself the following questions to determine your own version of normality:
    • Is it most convenient for you to follow the rules and adhere to a rigid social order?
    • How much do you enjoy making decisions on your own?
    • Do you like it when others approve of your actions?
    • Would you happily try a new way of life with people who don't follow the majority?
  2. 2 Think about what is considered the norm in your society. You are a person who, nevertheless, lives in a society - it can be a city block, a community or a region. Each society has its own unique system of norms and values ​​that are considered normal. Think about what social practices and organizations in your society imply on the idea of ​​normality. It will help you express your own personality through interactions with others.
    • For example, in your area, it may be normal to speak quickly and a little illegibly. At the same time, in another region, such behavior may be characteristic of social outcasts. Knowing the details will help you understand how you look in the public eye.
  3. 3 Find spiritual and emotional balance. We all go through emotional ups and downs. Prepare for them and learn to take care of yourself in difficult times. For example, if you are planning a heated discussion of your personal views with another person, then you need to know what reaction is considered normal in this environment. For example, an aggressive response indicates deeper problems that need to be addressed.
    • You will feel better if you start living in harmony with your own feelings and beliefs, rather than letting others dictate what is normal for you.
  4. 4 Deal with traumatic events holding you back. If at some point in your life you have experienced a traumatic situation, then it is quite normal to feel different or alone. Trauma can have a permanent effect on your emotional state, and it will change the way you see yourself and the world around you. If you do not consider yourself normal, talking to people who have also experienced trauma can help you understand that you are able to live a normal and fulfilling life again. Try to find a support group. Connecting with other group members will be a source of courage and strength for you if you apply this experience in your daily life and do not avoid a painful topic.
    • When you have a comfortable order or rhythm of life, you can try to experience normal emotions. This way you can express your deepest and most overt emotions.

Part 2 of 2: Maintain Order to Bring Normality

  1. 1 Create a daily routine. Start small - take your current daily routine as a basis. A stable routine helps develop normality and self-discipline. This will give you confidence in your own strength and will be able to solve problems. For example, you might get into the habit of getting up at the same time or making yourself breakfast every morning. It's these little things that form a sense of personal rhythm or a sense of normalcy.
    • Take your time to strictly order your entire life, as monotonous behavioral patterns will hinder your personal growth.
    • A daily routine or effective behaviors can help reduce stress and give you confidence to experiment with ways of expressing yourself.
  2. 2 Learn. During your studies, you will be able to meet new people, ideas and opportunities. Colleges and universities offer a wide variety of degrees. Find out which educational institutions match your understanding of normality. If there are none, you can shift the norm a little and pay attention to training courses or trainings related to an interesting business for you. You should not limit your own sense of the norm to other people's views.
    • Although most people today graduate from high school and enter higher education, university graduates are often unprepared for the profession they studied.
  3. 3 Find a job that you like. Chances are, you need to work to support yourself. Always plan your actions, because you may need to provide for more than yourself. You don't have to choose a job just for its prestige, because it doesn't necessarily make you a happy person. Instead, try to understand what kind of people or environment you would like to be with every day. If the job doesn't fit your personality type and is not fun, try to find a better option.
    • People who enjoy their work also find joy in the daily interactions with their colleagues.
  4. 4 Build meaningful relationships. For some, marriage is normal, but for others it is not. Instead, meaningful relationships can be developed with people from different social backgrounds. Communication with a wide range of different people will help you find a person with whom you will feel a real kinship.
    • Regardless of the social circle, a person always needs support from others. This is a prerequisite for feeling normal in your life.
  5. 5 Get a pet. Caring for an animal that needs your love and care will give you a sense of normalcy. Taking care of your pet will help you keep order and bring joy from everyday worries. Research shows that pet owners are happier and healthier people. If you are not yet ready for long-term relationships or children, then having a pet can help you learn to build stronger relationships with people.
    • Remember that choosing the right pet depends on your home and day-to-day occupancy. If you don't have the right amount of time or space for a pet, then having a pet can lead to unnecessary stress and problems.
  6. 6 Travel. It may seem counterintuitive, but getting to know different people, traditions and cultures will allow you to feel your own normality much more than living with an eye on the inhabitants of your hometown. Traveling will allow you to understand how big and diverse our world is. The more you travel, the more common you will begin to notice in people around the world. You will also realize that differences are an integral part of any culture.
    • Don't turn travel into an escape. Travel in order to better understand yourself, others and your own preferences.


  • Help others as much as you can. Helping people gives life meaning and purpose.
  • Even the oddballs or the greatest personalities often need a routine to achieve their goals.
  • Being normal doesn't mean being happy.