How to make heart and mind in harmony

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Science of Heart-Brain Harmony with Gregg Braden
Video: The Science of Heart-Brain Harmony with Gregg Braden


I try to believe the way I did when I was five ... When your heart tells you everything you need to know. ~ Lucy Liu

The very voice in your head, which prompted you to act in a certain way, then makes fun of you for your choice. Unfortunately, in modern society, we often deal with a conflict between what we want to do (our heart) and what we consider practical (our mind). As a result, we spend a third of our lives in a cramped cell for the sake of "convenience." We are friends with people we kind of like. We do and say things that, deep down, are disgusting to us, just to "fit" into society and seem cooler. Is the heart to blame? Are our feelings completely stupid and frivolous? Or is it the reason that is to blame? It may seem that contradictions are constantly fighting in us, and there is no end to this, and we cannot understand ourselves in any way. Social conditioning also blurs and obscures many things. Even if you really feel like you are making the right choice, how do you know for sure? How do you know that your choice is not just a reflection of your thoughts that you should do?

All of this may sound a little overwhelming, but this is a real problem that ruins lives because people cannot decide whether to follow the dictates of the heart. As a result, they use only a fraction of the opportunities provided to them, and all because they cannot decide. There is a simple solution to this problem. It may seem even too simple. But most things are really simple. Bruce Lee once said, "The height of craftsmanship always comes down to simplicity." First, let's take a look at the origins of this problem.


  1. 1 Don't confuse the purpose of the heart and the mind. The main reason we suffer from the aforementioned illness of indecision is because we have confused the purpose of the heart and the mind. The heart is like a compass - its purpose is to show the direction in which our life should move. The heart looks at our life from a bird's eye view and says: "This is where you are, and in this direction you need to move." Our minds, on the other hand, are not designed to make goal-setting decisions. It is natural for the mind to comprehend, organize and compare information. He does it diligently within his capabilities and says: "Here are the facts, here are both sides of the story." If we draw a parallel with the courtroom, our mind will be the defendant and the plaintiff (both stories), and our heart will be justice or the judge (the right direction).The reason we are unsettled by the head-and-heart conflict is that the mind not only plays the role of prosecutor and defense, but it also takes on the role of judge. The mind doesn't have to be the judge. His job is to compare and contrast, to understand and say, "This is what I have, do what you want with it." But more often than not, our mind does not. Our mind makes choices for us. To make matters worse, even when we don't need him, he is still at work. He compares and contrasts everything, and for the most part is in thought. Have you noticed that even when there is no need to think about anything, your brain is still active? Have you noticed that when this happens, your mind prevents you from enjoying what you are doing? Just a few examples that come to mind first: when we are making love, watching the sunset, or taking a shower, we have absolutely no need to think about anything. It doesn't make sense. Absolutely.
  2. 2 Tame your mind. Before we can get our mind to rest and stop thinking constantly, we must first befriend it. If we try to tell our minds that it is time for it to take a break or that we don’t need it now, we will only stimulate it. Instead of retreating, we get an uprising. We don't want that. Therefore, if we want to end the conflict between head and heart, we must find a way to marry this motley couple. Remember in the beginning we noticed that the solution to this problem is simple? Well, it really is. But at first it won't be easy, because we've been doing it wrong for so long. What we have to do is use our minds only to be in harmony with ourselves. Translated from Latin, "to sin" means "to go against." Thus, we must learn to be sinless. We must learn to constantly rely on our decisions in order to be "ourselves".
  3. 3 Consider each of your decisions. When deciding which phone to buy, whom to marry, or how long to stay at the dinner table, think about each of the following things:
    • Gather Information: What is the implied benefit of the solution? Will this be something you will always regret? While your mind may tell you to be content with temporarily gaining from a bad decision, deep down in your heart you can still know that it’s not the best solution. Look for information and evaluate in your mind.
    • Identify the problems: What can go wrong? Will you feel good after making a decision?
    • Consider your options: Think about what's best for you; most of the time, doing what your heart tells you is the best choice.
    • Make a plan and make a choice. Learn from your mistakes and try, try again.
    • By listening to your heart, you can train your mind to learn from the heart, and ultimately make them work in harmony.
  4. 4 Practice this new habit. Have you ever wondered how to tell the right decision from the wrong one? It sounds so difficult, doesn't it? But it becomes so easy when you ask yourself, "Is this choice in harmony with me or not?" You will see that the right choice will immediately become obvious. If you learn to put this into practice every time you need to make a choice, you will begin to regain your personal strength. You will create a union between your heart and mind. Maybe then their child (you) will stop experiencing constant emotional damage from the parental divorce from which he suffered for so long. Make your choice today. Just try it. Be in tune with yourself.