Search the Internet

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Internet: How Search Works
Video: The Internet: How Search Works


Are you not very familiar with the internet? Follow this procedure and you will find what you are looking for:

To step

  1. Choose a search engine. Frequently used search engines are:
    • Ask
    • Bing
    • DuckDuckGo
    • Google
    • Yahoo
  2. Go to one of these pages.
  3. Choose a few of the most specific or relevant keywords or phrases that describe your topic. Use synonyms. Type the words in the search box of the search engine.
    • Usually it doesn't matter whether you use uppercase or lowercase letters, or punctuation marks.
    • Search engines usually ignore small words like "de, het, een, van, etc".
  4. Press the Enter key on your keyboard.
  5. Assess your results. Search through the list of web pages to find information.
  6. Repeat the above steps if necessary.
    • Try a different search engine.
    • Try other keywords that are "more or less" specific.
  7. Use Advanced Search, which is possible on most websites.
  8. Use the Site map of a website.
  9. It is not correct to assume that your topic is equally visible on all search engines, so it is important which one you use. Today, search engines organize their results in a way that is complex, changeable, often secret, and different for each business. While search engines are usually "consistent" in displaying the most popular websites, less popular sites can be ordered in many different ways.


  • Put a "plus" (+) in front of each word if you want each individual word within the search results to be searched, such as + writer + grammar + punctuation marks.
  • Put a "minus" (-) before each word to exclude those words, such as "recipe -meat" if you are looking for a vegetarian dish.
  • Use quotation marks to search for consecutive words or a phrase, such as "stem of a flower".
  • While you search, you can bookmark or bookmark interesting websites.
  • Enter a short question, such as "what date is today?"