How to freeze eggplant

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 25 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


1 Buy fresh eggplants. Fresh eggplants are best preserved after freezing.
  • The eggplants must be ripe, and the seeds in them must not be ripe. Usually these eggplants are dark in color and have no spots.
  • Do not freeze eggplants that are soft or solid.
  • Keep in mind that you can use any type of eggplant for freezing, but after thawing it will soften whichever variety you choose.
  • If you don't have time to freeze the eggplant right away, store it in the refrigerator. However, the sooner you freeze them, the better they will retain their taste.
  • 2 Wash the eggplant. Rinse them under cold running water, using your fingers to remove adhering dirt and leaves.
    • If you are using eggplants from your garden and they are pretty dirty, use a vegetable brush and gently remove any dirt.
  • 3 Slice the eggplant. The eggplant must be cut into slices less than a centimeter thick (0.8 - 0.9 cm).
    • Cut off half a centimeter at the top and bottom of the eggplant.
    • Remove the skin with a vegetable peeler. Move the peeler from top to bottom, from one cut end to the other.
    • Use a knife to cut the eggplant into slices less than a centimeter thick.
    • Chop as many eggplants as you can blanch at a time. The sliced ​​eggplant begins to darken after half an hour, so it is best to cut it just before blanching.
  • Method 2 of 4: Blanching

    1. 1 Bring water to a boil in a large saucepan. Fill a saucepan 2/3 full with water and bring the water to a boil over high heat.
      • Let the water boil vigorously. It is necessary for it to seethe.
      • Make sure all the sliced ​​eggplants fit into the pot. If not, blanch them in batches, but try to chop them just before blanching.
    2. 2 Add lemon juice to water. For every liter of water, add 30 ml of lemon juice.
      • Lemon juice will keep the eggplant from darkening. It will not affect the taste of the eggplant in any way.
    3. 3 Pour cold water into a large basin. The basin should be the same volume as the pan in which the eggplant will be boiled.
      • Add as much ice as possible to the water.
      • Prepare the water before you start blanching.
    4. 4 Blanch the eggplant. Place the eggplant slices in water and boil for 4 minutes.
      • Blanching destroys enzymes that promote decay. If the eggplant is not blanched, it will begin to lose its nutritional value, color and flavor within a month, even if you freeze it.
      • The same water can be used to blanch several batches of eggplant, but no more than 5 times. Monitor the water level: If necessary, add water and lemon juice as needed.
    5. 5 Once the eggplant has boiled, remove it from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and transfer it to a bowl of cold water.
      • Cold water will immediately cool the eggplant and the cooking process will be stopped, thus preserving the flavor and nutritional value of the vegetable.
      • Leave the eggplant slices in cold water for 4-5 minutes.
      • Add ice and cold water as needed.
    6. 6 Remove the eggplant from the cold water and place in a colander. Let it drain well. Alternatively, use paper towels and dry the eggplant well.

    Method 3 of 4: Freeze

    1. 1 Place the eggplant slices in a container or freezer bag.
      • If you decide to use a bag, let as much air out of the bag as possible before closing it. This will help keep the eggplant from freezing. Vacuum bags are best.
      • If you choose to use a plastic container, do not stack the eggplant all the way up. Leave a 1-1.5 centimeter gap between the eggplant and the container lid. As it freezes, the eggplant will expand and need this space.
      • Do not use glassware for freezing.
      • Be sure to include the label in the container or bag with the date it was frozen.
    2. 2 You can also separate each layer of eggplant with cling film.
      • This step is optional. It will help keep the eggplants from sticking together during freezing.
    3. 3 Place the eggplant in the freezer and freeze. Frozen eggplant can be stored in the freezer for 9 months.
      • In a vacuum bag, frozen eggplant can be stored for 14 months.

    Method 4 of 4: Other options

    1. 1 Bake the eggplant before freezing.
      • Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Line a shallow baking sheet with foil.
      • Pierce the eggplant with a fork in several places so that no pressure builds up inside the eggplant during cooking.
      • Bake the eggplant for 30-60 minutes. As soon as the eggplant begins to settle, it is ready. Small eggplants need to be baked for 30 minutes, and large ones for about an hour.
      • Take out the pulp.Once the eggplant is cool enough to touch with your hands, cut it open and scoop the flesh off the skin with a spoon.
      • Pack the eggplant pulp in a vacuum container. Leave a 1-1.5 centimeter gap in front of the lid.
      • Store in the freezer for 12 months.
    2. 2 Slice eggplant slices to make Parmesan Eggplant. Roll each plate in breadcrumbs and freeze. You do not need to bake them.
      • Wash the eggplant and cut into slices (as for blanching).
      • Dip each plate in milk, eggs, or batter.
      • Then roll in breadcrumbs. Add seasoning, parmesan, or herbs to the breadcrumbs.
      • Wrap the plates in wax paper. Each record should be wrapped in a separate envelope.
      • Store in the freezer for 6 months.
      • Before use, defrost the plates in the refrigerator and bake or fry them.

    What you need

    • Sharp knife
    • Peeler
    • Vegetable washing brush
    • Large saucepan
    • Large bowl
    • Freezer bag or container
    • Polyethylene film
    • Baking tray
    • Foil
    • Fork
    • Potholders
    • Wax paper