How to become enlightened

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Get Enlightened, Sadhguru?
Video: How to Get Enlightened, Sadhguru?


Every religion advises us to stay enlightened. Know that you don't need any special virtues to become enlightened. Just stay conscious. The experience of prolonging our conscious assertion cannot give us the power to control the material world. However, he can give us the strength to become completely free from suffering due to attachment to things in the material world. Being enlightened is not a special state of mind; it is freedom of mind and heart from all attachments, which gives awareness of all human existence without the concept of differences in the world around us. Although difficult, it is still very possible to achieve through training and mind training. Just as earthly attainments are difficult, but attainable, in the same way enlightenment is difficult, but possible. If you cannot find it where you are now, where are you going to wander in search of it?

Many people feel that they have to suffer in order to find freedom. It should not be. We all belong to the universe, and the universe doesn't care if we suffer or not. We are our own key to absolute freedom. And there are as many ways to achieve enlightenment as there are beings in the universe. When we become conscious, we expand the framework, and when we turn away from consciousness, we are limited. In addition, reality will always show us that we cannot move against our own laws. We are all free to choose the kind of "reality", we thirst for knowledge, and none of us can break the rules. Every entity in the world has the same freedom of choice.

There are some of us who have preached dogmatic certainty in one particular way. But at the end of the path to enlightenment, it doesn’t matter in which way you attained it.

Obviously, there is no “how to do it” step-by-step guide that shows the right path for everyone, at any time of the year. External events are not as important as how you react to them.

The more you are afraid, the stronger the feeling of fear or fear of pain becomes. Initially, fear is a warning of possible harm. You just need to notice, and the problem will definitely be solved, drop your fears. This is one of the fundamental "expansion" and "contraction" regimes; when you begin to study your life, you will find many more. To seek enlightenment, we must only accept the circadian rhythms of expansion and contraction. Each of us has complete freedom of choice, you already know about this.

Consciousness is real, as real as we are. Whatever we do by pulling from the cosmic consciousness (the One Source of All That Is, or whatever other terms you want to use), we are doing it now.We were all born in the same place, we all return to the same place.

Hope you find some examples of simple relationships here to help you on your way.


  1. 1 We've all made mistakes. We learn from them. Repeating the same mistakes over and over again is a hindrance to our own ends. However, we have the right to do them. We must ask ourselves, "What causes pain and suffering, and how can we root it out at a deep level?" Some say that only after receiving something in excess, a person can understand how much is enough for him. Being here and now, according to many, is the first step towards liberation.
  2. 2 Look for arahat communities, wise men and good dharma books.
  3. 3 Take a time to relax. Often our life is very fast, we are stressed and cannot enjoy the moment.
  4. 4 Sit quietly and let your thoughts and judgments arise and dissipate by themselves. Be here now. Become calm and clear.
  5. 5 Pay close attention to the different smells you smell, the sounds you hear, and the objects you see. Use the same approach in other everyday situations. Such actions often bring you closer to pure consciousness.
  6. 6 Practice meditating, this can be done anywhere, at any time, you just need to mentally concentrate at this time on a specific object.
  7. 7 Read what others have written about enlightenment and spirituality in general. There are many great philosophers such as Gautama, Jesus, Lao Tzu, Suzuki Roshi, Muhammad, Dante, Francis Bacon, William Blake and others. There are many doors to Perception to talk about this topic, both directly and indirectly.
  8. 8 Learn about the Noble Eightfold Path and the 4 Noble Truths.
  9. 9 Always seize the moment and enjoy all the activities you do during the day (eating, sleeping, and even taking a bath).
  10. 10 The steps listed here are some basic helpful tips. The real "step" on the path to enlightenment means doing something that is now an unconscious part of your consciousness. those. "Integration". Practical steps towards integration can be found in the relevant sections of the wiki.
  11. 11 The path to enlightenment described by Shakyamuni / Gautama Buddha Himself is in the development of strength, concentration and wisdom.
  12. 12 Enlightenment is not a state of mind that you can come to by forcing yourself. We live by the eternal law of cause and effect: if you do something bad, you will get a bad result; if you do something good, you will get a good result. The main thing is consciousness that has arisen regardless of what is happening.
  13. 13 Approaching with the intention of igniting a higher consciousness is natural. Walking can ignite higher consciousness. Use walking meditation. As newbies learn to time their breath cycles for normal breathing, so too let the higher consciousness sprout. Walking cycles or steps can serve the same purpose. The same thing happens in music with rhythm, that is, the normal consciousness is consumed, which allows the higher consciousness to come like a flood to the musician, bringing a higher consciousness. Don Juan was drowned in a vision of Carlos Castaneda's walking. Carlos walked with Don Juan, crossing eyes to bring down the vision and avoid the general consumption of ordinary consciousness. This awareness of higher consciousness while walking will motivate you to walk / meditate more often.


  • Once you become more familiar with simple awareness / consciousness, you will notice a decline in mental activity and begin to experience thought-free understanding much more often. This can be useful, especially after some experience in free thinking consciousness has encouraged the induction (relaxation) of the thought free presence as a workout.It literally helps bring the body and mind back to their natural state, which is freer from continuous thinking than all thinking throughout life for most people.
  • Common sense (or intuition) is also your best guide.
  • Nothing is always right or wrong, "things" change. Choose what is best for you at the moment, however, remember that you are never alone, what you choose may or may not affect others. Kindness and good manners can be a good thing. In a word, “have compassion,” or give (do) the best to others - the best that you would give (do) if you find yourself in the same situation.
  • “Expanding the mind” drugs (or psychotropic substances) are definitely not the most reliable way to find enlightenment. They can be compared to using a helicopter instead of climbing to the top of a mountain, however, the fact remains and you can draw conclusions for yourself. Keep in mind that psychotropic drugs are not the easiest way to achieve a certain degree of enlightenment, as a psychedelic crisis can ensue. At the same time, fears may arise, remember, they can be overcome or dispelled. Ultimately, enlightenment must come to you.
  • Higher consciousness is available to everyone who seeks it. You don't even have to do anything. You won't get lost trying to figure out how free you really are.
  • Enlightenment is not a thing that someone else can do for you. Nobody can "save" you except yourself. The same goes for saving others. The rest is the will of God.
  • Cognition, or self-inquiry as it is sometimes called, can be a separate experience, but it is most effective for most people if you practice meditating daily for some time, often at least several months. This is because the “response” to a request always notices pure awareness that does not change with experience, which in turn is constantly changing. The most common form of inquiry is to ask mentally, or simply by shifting attention (noticing): "Who (or what) am I?" - now, here, at this moment? If you find the answer to the question mentally, i.e. “I am a person,” or “I am a soul,” or even “I am everything,” this will always turn out to be useless, because the true answer is consciousness, from the point of view of the subject, ie. awareness, testing of all content, even some sense of oneself.
  • Self-awareness is a real "experience" of every moment, in any perception or mental activity. You will see that if you can grasp something, no matter how subtle, no matter how much you feel your “I” or “Your” experience, you are still an object to experience with the path of awareness. On the one hand, this is an experience that you can never get "before" or before realizing yourself.
  • Thoughts that you have to achieve something act as a kind of barrier through which our natural essence is enlightened. What we just have to understand is that there is no achievement more important than achieving in the first place "oneself".
  • You are the key to your own enlightenment.
  • The process can take as long as you wish.
  • Remember, and experience with experience, that consciousness is equally present in every moment of life; it just often goes unnoticed. Misunderstanding of consciousness in all aspects (including thoughts, feelings, sensations from within oneself, etc.) is a means by which ignorance comes back to you again from time to time. Especially in times of mental and emotional distress, it can be very helpful to draw attention back to self-awareness: an experience, an aspect that is “in the know,” instead of something unknown.
  • Try to experience yourself as pure consciousness (or cosmic consciousness), as well as energy (which is partly conscious and partly unconscious in an endless variety of modulations) and as matter that is in an unconscious state.As humans, we are a complex combination of matter, energy and consciousness. The highest state of consciousness is always available and always within you, and this is a state of pure consciousness.
  • Some "trance" statements can help your enlightenment, while others can mislead you. Remember that you are ultimately in control of the situation.
  • Meditation and other body-based practices such as pranayama (breath control) are the basis for more advanced (refined, psychic) ​​practices. The benefits of more refined practices are that they are embodied more quickly, and / or the benefits of enlightenment are more consistent in the experience when calm thinking returns again. With experience, meditation helps to calm the mind, an activity that acquaints you with the formless aspects of your consciousness, which more easily give understanding and enjoyment of real enlightenment. Enlightenment is not really what you "achieve"; overemphasis on superficial thinking is what brings back the enlightenment every second. Please note that consistency in meditation (one or two fairly short sessions daily; twenty minutes each) is more important than meditating for long periods of time.
  • The path to enlightenment is laid through the enlightenment of the uninitiated.
  • What's real? Our feelings can deceive us, but our emotions cannot.
  • The (qualified) teacher who “was there” knows the way and can tell you to watch out — this is as much a responsibility as a property.
  • Studying yoga, tai chi, or aikidokan can help.
  • Understand how practitioners can relate to enlightenment; they are not necessarily necessary, but can be of great support and help in training enlightenment. This does not exclude the proposal entirely. Everything is ready and you can only perceive this reality with the help of conceptual thinking in reverse. However, most bodily-mental systems are driven by a deeper focus on form. Therefore, just as diet and exercise harmonize physical health, specific methods can be helpful in enjoying the fruits of enlightenment in the current experience.


  • Do not be afraid to separate from your material body, if you take proper care of it, it will be something to which you will have to return.
  • Be careful not to overdo it. Moderation is helpful.
  • You must learn to trust yourself completely.
  • Beware of "mind-expanding" drugs, as they can be dangerous to the inexperienced.
  • We teach better what we need to learn ourselves.
  • Scientific understanding is based on the repetition of events and miracles that, it would seem, will never happen again. Therefore, there is no scientific way to understand miracles. Our consciousness is a miracle.
  • Better not to "seek" deliberately, do each act deliberately, reminding yourself that each step you take is a reward in itself.

What do you need

  • Faith, and again faith in the flow of the Universe.
  • A heart full of love. Because love is the most powerful magic.
  • Indifference to the external aspects of "things", i.e. maintain a shared vision of the "big picture".
  • Reconnecting with nature - this will give you peace and a charge of vigor from the inside.