Convince your parents not to let you go to school

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to convince your parents to let you stay home from school
Video: How to convince your parents to let you stay home from school


Sometimes it is just too much to attend school. Maybe there's a test you haven't studied for, or maybe you're tired of being bullied all the time. Either way, you'd like to skip school. Pretending to be sick can be as simple as saying you're sick or asking for more theater and planning. Whatever disease you choose, the most important thing is to go all out.

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Method 1 of 4: Talk to your parents

  1. Ask for permission. Don't assume you'll always get your way. If you want to stay home from school, whatever the reason, ask your parents if it's okay.
    • Find a time when your parents are in a good mood. If you ask them this at a bad time, they may not be so open to the idea. If you keep asking while they're just about to leave on their own, they'll likely say no.
    • Assume they will say no. Unless you have a good reason to stay home, your parents may not want you to stay home.
  2. Stay calm. If your parents won't let you stay at home, don't make a scene. It won't help your case. It will only prove to them that you are not mature enough to stay home alone.
    • When you find yourself getting angry, take a deep breath. If you have time, try again later in the day.
    • Don't scold your parents or be mean. They have good reasons for wanting you to go to school. If you start yelling at them, you will only cause yourself trouble.
  3. Offer to do some chores. Try to work out a compromise with your parents. They may be more open to the idea of ​​leaving you at home if you offer to clean the house. If you can do laundry, suggest doing this.
    • If they let you stay at home on the condition that you do some chores, make sure you actually do them. Don't give your parents a reason not to trust you. Otherwise it will be a lot more difficult to convince them in the future.
    • Keeping your promises can earn you credit from your parents. When they see that you are responsible, it will eventually become a lot easier to meet with them.
  4. Be honest. Maybe you are not sick, but you have another reason for not wanting to go to school. If you are bullied or feel uncomfortable at school, talk to your parents.
    • You may be sent to school by your parents, but they may be able to help you with your problem.

Method 2 of 4: Pretend you have a cold

  1. Start early. If staying home from school isn't a sudden decision, start preparing for your performance. Shout a lot to make your voice hoarse, or practice your fake cough.
    • Make sure your parents are not around while you yell or practice. If they catch you, you will definitely have to go to school.
    • Most people can feel a cold coming on a day or two before it happens. If you can, tell your parents you think you are getting sick.
  2. Act and mimic the symptoms. Sneeze and cough, but don't overdo it. Pretend you find it difficult to stand. Speak to family and friends as little as possible. Don't change your mind about which part of your body hurts. If you say you have a headache, keep it there.
    • Pretend you're falling asleep easily, especially when you're watching TV. Sick children tend to fall asleep easily. If you say you feel sick one minute, but then get excited about your favorite TV show, your parents may not believe you.
    • Don't complain too much. The trick to pretending to be sick is not to give the impression that you are pretending. Limit the whining, and don't turn it into a play.
  3. Pretend you have a fever. A well-known way to pretend you have a fever is to hold a bottle of warm water against your head.
    • Another way is to run a thermometer under warm water to raise its temperature. This method requires a bit more work, as well as parents who trust you.
    • Be careful when pretending to have a fever. If the temperature is too high, you could eventually end up in the emergency room, where your cheating will soon come out. Try to keep the fever below 38 degrees Celsius.
    • Do not try to heat the thermometer in the microwave. This will only destroy the thermometer.
  4. Put on some makeup if you can. This takes quite a bit of skill, but if you can get it done, it will definitely benefit your acting. Lighten your skin with some foundation and make your nose red with a little bit of lipstick.
    • If you don't have make-up yourself, proceed with caution.If you get caught messing around with your mom's makeup, you're likely to get in more trouble than it's worth.
    • Don't choose a lipstick for your nose that is metallic or too glossy. Find a regular red lipstick.
    • Don't make your skin too light to look pale. Find something similar to your natural skin tone.
    • Use some of the lipstick you used to make your nose red and apply it around the corners of your eyes. Be careful not to get lipstick in your eyes, and use just enough to make it look like you've rubbed your eyes.

Method 3 of 4: Pretend you have a stomach ache

  1. Spend a lot of time in the bathroom. If you want to pretend you have a stomach ache, it's best to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. You probably won't get many questions if you spend a significant amount of time on the toilet. Other than some general questions, people probably don't want to know what you're doing there.
    • Don't moan or make nauseating noises. Remember, keep it simple.
  2. Make your skin clammy. Splash some cold water on your face to cool your skin. Wet your hair a bit, but don't let the moisture drip. You want to give the impression that your skin is cold. When someone asks about it, say you're so hot. This may make your parents think you are sweating cold.
    • You can also do some exercise, such as push-ups and sit-ups. Do just enough to produce a little sweat on your forehead.
  3. Pretend you're dizzy. In many cases, nausea will be accompanied by a feeling of dizziness. Do not make sudden movements. Try to stay seated as much as possible. If you have to walk, take it easy.
  4. Don't go so far as to try to throw up. When you feign nausea, you don't have to throw up just yet. Say you're not that hungry and your stomach hurts. Try to eat as little as possible, but whatever you do, don't make yourself throw up. That is not healthy.

Method 4 of 4: Pretend you have a headache

  1. Rub your head. To fake a headache, all you have to do is rub your head and close your eyes. Lie down on the couch or floor and keep your hand pressed to your head.
    • When your parents ask what's wrong, say that your head hurts directly behind your eyes. The better you are at describing the pain, the more likely they are to take it seriously.
  2. Respond to bright light. People with severe headaches often cannot stand bright light. If someone opens a window, or you are in an area with a lot of sun, turn your eyes away. Complain about the bright light.
    • Don't overdo this step. Photosensitivity is common with migraines, but does not necessarily occur with a regular headache. Use this tactic as you see fit.
  3. Be as lazy as possible. If you have a headache, the last thing you want to do is participate in a physical activity. Stay in bed. Go to sleep as early as possible.
    • An added bonus is keeping your room quiet. Turn off the television and do not listen to music. Few parents will believe that their children choose to stay in a dark room all day without entertainment.


  • Be consistent. If your stomach hurts and then suddenly your foot hurts, your parents may start to think it's suspicious.
  • If you pretend to be sick for more than one day, and the next day you are really sick, then there is a good chance that you will be taken to the doctor or given a medicine. Be wary of this.
  • You can decline a drug, but if you need to see a doctor, he or she can force a drug on you or give you a prescription that your parents have to pay for.
  • Try to feign mild nausea the night before the day you want to stay home. It sounds less like you just made it up on the spot.


  • Don't pretend you're so sick that you end up in the doctor's office. You might be able to fool your parents, but probably not your doctor.
  • Don't take medication you don't need! It is bad for your health and in fact an overdose. Say that you are unwell and that you think a cure will not help.
  • Don't do anything that could negatively affect your health. Don't take medicine to make yourself sick.
  • Faking illness can cause disagreements with your parents. Make sure you understand the risks before skipping school.
  • If you want to stay at home because of problems at school, get the help of an expert. If you are bullied, tell your parents. Playing truant won't solve your problems.
  • When school is over, you have to keep pretending you're sick. If you've been supposedly sick all day and are suddenly better when your friends are also out of school, then your parents know you lied.