How to get people to read your blog

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Ways to Get People to Actually Read Your Blog | Two Minute Tuesdays
Video: 5 Ways to Get People to Actually Read Your Blog | Two Minute Tuesdays


Chances are people don't read your blog, but that's not because they don't like you or your blog - they probably don't even know you exist. You are lost in the sea of ​​websites, blogs and other publications. How can you add polish to your blog in comparison to the rest? Scroll down to find out how to get more people to read and subscribe to your blog.


Method 1 of 2: Using Social Media to Generate Interest

  1. 1 Interact with other blogs. It helps build relationships with both the blogger whose blog you interact with and the people who read that blog.
    • Create beautiful, relevant comments on popular blogs. This will spark curiosity in your blog and you might be able to attract subscribers.
    • Respond to every comment someone makes on your blog. You want the person who responds to your notes to feel welcome, respected, and worthy of attention. And the likelihood that they will interact and share your blog with other people increases.
    • Find blogs like yours to interact with - like-minded people will want to see your point of view on the interests you share.
    • Respond to popular, feature articles, or posts on your own blog. People love to see how authors interact with each other and it will be interesting to see how you responded to someone whose opinion is important to them.
  2. 2 Duplicate your blog posts! Just share a post from one of your blogs with another from your blogs - either by providing a link or copy and paste, or both. This is a great way to get multiple audiences interested in your content.
    • If you have more than one blog, cross-post entries from the blog you want to popularize to your most popular blog. People who follow you on one may start following you on the other.
    • If you don't have more than one blog, consider creating another blog or two with different blogging programs - even if you end up just making an exact copy of the original blog.
    • There are different groups of audiences that are constantly turning to different blogging programs. You can access these various bloggers and their subscribers using as many blogging programs as possible to publish your posts.
  3. 3 Submit your posts and links to your blog on tools such as forums, discovery systems, refereed news feed sources, and social networking sites. This is a very natural way to generate interest in your blog among bloggers and non-bloggers as well.
    • The goal here (similar to cross-posting) is to leave your content in as many places as possible.
    • Consider using your personal social media accounts and email signatures to get people who are already connected to you to link to your blog.
  4. 4 Write great headlines and storylines. If people see a post with a truly engaging example, they are more likely to read it than what seems boring or dry.
    • Consider how headlines affect the likelihood that someone will click on a cross-post or shared link. Interesting headlines and storylines are essential to successfully generating interest through third parties.
  5. 5 Take a step back and analyze your blog as objectively as possible. Does your blog look bad when compared? And have people seen him a thousand times before? Are the images relevant to your topic? The content can be great, but if you present it in a bad way, people just won't read.
    • Avoid small fonts, hideous contrast, poor design, and colors that are difficult to read - these are all off-putting. Looks like it's important; first impressions pass.
    • Make sure your blog is working properly. There are too many blogs with dead links, plugins that cause bugs and other problems.
    • Clean up the clutter. Less is always more. No amount of widgets or other "cool stuff" will keep a person interested in your blog. It might even distract them from your work. Direct them to your material in an interesting and modern way.
    • Make sure you have a little introduction or indication that your blog is at the top of your blog home page. This way, people will know if your blog is relevant to what they are interested in. If you write well enough, you can even captivate people with your interests.
  6. 6 Be consistent. Don't lose subscribers due to the fact that you were not able to update the material in time, or changed the theme of your blog unexpectedly.
    • If you find it difficult to update at least once a week, look at your similar blogs and find posts that have generated a lot of comments. A lot of comments means that the person wrote about a controversial topic and you can use your answer on someone else's blog as the basis for your own post.
    • If you would like to post something unusual provided by your blog topic, consider mentioning it and posting it as a link instead - your readers will appreciate what you think of their time and interest.

Method 2 of 2: Using Search Engine Optimization

  1. 1 Research Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO. SEO is a strategy that web developers use to increase the likelihood that someone will find their site in search.
    • There are both complex and easy ways to optimize your blog for the search engines. Read about how other people do it and decide which strategy will work for your skill level, your needs, and your content.
  2. 2 Consider “manipulating” your content to include multiple keywords. The most popular way to increase your site's search engine rankings is to make sure you are using the words that people are looking for.
    • “Take over” the point of view of your potential audience. Search for some things related to your blog topic in several search engines and see which sites are popping up on the first page. Read these sites carefully - what words seem to be in each paragraph, what words constantly appear in storylines?
  3. 3 Organize links to popular blogs you like and websites that are relevant to your topic. Organize allies for yourself, try to convince them to follow the link to your blog over time.
    • Share a link to your blog often. The more people click on your link, and the more closely related your blog appears to be with other popular websites, the more likely it is to show up on a search engine.


  • As you study the blogosphere, pay attention to what works and doesn't work on other people's blogs - copy the good, avoid the bad.
  • If your blog is about a metropolitan area, come up with clever ways to generate interest outside of the web. Try making stickers to leave at a corner store or local coffee shop.
  • Be true to your interests so that your writing reflects your passion. In the absence of a passion for the topic, at least have a way to pretend that you are actively interacting with it, one in which you show that you have done research and know your material. If you can't imagine a real or knowledgeable hobby, readers will stop reading.