How to make a guy feel sorry

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
5  Super Effective Ways To Make A Guy Feel Bad/Regret Hurting You
Video: 5 Super Effective Ways To Make A Guy Feel Bad/Regret Hurting You


Have you ever felt unhappy or sad? Or maybe they wanted revenge on the guy who broke your heart? Or dreamed of making him regret? Well, this article is just for you!


  1. 1 So your heart is broken, right? Here's what you can do to change that.
  2. 2 Don't talk to him anymore. It doesn't matter what you or he does, never talk to him. If he tries to speak to you, walk away.
  3. 3 Don't go next to him. Stay as far away from him as possible. If he tries to walk alongside, again, walk away.
  4. 4 Flirt with other guys. Don't feel like a miserable girl with a broken heart. It's also a way of telling a guy, "My heart isn't broken, and you didn't break me."
  5. 5 Don't feel sorry for yourself. You don't need to feel trampled in dirt and insignificant. If a guy breaks your heart, he's just waiting for it. Of course it's very hard, but just as effective!
  6. 6 Start dating someone. The guys react very sharply to this. If his fault is that he ruined your relationship, then he should be!
  7. 7 Be spontaneous. Don't get hung up on old places that evoke memories.
  8. 8 Delete all his messages. Put your phone away somewhere so that you are not tempted to call or text him.
  9. 9 Look good. Whenever he looks at you, you should look amazing. Then he will probably say to himself: "But she looks much better than before!"
  10. 10 Ignore it. When he looks at you, ignore it. Let him know that you are much better off without him.
  11. 11 Block emails from him, Facebook or other sources of communication on the Internet. If you see that he is calling you, do not pick up the phone.
  12. 12 Make it clear to him that you are superior to that person in all aspects.
  13. 13 If you are with your friends and see that person, start joking, smiling, laughing and just having fun, and he will get jealous very quickly.


  • Act like you have no feelings for him.
  • Remain optimistic.
  • Don't show yourself in front of him too often. He must be looking for you.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself, especially on yourself.
  • Do not be angry. Indifference will affect him more.
  • If he tries to talk to you, say something that will alienate him: "Oh, I'm sorry, but I have to go."
  • Don't look him in the eye.
  • However, don't be too lighthearted. If you act like you never really cared about your relationship, he will be hurt and may even hate you for it.
  • If he tries to talk to you, just ignore him.
  • Find a new guy. Try to forget your old relationship. As you move on, he will realize that he has lost something special and will beg you to come back.


  • Warning: But don't be too indifferent, or he may start moving on.