How to learn to be proud of your appearance

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 15 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to be proud of your appearance
Video: how to be proud of your appearance


Complete satisfaction with one's appearance seems completely unattainable in modern society, which pays so much attention to the appearance of people. The media relentlessly enforces their own unrealistic beauty standards, leading to many people feeling dissatisfied with themselves. From screens and pages you are told: "Your skin does not look the best - or - you need to have such a body." But if you learn to be proud of your appearance, you will take the right step towards personal satisfaction. If you fail to do this, then you will still feel like a partly inferior person. Fortunately, using a number of recommendations in this article, you can fall in love with your look and become proud of your appearance.


Part 1 of 3: Learn to accept yourself as you are

  1. 1 Pay attention to all the things that you and your body are amazing at. Instead of focusing on what you don't like about yourself, think about what you like. If you often receive compliments for a charming smile or beautiful teeth, start enjoying these benefits. Go beyond the physical aspects of your appearance and think about what else you like about yourself besides looks.
    • Make a list of your virtues and stick it to the mirror. Fill a piece of paper with positive characteristics that you currently enjoy in yourself. The list may include phrases with the following content: "I am strong, - or - I love animals." Write as much information as you can on the list and reread it regularly to cheer you up.
  2. 2 Start smiling more. A smile beautifies absolutely everyone. Also, a smile has a significant positive effect on a person's health, including helping the body to fight stress. With a smile, your mood will become more joyful and happy. In addition, with the help of a smile, you can give a feeling of attractiveness to other people, as well as share a positive charge with them.
    • Smile as often as possible (even when you don't feel like it). Do not let the smile leave your face around the clock. Smile in the mirror as you dress and prepare to leave the house. Smile at strangers you meet on your way to work or school.
    • Notice how your body reacts to regular smiles.Try to notice a positive change in your own feelings.
  3. 3 Take care of yourself. Any organism is unique. You won't be able to drastically change your appearance, but you can start doing things right now that will positively affect your sense of self. Try to adopt a healthy lifestyle. When a person is good with their body, their self-esteem naturally rises and a sense of well-being develops.
    • Provide your body with plenty of water and natural whole foods, including vegetables, fruits, low-fat protein sources, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products.
    • Exercise to protect yourself from ailments, maintain current or lose weight, and fight back anxiety and depression.
    • Engage in activities that you enjoy to reduce stress. Be sure to allow time for rest and relaxation.
    • Get enough sleep at night. Doing so will improve your ability to concentrate and increase your chances of confidently taking the right steps towards a healthy lifestyle.
    • Avoid drugs and alcohol, which can cause short-term improvement in well-being, but in the long term lead to irreversible damage to the brain and the body as a whole.
  4. 4 Engage in auto-training. Sometimes, in order to achieve something, you first have to imitate success. Convince yourself that you like your appearance by repeating positive phrases in your address. You can say such phrases anytime, anywhere, out loud or silently. Over time, you will begin to feel exactly as the phrases you use say.
    • I always do my best.
    • I'm working on myself.
    • I am beautiful because I am unique.
    • I have a healthy body and a smart mind. My heart and soul are calm and serene.
    • I will not give vent to negative thoughts and feelings.
    • I am grateful for the life I have.

Part 2 of 3: Overcome Your Feelings of Dissatisfaction

  1. 1 Recognize your "sufficiency". You may not be able to take pride in your appearance because you believe it is necessary to achieve certain standards in order to increase your self-esteem. For example, say you want to lose 10 pounds, attract the attention of a special person, or get your mom's approval for your chosen wardrobe. In fact, you are already a self-sufficient person, regardless of your appearance, clothes and who pays attention to you.
    • It's easier to talk about how to believe in your own worthiness easier to tell than to do it. Nevertheless, if you are determined to believe in yourself and work on yourself every day, you can generate a spark of faith in yourself.
    • As soon as you have doubts about yourself, repeat the following phrase: "I am a worthy person." Say these words over and over until you believe they are true.
  2. 2 Learn to love your own body. This is also easier said than done. However, when you manage to love yourself exactly as you are at present, it will be an invaluable achievement. For example, you have a scar on your chin that you don't like at all. Do you want to love him? Then think of it this way: this scar symbolizes the fact that you turned out to be stronger than the one that tried to harm you. There are other ways to learn to love your body below.
    • Stand in front of a mirror and take a look at the part of your body that you don't like. Try to find something good in her. If you don't like the shape of your nose, you should probably be glad that it is free of blackheads. Do this daily until you start criticizing the body part less and less.
    • Pamper your body regularly. Take long, relaxing baths. Get pedicures and manicures.Try new hairstyles and haircuts. Visit the spa for a massage.
    • Wear clothes that fit you comfortably. Don't try to hide under your own clothing. Choose fabrics, patterns and colors that highlight your personality. If you start dressing in fashionable clothes that fit you well, you will automatically feel like a more foldable person.
  3. 3 Discard comparisons. When you look at your best friend, you can see how tall she has grown and think, "I'm too short." Alternatively, you can pay attention to your sister's new clothes and say that your own outfit is simply “terrible”. Without delving into the reasons for your actions, we can definitely say the following: comparisons take away your joy and lower your self-esteem. The following are reasonable grounds for giving up this habit.
    • Comparisons give you nothing, but they hurt your feelings, pride, and dignity.
    • If you continue to follow the path of comparisons, then you will constantly feel like a failure, since there will always be someone who is better at something than you (for example, taller, prettier, smarter, and so on).
    • Comparisons deprive people of their individuality, as they imply that their interests, style and appearance should be similar.
    • In fact, you have no idea about the real life of the person with whom you are comparing yourself. In doing so, you are comparing your flaws to what you think is the other person's best trait.
  4. 4 Distance yourself from critical people. Your thoughts about yourself do not always depend only on your personal opinion. Self-esteem is usually influenced by judgment and criticism from other people. If a family member or friend constantly frustrates you by talking about your appearance, then it will be difficult for you to become proud of your appearance. At the same time, the attitude of other people towards you is one of the main factors influencing your feeling of happiness and well-being. Here are some tips on how to deal with overly critical people.
    • Establish relationship barriers if the relationship is giving you negative thoughts about yourself. Refuse invitations from a critical person and spend less time with them.
    • Choose carefully the people with whom you share your innermost thoughts and feelings. If the person does not appreciate what you are talking about, do not share with him. Maintain a relationship with him based on the minimum necessary information.
  5. 5 Challenge media beauty standards. If you spend a lot of time watching TV shows, pages on social networks, reading fashion magazines, then they can have a significant impact on your own perception of the concept of beauty.
    • The way men and women are portrayed in the media can lead you to compare and criticize yourself, even though in most cases the images presented are corrected and edited. In doing so, your self-esteem and confidence will suffer greatly from endless judgments and comparisons.
    • Try to limit your viewing of unrealistic human bodies and images. Try to find real images of people in all their variety of shapes and sizes.
  6. 6 Give up perfectionism. If you are prone to perfectionism, then this feature can prevent you from feeling proud of your appearance. When you look in the mirror, you are sure to notice some flaws in yourself. If someone compliments you, in return, instead of grateful and accepting the compliment, you mention something that you still need to work on. Setting unattainable standards and the habit of self-flagellation will keep you from enjoying life fully. Overcome perfectionism by taking the steps below.
    • When you find yourself setting too high a standard, try to return to being realistic.Remind yourself that no one is perfect, that all people are prone to make mistakes. Tell yourself, "Just try to do your best!"
    • Face your own fears. For example, if you are afraid to leave the house without makeup, try doing just that. First go without lipstick or lip gloss, then without foundation, and finally leave the house with a completely clean fresh face. Do not forget to periodically repeat to yourself: "I am beautiful the way I am." See if your fears were justified. Did someone laugh at you or make a sarcastic remark?

Part 3 of 3: Redefining Beauty

  1. 1 Learn to discern the inner beauty of the people around you. In an effort to believe in your own beauty, you need to learn to see the inner beauty of other people. Sometimes you will be able to notice in them what you did not notice in yourself. When you begin to see beauty everywhere and in everyone, you will become more inclined to believe in your own inner beauty.
    • Beauty can take on any shape and shape. Pay special attention to the beauty in people that has no physical form. Think about those around you. About the sources of their cheerfulness. Their compassion. Their zeal on the path of life. About the level of their intelligence. Their friendliness. Isn't that what their beauty is? Is it possible that you can have the same beautiful features?
  2. 2 Explore the beauty of nature. Another way to overcome the imposed limits of modern beauty standards is to appeal to nature. Nature will be able to introduce you to the widest variety of beautiful plants, creatures and landscapes.
    • Nature will always be ready to present you with thousands and even millions of examples of the manifestation of beauty. Many natural landscapes are simply breathtaking. Moreover, when you study natural examples of beauty, you realize that it lies not only in what your eyes see, but also in what emotions you experience.
  3. 3 Engage in an activity that will give you a sense of your own beauty. As you revisit your understanding of beauty, you can also expand its presence in your daily life. Since beauty is related not only to external manifestations, but also to the feelings you experience, you can attract it in various ways. Physical beauty is only part of what is included in the concept of beauty for any person. Think of an activity that will help you experience inner beauty.
    • Please note that your chosen occupation will have nothing to do with external manifestations of beauty, however, it will be able to make you more beautiful in your own eyes and in the eyes of other people. Inner beauty is developed by the actions you perform and a cordial attitude towards others.
    • For example, volunteering can help you feel the benefits of the community. Listening to your favorite music and dancing can enhance your sense of your own beauty. Laughter is beautiful in itself. If you run and play with young children, you can also feel your beauty. Do more things that will develop a positive attitude towards your outer and inner beauty.