How to make money online without building a website

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 5 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best 6 Online Earning Websites That Pay You Real Money Without Investment!!
Video: Best 6 Online Earning Websites That Pay You Real Money Without Investment!!


Building a website and attracting traffic to it to get money from advertising is one of the proven ways to make money online. But if you don't want to mess with building a website, then there are other ways to make money online. In this article, we will tell you about several of the most common ways to make money on the Internet without creating a website.


Method 1 of 4: Selling Your Labor

  1. 1 Teach over the internet. If you have certain knowledge and skills, you can record online lessons and sell them through websites, and other users will pay to watch them. Also, teachers can participate in forums and help students deal with the most difficult material. So, you can not only share your skills and knowledge with other people, but also have a fairly constant income, especially if you have many regular students.
  2. 2 Sell ​​your work online. Many people love to buy unusual and unique handmade items. Online stores like Etsy allow creatives and artists to make money selling their work. Try to offer something unusual and unique, so that your product is different from what other masters offer.
  3. 3 Sell ​​your skills. There are many websites connecting experienced professionals with those who need their services. If you are a graphic designer, lawyer, translator or specialist in another field, you can certainly find someone willing to pay for your services. Search the internet for freelance exchanges and check the first few results.
  4. 4 Write and publish an e-book. Writing a book is not easy and time-consuming, but an e-book does not have to be long to be valuable and informative. You need to determine that you know what others would like to know and organize all this information in a book format. Of course, the process of writing a book itself takes time, but thanks to online publishing services, it is much easier to publish and sell an e-book today.
    • Your e-book can be easily published using numerous services including Google, Amazon or Ozon. On these sites, you will first need to submit the book and it will be put up for sale once approved. Since the book is digital, it will cost you nothing to sell another copy.
    • Apart from the time spent writing and converting an e-book, you don't have to invest in order to make a profit. However, on average, the profit per book is not high. There is a lot of competition in this area and people spend a lot of time promoting their books. So, you can make money writing a book, but don't expect big profits.
  5. 5 Create YouTube videos. YouTube allows video content creators to make money from ads based on the number of views. Payouts are small, only about $ 1– $ 3 (60–120 rubles) for 1000 ad views, but the more videos you publish and the more views they get, the more you earn. An additional advantage of this way of making money on the Internet is that you can create videos on any topic if you think that they will be of interest to others.
    • Remember that videos, like e-books, aren't likely to make you much money. You will have high competition, and it is unlikely that anyone other than your family and friends will watch your videos, unless you come up with something really unique and interesting.

Method 2 of 4: Selling Your Time

  1. 1 Complete online surveys. If you want to take online surveys and research, there are many options at your disposal. Usually, you get paid a little to complete one survey, but if you take a lot of surveys, you can earn a decent amount. However, please note that some of these sites pay with gift certificates or other in-kind rewards.
  2. 2 Become a virtual assistant. Another option to make money online is to become a virtual assistant of a person who does not have enough time to complete simple tasks. Such tasks can be answering emails, buying gifts, or booking hotels and airline tickets. This can definitely be one of the more fun ways to make money online. However, these jobs often involve full-time employment and require you to be available at all times during the working day.
  3. 3 Work for Yandex.Toloka. Toloka makes it possible to make money on the Internet by performing simple tasks that computers cannot cope with. Basically, you need to analyze and evaluate various content. For example, you need to check the compliance of sites with search queries, compare images and determine product categories. The process is extremely simple - choose a task, complete it and get a reward. To work, you need a computer or mobile device with Internet access and some free time.
    • Amazon Mechanical Turk is the western counterpart of the crowdsourcing platform. However, in order to post assignments to MTurk, registration with a US billing mailing address is required. Thus, citizens of the Russian Federation are not able to use MTurk.

Method 3 of 4: Selling Goods for Others

  1. 1 Sell ​​other people's products on eBay for a commission. Trading on eBay does not always mean that you have to be a manufacturer, moreover, you don’t even have to buy any products. Many sellers sell other people's goods for a commission, taking a small percentage of the sales for themselves. You can do this right from home or from anywhere. Another option is to become a shopping assistant on eBay and sell on eBay. Read more about this in the article How to make money on eBay by selling other people's commission products.
  2. 2 Become a wholesaler. A wholesaler buys goods in bulk at a low price and makes money by selling the goods at retail at a higher cost. While many wholesalers have their own websites, some do their business through Amazon or other online stores. Research the market, potential income and storage conditions of a product before becoming a wholesaler. You can read more about this and how to get started in the article How to make bulk purchases.
    • Sell ​​products through dropshipping. In fact, this process is a simplified version of the wholesale trade, only you do not have to manage the supply of batches of goods yourself, you will simply sell the goods, and a third party will handle the dispatch of the goods. That is, when your product is purchased from an online store where you are registered (eBay, Amazon or another online store), the manufacturer or the store itself will take care of shipping the item to the buyer. This greatly simplifies complex logistics and saves a lot of time and effort.

Method 4 of 4: Promote Partner Products

  1. 1 Find a partner whose product you want to promote. You will act as an intermediary between the manufacturer (or seller) of the product and the consumer, without even having to deal with the product itself.Make sure that the product you choose has a certain demand and is not overly advertised. You will only need to buy a domain name and you will not have to create a website as you will be redirecting users from your domain to the website with the product.
    • Typically, a large commission can be earned by selling digital goods. Digital goods are those that are downloaded to the buyer's computer immediately after purchase, such as e-books or software. You don’t have to invest money, search for any tools, equipment or delivery. In this case, the commission will be higher than in the case of a regular product. The most common reward for digital goods is 50%.
    • Sign up as a seller (or partner) to sell the product that looks most appealing to you. After registering, you will receive a unique affiliate link that must be sent to people in order for them to buy this product. The affiliate link will have a special code that will inform the owner of the product that the user has followed your link. The affiliate link code will allow you to track and receive your commission.
  2. 2 Purchase a domain name to redirect from it to your affiliate link. A domain name can be bought inexpensively on any hosting. It is important to note that in this case you will not create your own website, and you will not have to pay for hosting, which usually costs a lot of money - you just buy and register a domain name, and this does not require large investments.
    • When someone enters your domain name into their browser, they will follow your referral link. The visitor will see the site with the product being sold, and you will receive the agreed commission when purchasing the product.
    • A domain name is necessary because it is easy to remember and more credible. Affiliate links are usually too long and suspicious. For example, most people are more likely to click on than on
  3. 3 Drive traffic through your domain. To sell, you need to drive visitors to your domain (which will redirect them to the product site you are selling). You can pay for advertising and hope that your profit will be more than the cost of advertising, or you can use free methods to generate traffic.
    • The most effective way to get free visitors to your domain name is by writing articles. You can write short articles on a topic related to the product you are promoting by adding your domain name at the end of the article. You can then post these articles to various sites by posting them with your links. Articles can be published on various sites on the Internet (depending on their quality and relevance), this will advertise your affiliate link at no cost. People will read your articles, click on your domain link, and possibly buy your product.


  • Remember that it will take you a long time to make money on e-books or YouTube videos, and this earnings may not be so great, even if you put in your best efforts.
  • Be aware of the risks of online fraud. A lot of people promise easy money, but in reality they want to profit from your money. Be wary of pyramids, people, or sites requiring registration fees that promise large earnings for simple tasks (such as data entry). If the "job" seems too simple and promises too much for it, then most likely it is a fraud.