How to cool off in a hot day

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Glove and Boots | How To Cool Off On A Hot Day
Video: Glove and Boots | How To Cool Off On A Hot Day


This article will give you simple and easy tips to cool down and stay cool on a hot day. These practical suggestions can be applied indoors or outdoors, many of which do not require a power supply, and this is especially helpful when you are outdoors or when there is a power outage during the summer.


Part 1 of 4: Dress up to stay cool

  1. Wear cool clothing. Linen and cotton fabrics are suitable for hot days. Loose clothing is usually cooler than tight-fitting clothing, so choose fluffy fabrics. Do not put your shirt in your pants and button up.
  2. Covered for skin. Cotton and hemp cotton long-sleeved shirts and other natural materials work to deflect the sun's rays and protect the skin.

  3. Wear a hat. A wide-brimmed hat is essential to help protect your face and create shade on your head.
  4. Wrap a sarong for both men and women. Coordinate the sarong with a shirt, skirt, shorts and pants. You don't have to show off your legs to feel cool. For both men and women, you can feel cooler with pale colors like white, cyan, light green, light gray, etc.
  5. Keep your feet cool. Consider wearing sandals that match your outfit. You can even wear dance shoes or black and white flats. Slippers and sandals are also great. Barefoot is also cool, but be careful not to step on hot surfaces like sand. Avoid wearing boots, obviously!

  6. Apply plenty of sunscreen all day. The protective effects of this lotion only last a few hours, and this is even shorter when immersed in water. You need to reapply sunscreen regularly for the best coverage. However, don't just rely on sunscreen, you should always combine hats and long clothes and stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day. advertisement

Part 2 of 4: Cooling inside the body

  1. Drink plenty of water to replace the lost water through sweat. Then you can try a fresh fruit smoothie.
  2. Not doing much exercise. The daytime time is not suitable for exercising, playing sports or running. Save these activities for the evening, when the sun is out and the air is cooler.
    • Slow down your heart rate by taking deep breaths. This helps to soothe and cool the body.

  3. Take a shower or Take a bath cold water. Even a little spray or a splash on your face can help. You can also try a washcloth soaked in cold water and press it against your face and forehead for instant cooling. If you need full body cooling, soak a few towels to wrap around your legs, upper body, and arms.
    • Standing or sitting in the bathtub with the shower on to let the water run over you will feel much cooler.
  4. Wet body parts. This is an effective way to cool off instantly. Some suggestions include:
    • Wash your face and lie in front of the fan.
    • Soak your feet in very cold water. When your feet are cold, your body is also cooler.
    • Wet your hair with cold water every half hour.

    • Soak a washcloth in cold water, squeeze out the water, and apply it to your neck. Repeat as needed.

    • Every half hour, you can place a cold wet washcloth on your head for about 5 minutes. This will help cool the head down - and it's soothing!

    • Get in your wrists under cold running water. If the main blood vessels become cold or warm, your body is just as cold / warm.

    • Soak the bandanna towel in cool water and wrap it around your head. Wet the towel occasionally, as it dries up very quickly in hot air. You can also wet your hat.
  5. Use ice. Place the ice pack on your forehead for about 30 minutes.
    • Chew some ice cubes. This works just like drinking water, except it's colder!

    • Wrap a few ice cubes in a towel, lie down and apply on your forehead.
    • Fill a large cup with cold water and place it in the freezer. Wait until the water freezes, remove the ice cube from the cup and rub it over hot or sweaty areas.
  6. Stay indoors or in the shade when the sun is rising. If possible, avoid going outside between 11am and 3pm, as this is when the sun is most intense.
  7. Try to get used to the heat. Try to adapt to the heat without using too much fan. This will make you less dependent on electrical equipment.This will be essential in the event of a power outage during the summer. advertisement

Part 3 of 4: Stay cool indoors

  1. Open windows to catch cool breezes. Attach nets to prevent insects from entering your home if they are a nuisance.
  2. Use a fan. The fan helps to circulate the air and create a cooling effect. You can place a wet washcloth on the fan for a mini air-conditioning effect. Be sure to only place the towel outside the fan cage to avoid getting caught in the fan blades, and don't leave the room without removing the towel from the fan. advertisement

Part 4 of 4: Stay cool outdoors

  1. In Shade. Read a good book, sit still or take a nap. If you move a lot, you get hotter and hotter.
  2. Swim. If possible, choose shady waters.
  3. Play water games. There are many fun ways to keep water cool outdoors. Here are some suggestions:
    • Run around in nozzles.

    • Play water fights with siblings or friends. Playing water guns is also an effective and fun way to do it.
    • Dip the head in cold water.
    • Throwing ice bucket over head (Instagram thrashing ice challenge to raise funds for research into atrophic sclerosis)
    • Play water bubble combat with your friends.
    • To cool the kids, buy a float pool and fill it with cool water. You can also cover the umbrella above to create a shade.
    • Use faucets, sprinklers and water bottles or water guns to flood the yard. Note don't do this if you live in an area that has a water restriction order.
  4. Spray cold water on your body several times. This will help you stay cool and comfortable. advertisement


  • Wait 15-30 minutes for the sunscreen to dry before going into the pool! The sunscreen will wash off if you get into the water right after applying it.
  • Alcohol dehydrates, so don't drink too much alcohol. Instead, remember to drink plenty of water.
  • If you plan to stay indoors, cover your curtains all day to prevent outside heat from entering your room.
  • If you find the ice cube is too cold, use a cloth or towel to cover it.
  • Don't eat anything cold like ice cream if you are in the hot sun. The body has to work harder to cool cold food, so this is a detrimental advantage. Eventually, the coldness of the ice cream will end, but your body will get hotter due to the need to cool the food inside.
  • Girlfriends who have a cloth headband can dip the headband in cold water and put it on their head. It will help cool the neck, ears, and the top of the head.
  • Carry the necessary items for cooling with you. Money to buy cold drinks, cold towels, sunscreen, sunglasses and other essential accessories can all go in a men's pocket, a cute wallet or a beach bag.
  • Household electrical appliances such as televisions, computers, game consoles, etc. generate heat. So remember to turn them off when not in use.
  • Another way to cool down is to fill a bowl with excess water or flavored water, then put it in the freezer and wait until the bowl of water is slightly coagulated, then crush with a spoon and eat.
  • Another way to stay cool is to drink plenty of fluids and cold drinks, otherwise you could become dehydrated.
  • If there is a power outage, try using a battery-powered fan.
  • Cold drinks increase internal body temperature. It is best to drink room temperature water on hot days.


  • If you are sunbathing, reapply more sunscreen than usual. Water loses sunscreen.
  • Carefully read the sunscreen label. Find out the ingredients and make sure it's right for your skin type.
  • Dehydration is a dangerous condition if left untreated.
  • If you have symptoms of dehydration, stop playing or working - no matter what you're doing, stop! Relax and drink cold water. Remember to drink plenty of water all day.