As a girl picking a gift for your best friend

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to Pick a Gift for Your Female Best Friend
Video: How to Pick a Gift for Your Female Best Friend


Having a boy as a regular friend can be a lot of fun, but when there is a birthday or other present-day event coming up, things can get pretty stressful. Chances are you want to give him something to show what he means to you, but you're afraid to pick out something he doesn't like. Worse still, you're afraid you're giving him something that might make him think you see him more than a regular friend. Don't worry - picking the right gift will make it clear that you don't want anything else and avoid common blunders, and expect an enthusiastic (but completely devoid of romance) response from your friend.

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Part 1 of 2: Choosing the right gift

  1. Give him something that suits his interest. Since this person is your best friend, you probably have a clear idea of ​​their hobbies and interests. Then give him something that fits those interests or even better, something that allows him to pursue his hobby, and you will almost always be guessing correctly. These kinds of gifts are usually received warmly - you give something that he likes and actually use it, and at the same time you show that you have put some thought into figuring it out.
    • If you not quite is sure what your best friend likes to do, then a short visit to his house or apartment should give you an idea - just look at the things he has lying around and what is hanging on the walls. For example, if you see a stack of Nintendo magazines, chances are he's a gamer, and a new game or Nintendo memorabilia is a good option. If you see a Metallica poster hanging on the wall, chances are he is a fan of that band, so a DVD of a concert recording or merchandise from the band may be appropriate.
  2. Pick something he'll find funny or amusing. If you're concerned about picking a good gift for your best friend, lean towards something lighthearted or funny - after all, it's hard to look too much for a present when you fall back with laughter ! You can also use a joke that only you understand, or just pick something funny in a more general way. The latter is a bit more impersonal, but is also less likely to give the wrong impression, so use your own judgment. Below are a few ideas to get you started:
    • Comedies and recordings of a stand-up comedian.
    • Unique gifts - T-shirts with funny texts, strange gadgets, board games and so on.
    • Gifts meant for cleaning - things you know he hates (like a jersey with a print of his favorite sports team's rival), things that are funny in a way that is out of fashion (like ugly sunglasses off 1970s), bizarre nonsense (like a bag of potatoes), etc.
    • Something cleverly conceived and based on his name - so if his name is Brian, you can give him a movie poster of Life of Brian.
  3. Give him something that is functional. One way to make sure your best friend is completely delighted, while at the same time ensuring that no misunderstandings arise, is to give him something that is purely functional - that is, something that is useful to him, but not necessarily very "warm" or intimate. For example, if your best friend spends a lot of time lifting weights in the gym, you might want to give him a pair of fingerless gloves specifically designed for that sport, sportswear, or maybe even weights for home. These kinds of gifts show that you pay attention to what the other person likes to do, but at the same time they pose very little risk because they are not likely to dislike him or make him feel like you are overly affectionate.
    • The potential problem with these types of gifts, of course, is that they can sometimes appear chilly. Giving an everyday, functional gift to someone you've known all your life can lead to hurt feelings if your boyfriend is sensitive to these kinds of things, so be aware that this could be the result.
    • Also keep in mind that certain functional gifts can inadvertently convey an insensitive message. To cite an example: although a subscription to a health magazine in itself useful could be, it could convey the unfortunate message that you think that friend of yours needs to lose weight.
  4. Give him something he can use with his friends. Another way to show your appreciation for your friendship without sending the wrong signals is to let your gift be about him and his circle of friends (and that includes you, of course, although you don't have to choose something that you enjoy yourself). For example, if your best friend is in a band with some of his other sizes, a great gift would be a custom T-shirt with his band's name on it. Alternatively, you can also give him a game that has something to do with music, such as Guitar Hero - that way you can all play with it.
    • If your best friend has a girlfriend, the same principles apply, so you can give something that is fun for both of them. For example, you can give two tickets to a performance by the couple's favorite band, which is a great way to give your friend a fun night with their sweetheart (with or without your presence - that's your decision).
    • This is also a great way to soothe any tensions that have recently come up with some of his other friends. If you give him something that he, you, and his other friends can use together, you're essentially offering an olive branch to say, "I just want us all to get along."
  5. Give him a "masculine" gift. Giving your best friend a gift that suits his sense of being a man or his image as a gentleman is usually a pretty safe choice. Things like a pocket knife, watch, car accessories, etc. are memorable gifts and will suit most younger and older men alike. Below are some more ideas:
    • Badgers
    • Tools
    • Buckles
    • Shaving accessories
    • A purse - many guys wait a long time to buy themselves a new purse, so this gift is likely to be particularly appreciated.
  6. Save money by making your own. Your gift doesn't necessarily have to be very expensive to make an impression. Making the gift yourself is a great way to show that you really care about that friend, and while these types of gifts often cost less than the same type of gift from the store, the time and care you put into the gift will add extra meaning. Below are some homemade gift ideas to get you started, but don't be afraid to get creative and come up with your own!
    • A work of art that you have created yourself (such as a painting, drawing or a figurine)
    • Something that is handmade (such as a piece of furniture, skateboard, laptop holder, etc.)
    • A homemade item of clothing (such as a knitted hat or mittens)
    • Homemade food (such as cookies or brownies - preferably something non-perishable)
    • A song you wrote and performed yourself (if you're really brave!)
  7. When in doubt, give a gift card. If you get your for real worried about that friend getting the wrong gift, let him choose! Gift cards and coupons are good choices for showing that you care about that friend without risking getting personal. In fact, many people would rather have a gift card than a regular present. In fact, statistically, the more common to use the gift card, the sooner someone will appreciate it. The best part is that all those gifts are very easy to buy - you can usually buy them at the supermarket on the way to that friend's birthday.
  8. Don't be afraid to ask what that friend wants. Boys are usually a bit reluctant to tell other people what they would like as gifts, especially for their birthday, Christmas, etc. Some guys feel a little shy about asking other people for something, while others just can't do much care what they get. This can be frustrating when you're shopping looking for gifts, so don't hesitate to pressure that friend a bit to be more specific (very polite, of course). Most of the time, guys who don't talk about what's on their wish list will actually really want to have something secret, so start digging!

Part 2 of 2: Avoid romantic undertones

  1. Avoid "love" gifts. Regardless of your intentions, certain gifts come with a romantic "charge" that is hard to ignore, so you should definitely avoid. As a general rule, anything you might consider giving to your sweetheart on Valentine's Day is not appropriate for platonic friends. The consequences of breaking this rule can be horrifying (especially if your platonic boyfriend has a girlfriend), so be warned! The following are some examples of gifts that are considered "romantic" and should therefore be avoided:
    • Eau de toilette or personal fragrances
    • Flowers
    • Cufflinks or other jewelry
    • Luxury chocolates or other treats (especially those in stylish, elegant boxes)
    • Expensive accessories (something like an expensive watch, a fountain pen, etc.)
    • Provocative attire (A funny T-shirt is fine, but silk boxer shorts, terry cloth robe, stylish jacket, etc. are too personal for platonic friends)
    • Tickets to an event, just for the two of you
  2. Make your card a bit comical or rough. Often it is not the gift itself that makes a boy think you want to tell him something, but the card you included with it. It can be easy to confuse kindness and ordinary affection with something more serious, so you better ignore this altogether by not taking anything you write into your card seriously. Some overly enthusiastic men can detect a romantic signal even in the funniest card, but the risk is much smaller than with a heartfelt text that comes straight from the heart. Below are a few examples of how to pleasurably disrespect the card that came with your gift:
    • Write in SMS language (so something like, "H0p U had gd bday. Thx fr b-in a gd fri3nd.")
    • Be blunt in a funny way (eg, "I don't know if you got it, but this card was really hard to find. I actually hope I can get it back to use again for Amy's birthday next week. Oh yes, happy birthday. ")
    • Write his name as a droll acronym (e.g., for a friend named David: D. - Dare / a - Terrifying / V. - Terribly cool / etc.)
    • Draw fast or bizarre doodles in the margin.
  3. Be impersonal about giving the gift. It's not the point what you give to your friend - but also how. Being dizzy with your friend's response to your gift can raise some nasty questions, even if the gift is something very ordinary, like a new front cover for their mobile. On the other hand, giving the gift as if what he thinks isn't super important to you allows you to escape without any damage.
    • This is a tricky business, because if you to impersonal, this can come across as rather rude. For example, leaving an unaddressed package on the sidewalk and not mentioning it for a week can make it seem like you don't really care about your friend. You know him better than most people, so try to be mindful of his feelings.
  4. When in doubt, you can also give a gift as a group. Buying a gift with other people isn't just a way of sharing the cost of an expensive gift - it's also the perfect way to avoid "sending the wrong signal." It is very Far-fetched to make a gift from a group feel like a personal, romantic gift from you to your friend. Chances are you haven't even figured it out yourself! Best of all, a simple, polite text on a card is the only personal touch you need to add as a group, so you don't risk falling into the trap of a longer, more personal message.
  5. If nothing helps, give obvious hints that you are just friends. If you are really concerned that your gift will be misunderstood, use the card as an opportunity to express your relationship in purely platonic terms. Do what you can to refer to yourself and your platonic friend as nothing more than that - friends. Use words like "buddies," "buddy," "buddy," "gabber," and so on. Avoid any terms that could be taken romantically, such as calling yourself his "special friend" or ending the message with "Your, ...".
    • Unfortunately for some guys even this not enough. In those cases, it's best to ignore your friend's puppy love until he's lost interest. If at some point he becomes so distracting that you can't ignore him, most relationship guides recommend that you say what it is like - in other words, tell him in direct words that you don't want to disturb your friendship with romance. Read the article on wikiHow on this topic for more information.


  • Believe it or not, some websites are set up specifically for this niche. Search for the perfect gift on sites like,, and more - these sites are great if you don't know where to start.
  • A gift voucher for his favorite eatery or restaurant.