Mix oil pastels

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 5 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to blend with Oil Pastels | 4 Oil Pastel Blending Techniques | Saminspire
Video: How to blend with Oil Pastels | 4 Oil Pastel Blending Techniques | Saminspire


Oil pastels are thick, greasy sticks of pigment mixed with a mineral oil binder. Their composition makes them very versatile and recognizable. Artists can apply, manipulate and blend oil pastels in a variety of ways to achieve different effects, shades and textures.

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Method 1 of 3: Mix in advance or on the canvas and combine colors

  1. Pre-mix your oil pastels. When you pre-mix your oil pastels, mix the colors together on a palette before applying the materials to your canvas. This method produces one color. You can use it when you need a specific color and don't want to risk mixing the wrong colors on your canvas.
    • Use a palette knife to cut off pieces of the oil pastels you want to mix. Place the pieces on your palette.
    • Use the palette knife to blend the colors into a thick, greasy paint.
    • Once you have achieved the desired shade, apply the pigment to your canvas with the palette knife.
    • You can also use your fingers instead of a palette knife.
  2. Mix your oil pastels. Apply one color of oil pastel directly to the canvas. Apply a second color of oil pastel right next to the first color. Use the tool of your choice to blend or rub the adjacent edges until the two edges merge seamlessly.
    • This method is used when you want to achieve a smooth organic color gradient.
    • It is possible to mix oil pastels in this way because the material is thick and oily.
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    Mix your oil pastels in different color layers. You apply different colors of oil pastels in layers, directly on the canvas. This method is used to blend larger areas of color as opposed to smaller areas that require fine detail work, which is better achieved with pre-mixing. It creates extremely rich tones. Apply a generous coat of oil pastel to the canvas, followed by a second coat of a different color. Add extra layers and blend the pastels to the desired shade.

    • Experiment with mixing by applying light pressure. Instead of applying thick coats of oil pastel, use minimal pressure to apply thin coats to your canvas.

Method 2 of 3: Explore alternative mixing methods

  1. Mix oil pastel with the "scumbling" method. The scumbling method allows artists to develop texture and value in their work. First, choose two or more oil pastel colors. Pick one color and start shading your canvas. Repeat this process with the remaining colors you selected, overlapping the colors at different random points. Keep stacking hatches until you achieve the desired effect and shade.
  2. Cross hatch to mix oil pastel. When crosshatching, artists mix colors by drawing overlapping lines in two different directions.
    • Lightly sketch the area you want to shade.
    • Select two colors of oil pastels, preferably a light and a dark shade.
    • Determine the two directions of your lines. Assign a color to each direction.
    • Draw a series of lines of one color going in one direction.
    • Draw a second series of lines with the second color going in a different direction.
    • Fill in the area further with lines until you achieve the desired effect.
  3. Apply the sgraffito method. In the sgraffito method, artists create a design or add fine details, by scratching through layers of oil pastels.
    • Apply several layers of oil pastel in different contrasting colors to your canvas. Often the last layer is a dark color.
    • Select a pointed object of your choice, such as: a paper clip, a comb or a wooden marker.
    • Use this sharp object to scrape away the layers of oil pastel, leaving an intricate design.

Method 3 of 3: Experiment with different tools

  1. Blend with your fingers. Your fingers are excellent and efficient mixing tools. While your fingers are not as accurate as other tools, they are great for blending colors that cover large areas of your work. It is also faster to blend with your fingers than to grip a tool. When using your fingers, don't forget to wash your hands regularly to remove the pigment and avoid mixing the wrong colors.
    • You may want to wear rubber gloves. These make it easier for you to keep your hands clean and protect your fingers from sanding on the canvas or in the pastel colors.
    • Keep wet wipes near your work area to remove the pastel from your hands.
    • It can be difficult to blend in areas smaller than your fingertips.
  2. Use pastel brushes or formers to blend the colors. Pastel brushes and formers are specially designed for working with oil pastels. Pastel brushes come in a variety of sizes and styles, and contain bristles on one side. Pastel formers, which also come in a variety of sizes and styles, have a flat or tapered rubber tip. While flat pastels are ideal for mixing large areas of color, tapered pastels formers are perfect for mixing small areas.
    • You can purchase a dual-use tool that contains a brush on one side and a shape tool on the other.
  3. Mix with a feather. A feather is a tightly wrapped roll of paper with a pointed end. These inexpensive pencil-shaped tools are excellent for creating fine details and sharp edges. When the tip gets dirty, you can unroll the wrapped paper to get a new, clean tip.
    • These tools come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
  4. Use a chamois leather to mix the pastels. A chamois is a soft and supple piece of leather. This tool is very versatile. You can wipe or rub most of the pad over your cloth to blend large areas of color, or wrap some of the pad around your finger to blend pastels on small areas.
    • To clean the chamois, you can wash it by hand or in the washing machine.
  5. Mix with kneaded eraser. A kneading eraser is a pliable eraser. In addition to functioning as a regular eraser, this multipurpose tool is also great for mixing oil pastels. You can shape and reshape the eraser into different shapes to meet your specific needs.
  6. Use household items to mix the colors. Instead of buying traditional art tools, you can use common household items to mix oil pastels. While these items are not always the tool of choice, they serve as an acceptable substitute when you don't have the right tool on hand. This includes:
    • Cotton swabs
    • Wimps
    • Wipes
    • Paper towel


  • Use a strip of test paper to view the color combination.
  • It may take several tries to get the color you want, so don't give up!


  • Some oil pastels will stain your clothes. Wear an apron or anything else that can get dirty.