How to get your man to force a relationship

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Men Have a Hard Time Opening Up Emotionally, Until You Do This!
Video: Men Have a Hard Time Opening Up Emotionally, Until You Do This!


You are in the midst of a fantastic relationship and want to take it to the next level. Whether you want to make a man a formal buddy, your fiancé, or live with him, there are a few things you must do before you can get your man to legalize a relationship. If you want to take your relationship to the next level, follow these easy steps.


  1. 1 Make sure you are ready for commitment. Before you can follow through on your plan to help your man strengthen your relationship, you need to be sure that you really need it. Whether you want him to ask you to just be his girlfriend, or if you want him to ask you to marry him, you should know that this is the right move for you.
    • Write down a list of all the reasons you want to take your relationship to the next level. The reasons should be natural and it shouldn't be a problem for you to write quite a lot.
    • Don't force things just because you think you should, because you've been together for enough time. Move on only when you are ready, but not because you think this step is a logical continuation.
    • Don't force things just because everyone else is doing it and you don't want to feel flawed. Just because your top ten best friends are getting married or are on their way to that crucial step doesn't mean you should follow their example if that's not what you really want.
    • Don't let anyone outside, your parents, friends, put pressure on you to develop your relationship.
    • If you want him to ask you to be his girlfriend, then be prepared for a committed relationship. Make sure he doesn't just do it in words, but because you really want to take the relationship to the next level.
    • If you want him to ask you to move in with him or look for a place to live together, you must do so because you want your relationship to become stronger. Do not do this if you will perceive him as just a roommate or if you want to pay less for the apartment, in which case your relationship will fail.
    • If you want him to ask you to marry him, be sure that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, that he makes you happier than anyone in the world, and that you cannot imagine life without him.
  2. 2 Make sure he is ready for commitment. Once you've decided that you really want to develop your relationship, it's important to make sure that your sweetheart shares your intentions. If you are absolutely ready, and he does not even think about obligations, then you will face a big problem. Next, how to know that he is ready:
    • If he is ready for commitment, he will tell you how amazing you are, how much he values ​​you, and how much joy you bring into his life.
    • If he calmly talks about your future together, from where you will live to what your children will be like, then this is a sign that he is serious. Even if he casually mentions what you will be doing in a year or two, it should convince you that you will always be a big part of his life.
    • If your relationship is stable and getting stronger before our eyes. If you spend most of your time together, doing things that you enjoy while talking openly and honestly, then your relationship has a future. However, if you often fight and are unhappy with each other, then you need to resolve your relationship problems before moving on.
    • If you want him to ask you to be his girlfriend, then it should be clear that you are the only lady in his life. He shouldn't be chatting, texting, or mentioning any other girls.
    • If you want him to invite you to live together, he must be ready to share responsibilities, keep his things in order, and share most of his life with you.
    • If you want him to ask you to marry him, then he must be happy with who he is, proud of what he does, and must feel completely confident before he is truly confident about your future together.
  3. 3 Let him know that you are ready to continue. Without being too persistent or obvious on this point, let your man know that you would like to take it to the next level. Without the crystal ball, he won't be able to know how you really feel if you don't show and tell him about it. Here's how to do it:
    • When you talk to him about how much he means to you, mention that you are ready for the next step.
    • Look for situations in which you can accidentally tell him that you want to move forward. Don't start a "long conversation," but hint during a casual conversation to make him feel comfortable.
    • If you have friends who have already taken this step, remind them how happy they are, but don't compare their relationship with yours.
    • Try to feel him, When you mention that you are ready, ask what he expects from it.
    • Give him love and affection without overwhelming him and he will know that you adore him.
  4. 4 Show that he would benefit from strengthening your relationship. If you want him to become more serious about you, you must show him that you are the person he needs in the next stage of his life. Before he takes the big step, he needs to know that you are a funny, positive, interesting and engaging person who would make a great partner. Here's how:
    • Make a list of ways that you can improve your good qualities, whether you show him that you are not very worried about not seeing him often or becoming more relaxed, not planning every little thing.
    • Show him your ability to be compassionate. He needs to know that you can understand his feelings, help him when he feels bad and will be sensitive to his weaknesses.
    • Show your independence. Even if you want to get closer to him, you have to have your own passions, friendships and goals, so he won't think that you are clinging to him, and he will not be afraid that you want to spend all your time with him alone.
    • Show him that you can teach him something. Whether you can teach him how to relax or can help him be a more organized person, he should think that by continuing his relationship with you, he can improve his human qualities.
    • Show that you have a sense of tact. The key to exceptional relationships, living together and a successful marriage is the ability to find a compromise and understand the other person's point of view. Your man needs to know that you can have a constructive conversation, know when to back off, and don't need to be controlled.
  5. 5 If you are willing to wait until he decides to commit himself. If you are more traditional, you may want your man to take the first step. Give him time to understand how important it is to have a commitment and find a place and a way to ask you to make a commitment. He may have the same feelings you do, but he just struggles to find the right time to talk.
    • Have patience, but know when to push. If you want him to take the next step, but the wait doesn't take too long, you should start a conversation. If you don't, you can wait for something that may not happen and you will suffer because of the wasted time.
  6. 6 Talk openly. When you’re both ready for the next step and he’s not moving in that direction, it’s time to talk honestly and openly about it. Here's what to do:
    • Be decisive. Take your time to start a conversation with your man about your thoughts about forcing your relationship. Tell him that you really care about him and want to move on with him.
    • Don't argue. It should be clear to you that you are having an important conversation, but do not force your partner to be defensive. Don't say, "Why haven't you asked me to be your girlfriend yet? Is there something wrong with me?" He will be forced to defend himself and will not know what to say.
    • Be open. Remember that a conversation is a conversation between two people, so after you've chosen the right time to talk to him, say, "What do you think?" or "How do you feel about all this?" Show him that you are really interested in his opinion.
    • Choose the right time.This is a serious conversation and should take place when nothing distracts you. Turn off your TV, put your phone on mute to talk. You need to think about so that the conversation does not take place in an incredibly difficult and stressful week for your man, otherwise he will not be as receptive as you would like.
  7. 7 Don't be discouraged if this doesn't work. If you've tried everything and your man refuses to make a commitment, then don't be discouraged. Not everything in life goes as planned and you should know that you did your best and that you feel good about how hard you worked on the relationship. If that doesn't work, there are two things you can do:
    • End the relationship. If you've tried to get him to marry him for years and it didn't work, then you have to admit that he may not be made for marriage and your goals don't align when it comes to relationships. If marriage is what you want, and you are sure that he will not give it to you, then it's time to move on.
    • Give him more time. Ask yourself if your man has a reason not to force the relationship. You may have had a wonderful few months together, but he's still in a relationship that has lasted eight years and doesn't have the emotional resources to give you what you want at the moment. Maybe he's in the middle of a major career change, is nervous and very unsure if he wants a change and it takes him a while to calm down.
      • If you feel that the problem is with the situation and not with his inner beliefs, then have patience and try at a more appropriate time. But you need to understand the difference between waiting for his tough time and always making excuses for his unwillingness to commit.


  • Understand the difference between wanting to be with a man and having a commitment. Many women care so much about having a boyfriend or getting married that they think more about how to take the next step than about who they will take that step with.


  • Never force your man to propose to you. If he does this because he knows he can lose you, if he doesn't, but he is not quite ready for it, then your relationship is likely to fail.