Don't worry

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Bobby McFerrin - Don’t Worry Be Happy (Official Music Video)
Video: Bobby McFerrin - Don’t Worry Be Happy (Official Music Video)


There are many times when you might not want to worry about negative things happening in your life for a while. Read on for different approaches to different situations that may arise and a few helpful tips on how to get through those tough moments in your life.

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Method 1 of 4: When people judge you

  1. Firm up your self-image. We often care about how others think about us because we see ourselves through their eyes ... but it is not good for us to base our self-image purely on the way others think about us. The best way to deal with this is to build your own image of who you are. Do things that make you proud of yourself so that no matter what others say, you know that you are a good and valuable person.
    • Volunteering is a great way to feel better about yourself, while at the same time supporting the community in an invaluable way.
    • Learn a skill such as painting, playing an instrument, or playing a sport. Tired of being that loner no one talks to? Become that guy who blows you off the stage with his bass guitar.
    • Travel and go and see those things you want to see. Traveling will make you more confident and will give you great memories and stories for the rest of your life.
    • Commit to the things you do. If you do your best at school, your work, sports, your homework, etc., it will be much easier not to worry about what others think of you. When you know you've done your best, don't pay attention to the negative things others may say.
  2. Do the things you want to do. Don't let the opinions of others stop you from doing what you want to do. Your happiness should not depend on their approval. Ignore them and you will find that the more you spend time doing what you want to do regardless of what is being said, the less you will worry about it. You will find yourself having so much fun that you will discover that you just don't care anymore.
    • Pursuing the things that make you happy is also a great way to meet people who think like you and enjoy doing the same things. These new people are more likely to applaud than condemn the things you love!
  3. Allow people to reject you. A big step towards not worrying when people judge you is to just accept that they do. Let them go and by experiencing it in this way you will discover that it is not the end of the world. You can still get up every day and do all those things you want to do. Their opinion has no real impact on your life.
    • It is especially pointless to argue with them because it will be nearly impossible to make them stop. The people who judge you the most are usually the ones who judge themselves the most, and they will continue to judge you because it makes them feel better. They have problems, but don't let their problems bring you down.
  4. Realize that it doesn't matter in the end. Do not forget that these people have their own problems and lives. In 5 years they probably won't even remember you, let alone all those things about you that they had problems with. Their opinion will have no impact on you at all in just a few years. In the meantime, if you enjoy your life and take advantage of opportunities, you will end up being much happier than wasting your time trying to get the approval of people you will never see again after a few years.

Method 2 of 4: When someone hurts you

  1. Realize why someone is hurting you. Understanding why someone hurt you can go a long way towards putting it behind you because it helps you understand and empathize with the person and what they have done. If you can understand someone's reason for a particular course of action, it becomes more difficult to judge and blame them.
    • He / she may be hurting you because of loneliness, pain, or fear. Maybe because that person is afraid that you will hurt him / her. They may not have a good example from their own life or how to love or treat others in a good way. There are a number of reasons why people hurt or hurt other people, whether consciously or unconsciously.
  2. Learn to see it as their problem. If someone hurts you or otherwise shows that they don't value you and your role in their life, understand that it is their problem. If they want to be angry, hurtful, or lonely, it will turn out to be more negative for them in the long run than for you. It is better to spend your time and attention on someone who does appreciate you.
  3. Appreciate the people who really care about you. There are plenty of people who do love you and enjoy being with you. These friends, relatives, colleagues or teachers are worth your time much more than someone who is completely absorbed in his / her own problems.
  4. Find new people you can care about. When this hurtful person disappears from your life, find new people you can care about. This gives you new purpose and happiness in life, and it helps you forget what the other has done. When you meet new, fun people who appreciate you for who you are, you will find that you don't care that much about the things that were done by that nasty person. It's hard to feel hurt and angry when you're very happy!

Method 3 of 4: When things go wrong

  1. Realize that things can always get worse when things go wrong. This isn't meant to downplay what's going on in your life: no, those things are still awful. You can't change that. But when you understand that things could be even worse, you will find it a lot easier to appreciate what you have.
  2. Appreciate the good things in life. So realize what you do have (and have not lost) and take the time to enjoy those things in your life that make you happy. Hug your mother, tell your best friend how much he / she means to you and watch a sunset ... because you live here and now and that in itself is amazing and wonderful.
    • If you feel like there are no things in your life to appreciate and be happy to be, then you should go out and look.Volunteer, make friends, or do something you've always wanted to do. Life is too short to live in boredom and unhappiness.
  3. Know that it is not the end of the world. Things will go wrong. It happens. That happens a lot, actually. But if you know and understand that things are going wrong, then you also know that this is not the end of the world. Our problems sometimes seem huge and they are often very painful and difficult to deal with, but (as the saying goes) this will pass. You will eventually have different problems and different happiness.
  4. Continue. You cannot change the past and you cannot undo something that went wrong. All you can do is pick yourself up and move on. Take a different approach and solve the problem, if possible. If that doesn't work, move on to the next. Choosing a new goal, a new plan, and achieving new successes will help you worry less about those times when you have failed.

Method 4 of 4: When you have to worry about something

  1. When someone gets hurt. There are times when it does concern you. When someone gets hurt is probably one of the most important. It's very normal that you don't care about people who make your life miserable, but seeing people bully someone is something to worry about. If we stand up for each other then no one needs to be hurt on purpose, including you.
  2. When you could hurt someone. You don't shoot people you don't like, you don't bully others, and you can't care how your actions hurt other people. If you want to be happy in this world, then we will have to love and take care of each other. If you don't care that you hurt someone, then you should start thinking about the impact of your actions on your own life.
  3. When someone needs you. Often people will count on you. Maybe you don't even know. There will be people who need you for various reasons. That's something you can't just put aside and you should care about yourself enough to do what you can to help those people.
    • These could be people who need your emotional support because they are going through a difficult time, or family members who need your love as a light in their lives. It can also be a shelter for the homeless where you volunteer or your children who need you to survive.
  4. Care about your own life and wellbeing. It is also of the utmost importance to care about your own life and well-being. It can be difficult at times, especially if bad things happened to you, why you should care about yourself. But when you're feeling down, think about all the people who love you (even though you sometimes don't know) and that the future has many great things in store for you (even though you don't think you will ever see anything good will happen). Be strong because you are so strong, and just wait.


  • The ancient Stoics were masters of not caring about those things that didn't matter to them and of loving the good in life. Read more about it.
  • When you have problems or are upset about something, don't forget that you can talk to family and close friends. They love you and will want to help you find a solution.


  • There is nothing inherently wrong with you caring. It's more important that you don't get depressed by the negativity. You can care what other people think of you and not change yourself but accept it and still be happy!
  • Teaching yourself to be carefree takes time. Don't expect this to be done in a few days!
  • If you find yourself wanting to hurt yourself or thinking about ending your life, please seek help. We want you to continue sharing your beautiful self with the world! Call one of the hotlines below for emergency assistance and counseling:
    • Netherlands: 0900-1130113
    • US and Canada: 1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-SUICIDE
    • UK: 08457 90 90 90 or 1850 60 90 90 (ROI)
    • Australia: 13 11 14