How to stay calm after something important is broken

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen
Video: How to stay calm under pressure - Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen


Everyone makes mistakes, but making big mistakes can be really frustrating. You may feel angry, embarrassed, sad, or simply frustrated! No matter how you feel, it's important to stay calm and begin to work through your emotions to get over your mistakes. There are many strategies that can help you do this.


Part 1 of 3: Take a break

  1. Take a break for a few hours. After realizing you've messed up an important thing, don't act rashly. Your emotions will rise. The mind is in a race. Heart pounding. Refrain from making any important decisions or taking actions that will cause you to regret later.
    • You may feel like you need to start taking action for damage control right away, but don't rush.

  2. Find a quiet, empty place. The last thing you need is noise, excitement, and unwanted reactions. Try going into your bedroom, private office, or basement and close the door. Turn off your phone and computer. All of these will reduce the risk of acting foolishly.

  3. Focus on breathing. After you've ruined something important, you may unconsciously take deep, shallow breaths from your chest. Try to change it. Focus on breathing deeply and consciously with your diaphragm and abdomen. In fact, it looks like you are breathing with your stomach instead of your throat.
    • Focusing on deep breathing will reduce stress levels, slow heart rate, and provide more oxygen to the body.
    • People have been using this breathing method for thousands of years when practicing yoga and meditation, and science has proven that it helps to relieve stress and anxiety.

  4. Try to be focused. Don't think about the problems you caused. Let your mind stop thinking about the future consequences for your mistakes. Concentration means being attentive to the present, the things that surround you, and your body. Become aware of your own sounds, your temperature, and what you smell or feel. This will help you relax more. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Dealing with emotions

  1. Express your anger calmly. Allowing yourself to express anger by yelling, breaking, or other aggressive actions can actually make you feel more angry. Instead, try to stay calm and express your anger in a positive way.
    • Try writing about your anger in a journal or calling a friend and explaining what happened and how it made you feel.
  2. Cry if you want. Crying is a natural process that helps release stress and toxins from the body. After crying, you will feel calmer with the problem.
    • Remember that crying is not a sign of weakness but is a common psychological and biological process in humans.
  3. Laugh. Mistakes are often pretty embarrassing, and one of the best ways to deal with shame is laughing. Try to think about something funny that happened and allow yourself to laugh at it.
    • For example, if you mess with a presentation, laugh at how ridiculous things are when you can't decide whether to stand or sit.
  4. Make a list of the mistakes and try to improve the situation. Listening can be a powerful tool for overcoming anxiety. If you feel nervous about what happened, write down everything you think you did wrong. This checklist can help you deal with your feelings about the mistake and improve your situation.
    • For example, if you think you did not do well on the test, making a list of difficult questions can help you strategize better for the next test. You can also identify things you can do to limit the impact of the test on your grades, for example asking the teacher about the plus score.
  5. Try not to blame yourself. While it's important to admit you've made a mistake and learn from it, it's just as important to forgive yourself and move forward. Dealing with your emotions includes realizing that you are human too. No matter how bad things go, you need to accept that you made a mistake and that people do sometimes.
    • Many people find that repeating the same mantra is an effective way to prevent negative and annoying messages.
    • For example, he repeated many times the sentence "I'm just human, I'm trying my best, and this is all I can do."

Part 3 of 3: Going forward

  1. Understand thoroughly. Even if you make a big mistake, remember that everything is temporary. You may feel bad right now, but this emotion won't last forever. Try to constantly remind yourself that your feelings are temporary and this will help you move forward.
  2. Reach out to friends and family for help. Most people have experienced the breakdown of something important. In fact, someone you know may make even worse mistakes than you do, and this can help you understand your problem. Even if their experience is different from yours, it will help you talk, talk, and let go of your anxiety.
    • If you have trouble with a friend or relative, or if you are unhappy with their response to your problem, talk to your counselor or therapist.
  3. Apologize if needed. In some cases, your mistakes can affect others, so apologize and it's best to apologize right away. Think about whether your mistakes could hurt others. If so, be prepared to apologize to the person.
    • Try saying things like, “I'm sorry for what I did. I realize my actions affect you too and I feel bad about it. Can you forgive me? "
  4. Forgive yourself. Keeping anger in your heart won't make it easy to move forward, so you need to forgive yourself for what happened. It can be difficult to forgive yourself, but over time it will get easier.
    • Try writing yourself a letter saying you understand what happened. Imagine you are writing to yourself as a friend and be kind to yourself in the letter.
    • Repeat the phrase "I forgive myself" as you pass the day. The more you say it, the easier it will be for you to believe it.
  5. Make a new plan. You may have just broken choice X, but remember that you still have another option. Now you can explore other options, and it can be quite interesting. Make a list of new possibilities and plans. Allow yourself to dream about interesting choices that might happen on your list.
    • Planning for the future is an effective way to move forward, and it can give you more control over the situation.


  • Don't use alcohol or drugs to deal with mistakes. Drugs and alcohol won't solve your problems, they will only make things worse.