How to earn her respect

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 POWERFUL TIPS: How To Get Women To Respect You! (The TRUTH)
Video: 3 POWERFUL TIPS: How To Get Women To Respect You! (The TRUTH)


Earning a girl's trust isn't always easy, especially if you've given her a reason not to trust you. However, if you take your time and give her time to realize that you are a reliable person who really cares about her, then you will be able to achieve a real connection. Just keep in mind that if you have cheated on her trust many times, it will be very difficult to earn it again, even if you try very hard.


Part 1 of 3: Starting Small

  1. 1 If you make a mistake, then sincerely apologize to her. If you gave her a reason not to trust you, for example, you cheated on her, spoke evil behind her back, flirted with other girls, or simply made her think that your intentions were not pure, then the first and most important thing you need to do is sincerely apologize. Look into her eyes, apologize and say that you want to make amends.
    • Don't make excuses or try to explain the reason for your behavior. Instead, focus on showing your regret and convincing her that it won't happen again.
    • By saying, "I'm sorry to upset you," you kind of blame her. Instead, say, "I am so sorry that I acted like a real jerk. I am so guilty before you."
    • Of course, no one says it's easy to apologize, but if you really want her trust back, then it's much better than denying it completely.
  2. 2 Be patient. If you made a mistake and want her to forgive you, then you need to give her some time. Over time, you can break down the wall of mistrust between you if you can prove that she can feel safe with you again. Being impatient will destroy the fragile trust you have earned in recent weeks. It may take her more than a few weeks to start trusting you again.
    • If you cheated on her, then you have no right to go crazy that she needs “too much time” to restore trust in you. Only she decides this question.
    • If she's just suspicious or was cheated on by her ex-boyfriend, then the best thing you can do is prove to her that you are different. Losing patience will scare her away. Show her that she is worth waiting for.
  3. 3 Don't put pressure on her. If you want to gain her trust, then you must let her call you several times. Before moving forward, make sure she's ready, whether it's an intimate meeting, a get-together with friends, or a weekend get-together. You don't want her to feel pressured from you, which could backfire. Just give her some time.
    • If you feel like you can't wait that long, that it's not worth it, then it's best to try dating a different, more open-minded girl. You don't need to torture yourself or her.
  4. 4 Don't abuse her trust. One of the best ways to gain a girl's trust is not to abuse it. If you want her to trust you, then you need to be honest, open and show her that you are reliable. If she thinks that you are being irresponsible about today's date, telling her secrets, or flirting with other girls when she is around, then it will be quite difficult to gain her trust. Try to be the best you can, so as not to give her a cause for concern.
    • The best thing you can do is be open and loyal. Do not make her think that you do not need to believe a single word of yours and that your persuasion is just an attempt to sort things out.
    • If you sat in a cafe with a female friend, then do not lie to her, but simply explain that she has nothing to worry about. If she finds out from someone else that you have been seen with another girl, then it will be much more difficult for you to convince her to trust you.
    • If you have abused her trust, even if it is a minor offense, then the surest thing is to ask for forgiveness.
  5. 5 Be reliable. This is another way to gain the girl's trust. If you said you would pick her up at 8 o'clock, then be there at least five minutes early to show that you are not making her wait. If you promised to help her in something, then by all means keep your promise. If you go to school together every day, then don't disappear without giving a reason. Let her see that she can rely on you in any situation.
    • If you know that she should call, then you should pick up the phone immediately. You don't have to disappear for hours if you know what your girlfriend needs.
    • Be there and lend your shoulder to her. It is very important to show her that you are always available and always there.
  6. 6 Do not put a password on your phone. Nothing makes a girl suspicious than a guy constantly talking in a mysterious voice on a phone with a password. Remove your password, unless you are afraid of being stolen. When someone calls, let her see who it is before answering the call. When you are with her, do not send SMS unless she knows that the text was for a friend.
    • Of course, you can say that the phone is your property and you do not have to report to it. That's right, however, if you've given her a reason to be skeptical, you need to show that she has nothing to worry about.
    • The same is true for the computer. If you slam the laptop shut as soon as she enters the room, then she has a reason not to trust you.
  7. 7 Be honest with her. The best thing you can do to gain a girl's trust is to be honest with her. Tell her where you are going to go with your buddies, where you were last night. For a more trusting relationship, let her know what's on your mind. She will appreciate the fact that you are honest with her and will trust you more.
    • However, if you think she shouldn't know about something, then a little lie hasn't hurt anyone yet. For example, if you think her new hairstyle doesn't suit her, then you don't have to talk about it.

Part 2 of 3: Positioning her to yourself

  1. 1 Trust her. If you want her to truly trust you, you must trust her. Tell her about your fears, about childhood, about relationships with friends, about your thoughts, etc. If you open up to her, she will understand that you can be trusted. There is no need to pour out your heart at first, but the longer you communicate, the more honest you need to become.
    • If you tell her about yourself, about some intimate things, she will understand what you like and has a special meaning for you.
    • The more you trust her, the more she will trust you. However, there is no need to pressure her if she is not ready to trust you to the fullest.
    • If you tell her about things that you did not trust anyone, she will understand that it means a lot to you. Naturally, you should do this only if you yourself want to.
  2. 2 Be there for her in difficult times. If she has a falling out with her best friend, has a difficult week at work, or is not feeling well, then just be there. If she thinks that you are only there for kissing and fun pastime, then very soon she will move away from you. Show her that it is not.
    • Be there when you're sad if you want her to know that she can rely on you completely. Do not be angry and do not blame her for building an elephant out of a fly. Listen to her patiently and encourage her.
    • If you really want a long-term relationship with this girl, then you must be prepared for the fact that she will not always be in a good mood. After all, you also do not always have the same mood.
  3. 3 Listen to her. Another way to gain a girl's trust is to listen to her. Look into her eyes, don't interrupt. Let her know that you are catching her every word. Don't give advice unless she asks. Listen to her patiently, whether she talks about conflict with her mother or career choices. The most important thing is that she understands your interest.
    • Do not look at her with glass eyes saying that you are waiting, do not wait for the completion of her story to tell about what happened to you.
    • Moreover, you should not just listen silently, but show what you hear and ask questions as needed. For example, if she says she needs to take the test at the end of the week, then be sure to wish her luck.
  4. 4 Show interest. Hug her around the waist in public, introduce her to friends as a friend, and much more that will let you know about your serious intentions. If you don’t want to book tickets for the concert, which will take place in two months, then give cause for concern. If you are attentive to her in private, and in public you treat her as just a friend or younger sister, then she will understand that you do not want to show others your attitude towards her. Therefore, you have frivolous intentions.
    • Of course, if she is not ready to commit herself yet, then you should not put pressure on her either. However, if you are on the same wavelength, then make it clear to her that you are really ready to do anything for her.
    • If you are very busy and have not been able to see her for a day or two, then call or at least send an SMS. She will understand that even when you are busy, you do not forget about her.
  5. 5 Make an effort to please her family and friends. Be polite to her friends and show interest in them. Let them see how much you like your girlfriend. Treat her family with respect and care, and let them get to know you better. If you are nice to her, but don't get along with her family or friends, then it will be difficult for you to gain her trust.
    • It's perfectly normal for you to be embarrassed to date her parents. It `s naturally. It is important that you are friendly and dressed appropriately.
  6. 6 Keep your promises. If you promised to look after her dog, then do not refuse at the last minute, referring to a trip with friends. If you promised to take her to the doctor, then do not forget about your promise. If you promised her to be loyal and honest while you are together, then prove to her that you can be trusted.
    • Keep even the smallest promises. For example, a promise to take you to lunch at a restaurant. If she realizes that you cannot keep your promise even in such small things as a joint lunch, then what can we say about serious things.
    • If it suddenly happens that you are late for a meeting or have forgotten about your promise, then be sure to apologize and say that this will not happen again. None of us are perfect, but you have to make an effort so that she understands that she can rely on you.

Part 3 of 3: Building constructive relationships

  1. 1 Show how much you care about her. Tell her that you love her, give her spectacular compliments, spend time with her, celebrate romantic dates. Always tell her how happy you are. Never take your relationship with her for granted, otherwise she will think that you have lost interest.
    • You shouldn't choke her in your arms and kiss her all the time, especially if it doesn't sound like you. You just need to show that you care about her.
    • Give her gifts just like that, not just for Valentine's Day or birthday. This is a sign of attention.
    • Write her love letters when she is sad. If you do this when she least expects, then she will be fascinated.
  2. 2 Learn to compromise if you really want a long-term relationship with your girlfriend. Show her that you do not have to insist on everything and that you want to see her happy. However, there is no need to give in to her in everything, otherwise she will think that you are spineless. Before making a decision, weigh the pros and cons to find a solution that will satisfy both of you.
    • Taking her thoughts and feelings into account will help her understand that she can trust you.
    • Sometimes, you just have to give up and let her watch a movie or go to a restaurant she wants. This behavior is natural sometimes. She, too, will learn to yield to you.
  3. 3 Don't try to be perfect all the time. You must be loyal and reliable. However, you don't need to be pushed around. Make an effort to be the best for her. However, there is no need to cheat. There is no excuse for cheating.
    • If you are late for a date, then just apologize and show that you are sorry.Until this behavior becomes a habit, she will appreciate the fact that you are willing to admit your mistake and apologize.
    • You should also not be afraid to admit that you don’t know something. You don't have to sound like a know-it-all just to earn her trust. In fact, she will be much more committed to trusting you if she realizes that you are being honest with her.
  4. 4 Be honest. Try to be open about your feelings. Let her see that you trust her and are ready to break down all barriers. At the same time, one should not completely bare the soul. Tell her about your weekend or share your thoughts on classmates. If you are consistently honest, she will trust you in the long run.
    • If something bothers you, then you should feel comfortable enough to open up to her, even if you are a little uncomfortable. If you do not talk about your problems, then she will not do it.
    • If you've had a tough day, be honest with her. She must not think that you are hiding everything from her, otherwise she will do the same.
  5. 5 Communicate. You must be willing to interact with a girl if you want to have a relationship of trust. You can't brush it off every time she wants to talk. She should feel comfortable with you. Make sure you are open to conversation and always ready to stop and listen to her.
    • Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. She needs to feel like you're ready to talk about your relationship and share your feelings.
    • She will not be able to confide in you if she feels that you are angry or neglect to communicate with her.
  6. 6 Take time for her. If the girl is dear to you, and you want to gain her trust, then you need to always find time for her. It is necessary to show that it is most important. If you spend too much time with your buddies or do not answer phone calls for several hours, then she will start to worry because she will not know what you are doing or who you are spending time with. Make an effort to spend time with her regularly. Being together is extremely important.
    • If you know that you will not be able to answer phone calls for a long period of time, because you will be in a meeting or in a movie theater, then inform her about it via SMS. Of course, you don't have to account for every minute of your life. It's pretty tedious. Just let her know about your plans so that she can trust you.
    • Taking the time to show her will show that she is very dear to you and occupies an important niche in your life. This is very important if you want her to believe and trust you.